Nathan Wolfgang
- PC full name: Nathan Wolfgang
- CS link: here
- Notable Events: Link will go here.
- Race: Human
- Date of Birth: 79th of Vhalar, Arc 691
CS Approval Rewards
CS Approved by: (Pig Boy)
- Skill Points
- Stealth - 5 points
- Tactics - 2 points
- Leadership - 3 points
- Knowledge
- Tactics: Starting knowledge x 3 (Pig Boy)
- Starting Renown: 15
- Other: As a deserter, Nathan Wolfgang will be potentially hunted by his former military.
Starter Quest
While laying up in Rharne, by chance someone who looks remarkably like one of Nathan's former comrades. This man begins chatting up Nathan, speaking about innocuous things. However it becomes fairly obvious that he's trying to fish around and figure out where Nathan is from.
[Note: Please dev the NPC as either an Antagonist/Regular/Brawler in the Rharne Lorebook, or else as a city npc, or a personal NPC. Whichever you prefer, if you go with this starting quest.]
(Starting quests are entirely optional, and you are not obliged to undertake them as a new player. They're only meant as a starting off point for new players.)
Link to mark approval: here
- Might of the Conquerer - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy
- Mortal Foe - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy
- Krorros Skills I - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy
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