For My Eyes Only

A Intelligence Capstone of Woe this capstone does the following:

For My Eyes Only

Woe conducts his observations with such ease when interpreting the views and perspective of assets and agents, that he's able to interpret their findings, whether recorded, vocalized or conveyed in any way, as if he'd witnessed what they experienced himself, first-hand. This is effective to the point where his own skill in detection, appraisal, psychology and any oother skills he possesses can key into the interpretation of whatever they were witness to. This works even if the assets or agents weren't able to comprehend what they witnessed. This has a side effect of making it simpler to communicate with assets and agents when there are slight barriers to communication (such as difficult accents, coded language, etc), at least when it comes to conveying information to Woe.

This only applies to things that the assets or agents noticed themselves, however much they fail to understand or explain what they saw. He cannot notice or interpret things that they failed to notice. For example:

Agent or asset sees a painting, they have no idea that it was a Merpida original from a forgery or whatever. They just relate what they saw, in as much detail as they can personally manage within whatever time frame. Doesn't matter how sparse or crude their language. Woe will be able to interpret it as if he's seeing it himself, and thus identify the painting as a Merpida original (or a forgery) based on his own appraisal skill. If the asset or agent failed to find the stash of hidden Elina Ghost paintings hidden behind the Merpida painting, then Woe will be none the wiser to them.

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