Faldrun Marked PCs
“Let it all burn”
These are PCs who have been given Al'deurn the Blessing of the Immortal Faldrun.
- To see a full list of all Faldrun Marked PCs, click on "Subcategories" below. If the words "This category currently contains no pages or media." appear, there are currently no PCs with this mark. Please note this is just for those blessed by Faldrun. If you want to see those cursed by this Immortal, then click on Faldrun Cursed PCs
If you need further information, check the links below:
- A list of all Immortals including their Domains.
- The Immortals Primer gives further information on who the Immortals are.
- The Immortal Marks page lists all Marks and describes what they are.
Further Information
If you need further information, check the links below:
- A list of all Immortals including their Domains.
- The Immortals Primer gives further information on who the Immortals are.
- The Immortal Marks page lists all Marks and describes what they are.
There's Something Missing!
If there's something missing from your Character Wiki - then go to our Wiki Update Thread (note, this will take you back to the site) - and report it there.
Useful Links
- If you're not sure on how to use the wiki this page shows you how.
- The left-hand menu is your easy navigation tool.
- Or you can always go back to the Contents page.
- Image by Ambady Sasi from Pixabay