Head-Wrapped-in-Scarf Man

Head Wrapped in Scarf Man Resize.jpeg

Name: Head-Wrapped-in-Scarf Man

Race: Human

DoB: 32nd of Ymiden, 689

Title: Mayor of Withersfield

Moderation Type: Mod Input

Able/Willing to Mentor?: No

Skills able/willing to Mentor in: N/A

Other Information: The history of Head-Wrapped-in-Scarf Man is unclear. He showed up in Withersfield just a few arcs after its initial settlement. He only introduced himself as Head-Wrapped-in-Scarf Man. He, initially, was met with disdain, but his highly charismatic attitude and his incredible work ethic earned him the admiration of the people of Withersfield.

Soon after he had assisted nearly every farmer in the village by teaching them a form of irrigation which allowed them to grow their produce in the harsh Yari soil, his popularity, despite his somewhat odd persona, skyrocketed. When there came time for a mayoral election, Head-Wrapped-in-Scarf Man was elected unanimously.

He currently rules over Withersfield peacefully, trading crops exclusively with The Sober in order to gain protection, which was a deal that, initially, Hitch, the leader of The Sober stuck. The way that Head-Wrapped-in-Scarf Man sees it, Hitch understood the value of a village so close to Yaralon, as well as the financial benefit of dealing in agriculture in an environment where very few agricultural societies thrive. All in all, Head-Wrapped-in-Scarf Man is a really nice guy. Just very polite.

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