Escalier (or Escalate in Vahanic) is an expansion to Alistair's Metamusculature Endurance capstone, which showcases his emphasis on perfecting the durability of the body through endurance. It works by strengthening his skin and muscles much as Metamusculature has, but in a unique and uncanny way. All damaging effects Alistair experiences are delayed in effect, as he endures wounds incurred on him intensely to the point of being able to wholly withstand any non-lethal damage. Damaging attacks will, therefore, not immediately cause their full, harming effect. Rather, wounds and other damage will delay and then gradually incur their effects over time, allowing Alistair to fight normally and unflinchingly for a long duration (depending on the severity and multitude of blows dealt). This will typical delay the full detrimental effects of any attack for at least three breaks.
The drawback of this ability is that Alistair may often leave battle with so many endured wounds that he may lose consciousness or face consequences even to the point of death if too many wounds were incurred.
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