Arrow Slap

A Combat Capstone of Kasoria this capstone does the following:

Arrow Slap Kasoria is strong as an ox, fast as a snake, and tough as teak, but its his freakish reflexes that allow him to put all those together and pull of some truly frightening feats of swordsmanship. One such trick is the ability to literally smash a projectile out of the air before it reaches him. Whether it be an arrow, crossbow bolt, or throwing knife of ax, if Kasoria can see it coming towards him and has a blade large enough to ward it off, he can. In the space of a blink, his arm will jerk up and bat the thing away, or in some cases use the flat of the blade to block it. If he can judge where to swing, he can judge where to hold it for a block, after all. More importantly, he can do this consistently, so long as he'd not being fired on by more than two enemies (he's fast, but he's only got two arms). But as already mentioned, this is best utilized with an actual sword, rather than a dagger. Anything fired closer than twenty feet is also problematic, since even Kasoria's reflexes need at least a trill to be able to react. Finally, he must have the freedom of movement to swing the sword, or move it to block, so being fired upon in a narrow space means this capstone will be almost useless (though of he were stupid enough to be caught in such a quandary, Kasoria probably think he'd deserve it).

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