
Speed | Subtract 75% from travel time. |
Size | 12 - 13 feet long, 5 - 6 feet high, 20 Foot Wingspan, 150 - 200 pounds. |
Carrying Capacity | Can carry up to twice their weight, in addition to their regular rider. |
Mount Type | Dragonling |
Associated Dragon | Kuvarakh |
Kutzeldaur have black scales that flow together nearly camouflage pattern, making them hard to see clearly in a dark room. Their eyes are a dark red and they possess an inner eyelid that is black from the outside, but translucent from the inside, allowing them to cover their eyes to better hide in the dark while still being able to see. They have a pair of black horns on their head and are completely bipedal. They also have a rather beak-like snout.
Lifespan and Development
Kutzeldaur's have a long lifespan even by Dragonling standards, living up to a thousand years. They hatch from black eggs that appear to be dripping poison. These eggs need to be kept in a dark place during the 2-cycle incubation period, or else they will dissolve like shadows. Once hatched, the Kutzeldaur will grow to maturity in three years. During the last decade of their life, they will start to lighten and turn grey, then white in their final year. During their last year, they are very light sensitive and will constantly seek out dark areas.
Kutzeldaur are very quick and nimble, with light and thin bodies that let them slip through areas that look too small for them, especially since they can fold their wings flat against their hide. Despite that, they are deceptively strong and can prove a dangerous threat for even a heavily armored knight. Their bite, in particular, can pierce armor due to the piercing shape of their beak. Unlike their Dragon, Kutzeldaur are not naturally toxic, but they can, however, breathe out a shroud of darkness that can linger for up to a day and blocks out all sources of light within a 30 square foot area.
Kutzeldaur are shy creatures that really only bond with their riders and maybe their family, if said family is around them frequently. Unless provoked, they are not violent, but they are not great with kids or animals and will avoid them if possible. They do, however, like to spend time with their rider and will generally interrupt whatever the rider is doing if they haven't given attention recently.