Lorraine Eldritch

Lorraine Eldritch.jpg


  • PC full name: Lorraine Eldritch
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: here
  • Race: Human
  • Date of Birth: 13th of Cylus, Arc 697

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: Strange

  • Skill Points
    • +5 Acrobatics (SG)
    • +3 Intimidation (SG)
    • +2 Bladed: Dagger (SG)
  • Knowledge
    • Endurance: The loss of family. (SG)
    • Intimidation: Being feared by others. (SG)
    • Music: Fiddle: Basic Tuning Technique. (SG)
    • Music: Fiddle: Finger placement. (SG)
    • Acrobatics: Keep Momentum From One Move to the Next (SG)
    • (SP) Immortal: Aeva (SG)

  • Starting Renown: +10 (SG)

Starter Quest

Lorraine has been hired to perform music for a dinner between a group of wealthy merchants and mercenary company leaders. She arrives early in the evening to prepare, and finds out there will be easily 25 people attending the supper and some of them are highly respected Yari citizens. If she plays well, perhaps one of them might hire her later on.

While she sets up, however, she meets a flutist, a harpist, and a singer also hired for the dinner. They are expected to perform together, though they only just met!

Or at least, so Lorraine thinks until the singer mentions that he recognizes her. He used to be one of her fellow orphans during her time at the orphanage. In fact, he was the boy who coined the name, “The Dead Girl”, and rallied the other children to fear her when she first arrived. Now, he is a man and a singer at that. He apologizes for how he treated her back then, but also says it was just “kids being kids”.

Will Lorraine continue with the gig? Will she work well with the other musicians? Will they be able to play music together? Will she try to reconnect with the bully from the orphanage? Will she tell him off? Will she focus on impressing the wealthy guests at the supper?

If she stays through the night: at the very end, the singer approaches her again. He mentions that he found out some rumors about the wealthy merchant’s basement - about it maybe having potions and expensive alchemical ingredients that can’t be found elsewhere. The singer, and once-orphan, is also a thief! And he offers to let Lorraine in on his heist, if she’d be willing to help out.

Will she join him in this? Will she find out what is in the merchant’s basement? Will she act as a distraction for the singer to sneak into the basement? Or will she inform the merchant of the planned heist instead?

Magic and Mutations


Initiation: Lorraine was initiated at Character Creation

There are approved Necromancy Mutations


All Mutations listed at Magic Mutations Lorraine Eldritch

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