• Out of Character • [Ivorian] Zi'da 717 Roster

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[Ivorian] Zi'da 717 Roster

Ivorian Empire Roster for Zi'da 717.
All persons passing through each city must sign the seasonal census at the gates of Yithiral, Ethelanum and Cathirus. Lacking walls or gates to enter, Talonir scouts monitor the city's outer perimeter and enforce the census on an individual basis. Documentation of all visitors and residents is taken incredibly seriously. The census is intended to be as extensive as possible and visitors are sternly instructed to include as much information about themselves and their intentions as possible. All census information is kept as official records in the offices of the Senate, either the Imperial Headquarters in Yithiral or the connecting Ambassador Halls in each city.

Failure to complete these forms in full or lacking vital information may reflect poorly in future investigations and allegations placed on said persons. Refusal to comply is treated as a serious offence.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Code: Select all

[center][font size=150][b]Yithiral Zi'da 717 Official Census[/b][/font][/center]

[b]PC Name:[/b]
[b]Race & Gender:[/b] 
[b]City, Town or Village:[/b]
[b]Purpose of Visit:[/b] 
[b]Wishes to Thread:[/b] 
[b]Refuses to Thread:[/b] 
[b]If possible, briefly explain your past activities in the Empire:[/b]
[b]Additional Comments:[/b] 
word count: 218
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Zi'da 717 Roster

Yithiral Zi'da 717 Official Census
PC Name:Xeris
Race & Gender: Human, Male
City, Town or Village:Yithiral
Purpose of Visit:Returning PC.
Wishes to Thread:Anything
Refuses to Thread:N/a
If possible, briefly explain your past activities in the Empire:Doing soldier things, and making attempts to become a standard bearer.
Additional Comments: Hello there! If anyone appears in the area let me know!
word count: 70
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[Ivorian] Zi'da 717 Roster

Yithiral Zi'da 717 Official Census
PC Name: Emu'ra
Age: 20
Race & Gender: Sev'ryn
Profession: Travelling Explorer
City, Town or Village: Ethelanum
Purpose of Visit: To explore the various untouched cave systems on the island
Wishes to Thread: Adventures, exploration and interactions
Refuses to Thread: ---
If possible, briefly explain your past activities in the Empire: This is the first time that Emu'ra has visited the empire. She has mainly been walking around in the city, stopping by shops, and looking at job boards for extra income. She has also explored the outskirts of the city for a bit before entering and hunted a few small animals for food. Right now she resides in her tent just outside of the populated area and visits local taverns and inns to eavesdrop on any hints of possible treasure exploration opportunities.
Additional Comments: Hello, I hope to meet anyone who is around these parts!
word count: 153
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