Brinesap Rot

Brine sap.jpg

Quick Facts

A mushroom that only grows in salt licks and other areas with brackish salty water, it climbs across the trunks of trees and cliffs growing vertically over surfaces it encounters. The Brinesap garners it's name from the salty yellow sap that oozes from it coding it in a veil of thick protective slime hardening it against hostile environments and making it unappealing for most creatures to snack on. It's favorite thing to grow on is rotting wood that's been permeated by salt like driftwood or mangrove trees making it relatively easy to transplant if one understands the plants needs.


A fungus of sickly greens and yellows with occasional flecks of deep purples in older instances of the fungus. it's easy to locate by it's rotting fish like smell and easy to identify by the mucus yellow slime that coats them.



Hazard / Toxicity

Touching the slime with your bear hands with cause mild irritation due to it's mild acidity and high salt content making it especially irritating should it inter a wound.


The Slime can be harvested and used as a strong preservative though it's acidic nature causes it to slowly destroy whatever it's preserving. However a reasonably able alchemist with knowledge of acids and bases could likely refine it.


It's a very slimy, very salty fungus, with a flavor not unlike fermented anchovies. A large quantity would likely make anyone sick if they could stomach the snot like texture. It coule likely be dried into some srot of seasoning for the bold however....

Other things of note

One of its strongest characteristics is it's strong rotting fish like smell that it passes onto anything it comes into contact with, it can take up to a couple trials if one got enough on them

