

Name: Edyn

Age: 42 - Saun 14, 677

Race: Human

Organization: None


Bio: Celine is a woman from Rynmere. She was never one of noble birth, rather, she grew up struggling in Lowtown of Andaris. Everything was hand to mouth for the woman. And when she gained her magics, her life turned around. She found ways to profit from them, in ways that weren't so readily obvious to most people. She used that money to help improve her little neighborhood in Lowtown, giving people a better life than she'd grown up with.

But when the Mantis came into power, they began to hunt the mages. Celine managed to stay hidden for a while, though it didn't last. Soon, the Mantis came for her. She was captured, tortured, and was set to be executed. Things went awry, and Celine was able to escape, and she fled Rynmere on the first ship out. She ended up in Scalvoris with a fresh hatred against Rynmere. However, following the Scalvoris Riot, Celine was captured as a foreign radical mage, and sent to Slags Deep. She had been able to slip her cuffs before she arrived and escaped. She is now a fugitive of two governments and wishes to see both crushed.

Mage Mentor Note: Celine is the Mage Mentor of Dorik, and is available in Scalvoris. If you wish to share her as a Mage Mentor, contact a Scalvoris mod.

Relationship to Dorik: orik and Celine are to meet in Egilrun, and begin a friendship under their shared hatred for government. It is innocuous enough, mostly sharing drinks and stories at the local watering hole in Egilrun. However, Celine keeps an eye on the man and his workings in Egilrun, seeing just how much he aligns with her own ideals of a world free from government. She comes forward one day with an offer. She will give him some of the greatest power in the world in the form of magic if he will help her to take down Scalvoris' government first, and later, Rynmere's. Dorik, of course, accepted.

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