
The Blessing of Celarion


Qylios' Mark, The Celarion, manifests itself as glowing bands of light encircling the Blessed's left arm, and float above it. Depending on the tier of the mark, there can be either one, three, or five rings, and for Qylios' Champions their first ring takes on the representation of a crown. The color and brightness of the bands can be adjusted by the Blessed, but can never be dimmed to be invisible and get no brighter than candlelight.


Ability Name Ability Description
Bond (Minor) The Favored can Bond with 1 other person. In doing so the Bonded individual gains a single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Favored and the Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 300 feet of the Favored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance.
Illustrious Skills I The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Bound in Battle The Favored and those Bonded with them are better able to fight together. Their tactics and movements flow almost seamlessly with little-to-no spoken communication. The Bond passes insights and slight thoughts between those Bonded while in combat together.
Brilliant Weapons (Minor) The Favored is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Favored can only generate one melee weapon at a time. To produce a weapon, the Favored must be in an area of substantial illumination (ie. Outside during the day, in a well-lit room, or at night during a full moon).
Bound Tongue (Minor) The Favored is able to understand one Fluent Language of those they have Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial.
"Hold the Line!" The Favored is able to bolster the morale of any who stand with them. The call rings out and dispels fear in the defenders, whether mundane or magical. Those affected by the shout gain a small boost in stamina and the use of a shield. The effects of this ability last for ten bits, and can only overcome magical fear effects from other Marks of the same tier or lower. Any fear effects caused by Domain Magic can be overcome as follows: Favored can overcome Magic at a Competent level or lower, Adored can overcome Expert level or lower, and Exalted can overcome Master level or lower.
Guiding Light The Favored is able to summon a free floating orb of light to brighten their surroundings. The color and intensity of the light can be controlled, though it doesn't get any brighter than daylight. The orb has no physical form and can't be touched. The light generated by the orb cannot be used by the Brilliant Weapon ability.
Radiant Mantel (Minor) Once per trial, the Blessed can call upon their inner light and shroud themselves in an aura of light. The aura draws those around the Blessed to them and holds them in awe. Those bathed in its light are more willing to listen to what the Blessed says and are willing to follow the Blessed in actions that are only slightly against their nature.
"Fall Back!" The Blessed calls for a tactical retreat. Those within earshot of the call, or if a signal is given via horn or other means, are filled with renewed vigor as they retreat. Those bonded to the Blessed move quicker and only need to be within functioning range of their Bond to take effect of this ability upon activation.


Ability Name Ability Description
Bond (Moderate) The Adored can Bond with up to 3 other people. In doing so all Bonded individuals gain the single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Adored and those Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 1000 feet of the Adored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance. Images and feeling can be willed across the Bond. The higher the sender’s Discipline, the more details can be relayed.
Illustrious Skills II The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Bound Beyond Blood The Adored can share in the Racial Bonus' of those whom they have Bonded, and share their own Racial Bonus with the Bonded. 10 points of the Adored's Racial Bonus are shared with those they have Bonded, and 10 points of each Bonded’s Racial Bonus is shared with the Adored.
Brilliant Weapons (Moderate) The Adored is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Adored can generate one melee weapon and one shield, or one ranged weapon at a time. To produce a weapon, the Adored must be in an area of decent illumination (ie. Outside during sunrise or sunset, near a campfire or other light source during the night, or in a dimly lit room).
Bound Tongues (Moderate) The Adored is able to understand and speak one Fluent Language of those they have Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial.
Lead the Charge The Adored is able to empower and bolster the morale of those who follow them. If the Adored is at the head of any group of individuals, they and any mounts they ride are less likely to flinch during a charge. The number of targets affected by the aura is equal to the Adored's Leadership skill.
Flash The Adored is able to detonate any orb created with Guiding Light, and blind anyone who is actively looking at the orb. The blindness lasts for 10 trills. The Adored can only detonate one orb per break.
Bathed in Light The Adored's wounds heal faster while in a bright area. This ability requires the Adored to meditate in an area of bright light, and focus on their body and wounds to function. The Adored's healing is dependent on their Meditation skill.
Skill Level Healing Speed
Novice ~
Competent x2
Expert x3
Master x4
Legendary x5
Radiant Mantel Once per trial, the Blessed can call upon their inner light and shroud themselves in an aura of light. The aura draws those around the Blessed to them and holds them in awe. Those bathed in its light are enrapt by what the Blessed says, and are given the courage to follow the Blessed in actions that they couldn't or wouldn't otherwise do. It also draws enemies to the Blessed and encourages them to attack.


Ability Name Ability Description
Bond (Major) The Exalted can Bond with up to 5 other people. In doing so, all Bonded individuals gain the single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Exalted and those Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 3000 feet of the Exalted. The Bond no longer dissipates beyond this distance. Images, feeling, and words can be willed across the Bond. The higher the sender’s Discipline skill, the more detailed the messages that can be relayed.
Illustrious Skills III The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Blessed Bonds The Exalted is able to share abilities with those they have Bonded. The Exalted choose one ability to pass on to an individual who has been Bonded. The unique abilities can only come from the Adored or Favored tiers, but modular abilities use the highest earned rank. If the Bonded individual also possesses a Blessing, they too may share an ability with the Exalted, following the rules stated above.
Brilliant Weapons (Major) The Exalted is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Exalted can now generate any combination of weapons at a time, but must wield the weapon as intended (ie. Greatswords require two hands). To produce a weapon, the Exalted needs only the smallest measure of light - that given off by the stars or the dying embers of a fire is enough.
Bound Tongues (Major) The Exalted is able to understand, speak, and write one Fluent Language from each of those he has Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial.
Illuminate the Dark The Exalted is able to detonate any orb created with Guiding Light and purge any illusions in a twenty foot radius. This also deals burning damage to any creature made of shadows. The Exalted can only detonate two orb a break. This ability can only purge illusions created by other marks of lower tiers, or Domain Magic lower than Master.
Radiant Mantel (Major) Once per trial, the Blessed can call upon their inner light and shroud themselves in an aura of light. All those who can see the light of the aura are drawn to listen to the Blessed. They are filled with courage and determination in whatever they do for the rest of the trial, and lingering doubts as to their purpose are washed away. Any enemy that sees the light instead has that doubt cast upon them, making them unsure of their purpose and thus their actions. The aura can also function like a beacon, drawing enemies to target the Blessed if they so choose.


Ability Name Ability Description
Bound in Life This ability is only granted to those who become Qylios' Champions, as it requires the ancient tongue to activate. The Champion is able to summon those that they have Bonded to them. The distance between the Champion and their Bonded doesn't matter. Each Bonded is given the option to answer the summon or decline it. If they decline the call, they lose the bond. If they accept, they are pulled through Emea to the location of the Champion. This ability can only be used once per arc.
Banner of the Bound This ability is only granted to those who become Qylios' Champions, as it requires the ancient tongue to activate. The Champion's banner/symbol/coat of arms radiates an aura. The aura allows all allies affected to partake in the abilities of the Celarion Mark as though they are Bonded. The aura radiates out a certain distance depending on the Champion's Leadership skill. This ability can only be used once per season.
Skill Level Distance
Novice 100ft Radius
Competent 200ft Radius
Expert 400ft Radius
Master 800ft Radius
Legendary 1600ft Radius

The Curse of Celarion

This curse manifests as a halo of shadow that encircles the afflicted's eyes. As the Curse grows the shadow darkens until at its worst it sinks into the persons skin, looking like a black tattoo that encircles their head.


Those with this cursed are forever seen as cowards and unworthy of respect. Those that gaze upon them do so without pity, and will rarely go out of their way to help them.


Those despised by Qylios are forsaken by the light. It refuses to fall on their eyes, thus blinding them to the world around them. Their eyes lose all shine and seem almost lifeless.


Only those who committed the worst sins of all are given this curse. Qylios bestows this curse on those who willfully lead those who trusted and followed them to death. Their mind is then locked in Emea, where they are forced to relive the same tragedy they lead their followers into time and time again.

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