Hammer Gate
The Hammer Gate, the western entrance to Yaralon, is the gate primarily used by travelers predominantly from Volanta, Cahryst, Rharne, or anything farther to the western side of the map. The Hammer Gate, much like its sisters, is a massive structure fitted into the impressive walls of Yaralon, and a welcomed sight to the sore eyes of those unlucky few who wander through the Yari wilderness for trials on end.
The Hammer Gate, named for the Temple of Aeva just beyond it within the walls of Yaralon, is an astounding feat of architecture. Not only is it an outstanding example of Yaralon's executive prowess, but also of its security. Unarmed, the gate is nearly impregnable, its heavy, uneven doors reaching upwards of seventy meters and exceeding a meter thick. Armed, the gate is a bastion in the most literal of terms. Six members minimum of the mercenary group, The Sober, stand guard tirelessly just within the Hammer Gate, as well as tax any non-citizen upon entry. All of these funds go directly to The Sober.
As well as this, The Sober are tasked with marking non-citizens who arrive at Yaralon for their first time with the silver circle. Upon entry, and after paying tax, if it is deemed that the traveler has completed The Run without any company or Yari assistance, they are taken within the gates, and permanently branded by the Jelly Plant. This silver circle grants the individual access to Yaralon itself, but those with silver circles are still taxed by the company at the gate.
The Hammer Gate, constructed somewhere around 115, has been destroyed countless times by countless forces, whether it be the forces of nature or of opposition. In an effort to fortify this gate beyond the point of potential ruin any longer, the gate was rebuilt every time with a mechanism to prevent the previous method of destruction again. It stretches too high to permit catapult or trebuchets to launch projectiles over it. It was built too sturdy for it to be rammed. It was built too heavy to be oiled and set on fire. In addition to defenses, the gate also sports a number of guard posts, each built specifically to allow Yaralon to utilize any technologies it may have developed at the time of potential attack. If a force were to invade Yaralon, it's unlikely that they would choose to approach Hammer Gate.
The Hammer Gate, open to visitors, tourists, adventure capitalists, returning citizens, immigrants and emigrants, remains open on a consistent basis, and the day that it closes is the day that the citizens of Yaralon are greeted with the promise of war.
This is a self moderated location.
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