

  • Quick Facts: Fast, friendly, herbivore
  • Height: (Nose to tail) 1-2ft
  • Width: (Wingtip to Wingtip)
  • Length: (Nose to tail)
  • Weight: 1lbs<
  • Native to: Melrath
  • Locations: Throughout Melrath, specifically in the Melrathi Mountains and the Myrkvior Forest

Appearance: Often confused as large leaves when still or falling leaves when flying. When still they are compared to manta rays, with large, thick veined leaf wings. Their body is a flat, simple oval with a thick tail that has a leaf like tip. Their most prominent feature is their long whiskers that serves to help them understand wind currents, the cutting of these whiskers renders the Fliegneds flightless.

Habitat: Throughout Melrath, the Fliegneds roost and make nests near the tops of trees or mountains with dead grasses and plants. They stay in large groups, sometimes as large as hundreds.

Lifespan and Development: Contrary to their appearance the Fliegned does not grow on a tree but has live young, with the mother being in gestation for roughly 60 trials. Born able to fly but needing to dry out the Fliegned female will fly as high as they can to birth their young, letting them drop from heights that spell death if the babies wings cannot dry out in time to fly.

Those that survive the frightening drop grow slowly, reaching full size around two arcs and sexual maturity around four. An average lived creature the Fliegned can live for nearly 20-30 arcs with the females being longer lived than the males. As they approach death the Fliegneds wings will grow thinner and brittle, like that of drying leaves until they crumble away to nothing. These dried remains are considered a great source of nutrients for the Fliegned and it is not uncommon to see them collect remains to save for their young.

Mating: Mating season for the Fliegned is always during Ymiden or Ashan and last the first seven trials of each season, with the males attracting females via their dances.

Diet: Strictly leafy greens and grasses, they can eat fruits and veggies in small quantities but too many can lead to death as they lack the ability to process them properly.

Temperament: The Fliengeds are friendly, social and simple, making them great and easy to train mounts for Tunawa.

Abilities: Speed-- Most likely due to their light stature and lack of real bones the Fliegned can reach top speeds of 200mph or more.

Uses: Mounts for Tunawa.

Credit: Octopie

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