

Name: Goblins

Fauna Type: Emean Being

Mod Status: Self Mod within Yaralon near to or within the Goblin Sanctuary. Mod Permission elsewhere. To learn any secrets or information not yet listed in this article, contact a moderator first.

Quick Facts: Completely resistant to poisons and toxins, rapid reproduction, can smell ether/sparks, Immortal Marks, and Mortalborn

Height: 2-4 feet

Width: 1-2 feet

Length: .5-1 feet

Weight: 50-100 pounds

Meta-Location Found: Extremely common within the Goblin Sanctuary, rare in the Foyer area around the fracture entrance

History: These beings were intermittently noticed throughout Yaralon's history by those that explore fractures. However, on Saun 37, 718, the Goblin Sanctuary's fracture opened up within the city. Since then, it has been one of the preferred fractures to use for those who are just beginning to explore fractures. No one has learned how to communicate with the goblins yet, nor does it seem as though any have tried. So far, the only contact any have had with the species has been one of conflict and death.

Appearance: Goblins always have a shade of skin that is green or grey, though the shades vary. They are humanoid in shape, with large, pointed ears and noses. Their eyes come in a wide range of bright colors. There doesn't seem to be much physical difference between males and females of the species beyond their reproductive organs. They have learned to craft weapons, tools, clothing, and jewelry from pieces harvested from other Emean Beings, as well as Idalosians that they manage to kill.

Habitat: They only live in the Goblin Sanctuary Fracture located in Yaralon.

Lifespan and Development: Goblins give live birth, only able to reproduce within their own species. They impregnate through sex, and are pregnant for roughly 130 trials. The child can grow to adult status and is able to reproduce itself in 2 arcs. Goblins tend to have litter births of roughly 8-10 babies at a time. Goblins, while in their fracture or other parts of Emea, have an endless lifespan. But when in Idalos, only live for 5-6 arcs before dying of old age.

Diet: Goblins are incredibly voracious, able to eat most Idalosian and Emean plants and animals. They especially enjoy the taste of people or creatures that have been touched by ether (divine or domain).

Temperament: Goblins are incredibly territorial, viewing any being that comes into their area as an extremely hostile threat. They will swarm en masse to try and overwhelm the intruders. The males are much more aggressive than the females. Females tend to run and hide at the sight of outsiders. Goblins are a warring species, tribes and villages constantly at war with one another over territory within the Goblin Sanctuary.

Abilities: Goblins are completely immune to all forms of toxins and poisons, regardless of make, design, etc.

Goblins are able to smell any use of ether (divine or domain), sparks, Immortal Marks, Mortalborn, and other such Emean touched things for several hundred yards. This smell tends to put them into a hunger frenzy, and often causes a swarm.

Goblins are able to eat any flora or fauna, regardless of its origin or make.

Additional: The heart of every goblin is a Raw Splinterstone. This is what aids their rapid reproduction and swarming behavior.

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