70th Trial of Zi’da, Arc 717
Much preparation had been made to ensuring this arc’s Winter Mist Festival would be another spectacular event. After the ordeal at the Royal Wedding had escalated what was to be a wonderful time to extreme proportions, the citizens of Rynmere could only grimace at the royal court, wondering when the next assassination attempt would be the last.Vhalar had been spent with a number of investigations being conducted, mostly of Tristan Venora and his family line. Of the rumors that spread, a number of them suggested that the Venora attempted to strike His Majesty, but was blocked and apprehended by the Ouroboro Guards present at the event. However, Tristan still walked free and handled his Duchy as he was tasked to do, which caused much suspicion to arise as to who exactly attacked Cassander.
Further investigation turned up a letter at Tristan’s place of residence, detailing his escape plans to the east after the King had been proclaimed dead. Although his signature appeared to be his own, the words written on the letter did not. This trial was by far the longest of all conducted as many experts in written craft, as well as eyewitnesses at the event, gave their testimonies.
Shortly before the season change, Tristan was relieved of all charges, though the search for his doppleganger continued on. Needless to say, his relationship with the people of Rynmere, as well as the King, was on rocky footing. With the trial his cousins and uncle were made to endure, one that slandered the name Venora, it was hard to find anything good to say about the line.
It was now Zi’da and with the winter season now upon them, so too was the Winter Mist Festival. A festival that would be so grandiose, it would distract the minds of the nobles and commoners, at least for the evening.
All the nobles of the regions were sent fancy invitations with the King’s seal meshed in wax upon the parchment. Such an affair didn’t require his attention, but the attention insisted that all who were able to come, do so with their best attire. It was a masquerade after all, held within the royal ballroom(as it was the only place big enough).
Dusting atop the Endor and Gawyne Mountains was spotted nearly a trial ago, thus, the pathways were swept of snow, decorations were hung, candles were lit, tables were set with finely crafted chairs to accompany them, food was requested, wine imported, music guaranteed… It was really more than should have been necessary, but it would be a pleasant evening, no matter what.
Rumors suggested that Her Majesty played a large part in planning for the event and even told of several priests from the Monastery accompanying her to orphanages to hand out invitations to the caretakers and children. Commoners were invited too, mostly by proclamation in the city squares.
Thus, the hour came upon the 19th break of the day, when a soft flurry of snow fell on the pathways leading up to the Palace, did the carriages begin to arrive from all over the Kingdom. Pine trees leading up to the Palace were decorated with red and white ribbon while colorful candles lit the way to the enormous, decorative doors. They were lined with pine trimming, decorated golden ornaments, blue flowers, white ribbons, and other festive things. Guards stood outside, holding the doors open and patted those that entered down.
When finally past the entrance, one could see magnificent decor lining the halls leading towards the Royal Ballroom. A loud voice could be heard declaring those that entered to the patrons around, giving life to each face attached to their name. Then, by way of servant or their escort, one would be escorted into the room and explained the individual events for the evening.
If one was feeling adventurous, there was a scavenger hunt that would begin within the hour. To participate, one would only need to ask a royal servant to which they would produce parchment with a single line of text: “The impossible, the unattainable, the color of the sea with a bite that could make you bleed.”
For those wishing for a more relaxed evening, the royal palace provided entertainment in ways of music and art. In one corner of the ballroom, there were several master painters already working away on canvases with their subjects lined against a backdrop of yellow fabric. Should one wish to have their portrait done, they could simply request one from these skilled artisans and have one produced within 20 bits.
As for the food, rows upon rows of luxurious tables were spaced throughout the expertly lit room, lovely smelling meats, fruits, and desserts filled from end to end. Wine was carried out on silver platters as well as decanters full of Venora’s best.
The King and Queen had yet to make an appearance, but that would be soon to come, surely.