Harbour Songs

121st of Vhalar 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Harbour Songs

121st Vhalar, 717
"I'm glad the pot's not a complete write off." Vega lifted her head from where she was packing warm orange sand, stored in bags, along the sides of their tent. He was sorting through the equipment because they had agreed that they were going to stay put here. There were a number of reasons for that, not least the fact that Scalvoris seemed to be entirely still full of things to explore, stories to learn and tell. Also, in truth, the cold weather of this season had taken them both a little by surprise. It was snow storms and blizzards and even the natives were settling down for a long, hard winter.

Vega focused on putting the small bags of the sand along where the fabric of the tent joined, because that was where the bitter cold winds of the season blew in. Once she'd done that, she was going to start laying the thick tarpaulin she had, and which was stored in their things, over the top of the tent. Another layer to keep out that wind. Pleased with her work on the inside of the tent and with the bags of orange sand firmly placed, she moved over to the cart they had, stopping to have a chat with Peg and Storm, the horses. Then, she got her tarpaulin and, having made sure that the tent was well constructed, put up well and wouldn't be bothered, structurally, by the additional weight, she started pulling the tarp over it. "Gimme a hand, would you?" Getting the balance of the tarp just right was important, and she needed to make sure that she wasn't creating a wind trap so it was imperative that she got it just right. It was much easier with two pairs of hands and between them, they got it sorted. It took a lot of stones, laid at where it met the ground, holding it in place and then Vega could attach it with the pegs that came with it, making sure that it was entirely secure.

"Thanks," she glanced up at him then and as her gaze fell onto him and she saw the way that he was looking at her, her eyes darkened and without even realising she was doing it, her hand moved to take hold of his, moving to meet him as he was moving to her. "I jus' wanna make sure that we're all warm. Though that there chicken peg leg seems to 'elp." She shook her head, then and grinned at him. "Why don't you ever tell me to shurrup?" As she asked that, she pulled herself close to him, closing the last few inches between them until they were pressed against each other and she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. Her face was bruised and swollen, still, but it didn't hurt any more and as she kissed him, it certainly didn't stop the fierce passion with which she did so. "You should, you know," she mumbled, her lips against his. "Damnit," her hands were in his hair, then moving to his chest, seeking the buttons of his shirt, "but why do you have to talk so much?" Her eyes were a deep, solid indigo with vivid rings of gold around them; a colour combination he had probably started to be able to interpret very well.

"Arlo," Vega's voice was ragged, shaking with the fierce intensity which she felt in everything to do with him and she considered, wildly, that somehow that was the most she'd ever said in just one word. Rational thought, though, was fleeing from her and she wasn't fighting to keep hold of it, choosing instead to go with the moment.


There was, or there might seem to be, something about Vega's immediate family and their timing. Walking into the camp there was her cousin, Reese. Now, Vega had told Arlo that her cousin had got off worse in the fight they'd had, but one glance at him would make very clear that Vega had most certainly beaten the living daylights out of him. However, his face was a very calm, very false expression of neutrality. "I am sorry to disturb you," he said. Arlo could undoubtedly feel the tension in her at the sight of him, her body expressing the emotions she felt much better than she ever could if she had to vocalise them. Standing next to him was his twin, Shon. It was Shon who spoke, though, not Reese. Shon seemed, if anything, slightly embarrassed.

"Wot are you doin' 'ere?" Vega asked, not stepping away from Arlo, her arm around him tightening, in fact. "Whatever it is, I don't wanna 'ear it." Shon spoke then, his voice soft and almost placatory. "Uncle has asked that Reese come to apologise. What he said to you was unacceptable and that is why we are here."

Vega looked incredulously at Shon, the usually calm and placid peacemaker among them. His words were not a surprise to her. "It is for the good of the family, Eva. Uncle has..." He didn't get to finish, Vega turned to him with fury in her expression. "You don't get to call me that. That's what Papa calls me. Remember, you three used to say that it was my biqaj name an' he was the only one who thought I was one? You remember that, Shon? Cos I do, so you can take it an' shove it where the sun don't shine, you don't get to call me that."

Shon breathed in and out, slowly, Reese glared. Shon put a hand on his brother's arm and then he spoke to them both, Vega and Arlo. "Please, may we come into your camp and discuss what happened?" Vega was wound as tight as a spring but she shrugged and glanced at Arlo, checking if he was alright with it.
word count: 1013

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Harbour Songs

"No, not at all," Arlo had quipped when Vega mentioned the state of his cooking pot. "It's like starting over with a brand new one." Something about his tone of voice, though he didn't intend it, sounded a little too cheerful, as if brand new pot wasn't necessarily his preference. He crouched there, getting things organized for the coming season of darkness and bitter cold while she did the same, and considered whether or not it was worth the risk of saying more. He opted to throw caution to the wind, as diplomatically as possible. "The thing with a cast iron pan or pot though is that it takes a long time, a lot of use to get seasoned properly. Arcs really. The more its used, the better it is."

But if someone was to scrub it too much, or Immortals forbid use any sort of cleaning agent to do it, he explained, all that time and effort invested was gone to the wind. Next time she was faced with a similar problem, burned on food or the like and she needed to scrub it, just a little salt, a good rag and some warm water ought to do it. And a fine layer of good cooking oil smoothed on, after she was done. That was by the by though and he got up to help her with the tent. "This ought to keep the worst of it out," he said, referring to the newly anchored edges and the strategically placed bags of warm sand. "I was thinking that since we spend so much time inside during the darkest, coldest part of winter, we might consider stitching the two tents together to make one? More room to move around when we're awake," Arlo suggested. To work, read or eat. They could as easily purchase a tent made for two, but he figured that combining the ones they had might create even more space than that.

When Vega slipped into his arms though, Arlo forgot all of it. The tents, the cooking pot, what was still left to do to get ready for consistently freezing temperatures. She had a real knack, more so lately, for causing him to be forgetful. "So shut up then," he whispered with a grin, their noses nearly touching and he cut her words off with a kiss. He wanted more of course, they were young, healthy and possessed an abundance of the usual impulses. It was a wonder they got anything else done at all.

But again, her family had perfectly terrible timing. Arlo was starting to wonder if they did it on purpose. Clearly her cousin had gotten the worst of their last exchange, just like Vega had told him he had. But it didn't stop her from tensing up, and didn't cause Arlo to stop wanting to confront him not with words but with fists flying. The only thing that stopped him, just then before her cousin could get a word out, was knowing it would upset Vega if he did. They had plenty to say, and so did Vega. Arlo, not to much. He hardly felt it worth responding to when it hadn't been their idea to come. Or to apologize.

He didn't leave Vega's side, but fixed them with an unimpressed look. "An apology compelled is hardly an apology at all." Meaning, that for him, if the apology came because her father had required it, or because of a need to maintain family unity, no matter the cost to Vega at least, then it wasn't sincere, therefore it was only words. When Vega glanced at him, Arlo looked back and shrugged. It was truly up to her, whether she wanted them there or not. And he'd do his best to behave himself. He wouldn't start anything, at the least. If she wanted? Then he'd gesture towards a log and a stump near the fire. Though even as a devotee of Cassion compelled by faith to be a good host to others, the most they'd be offered was a cup of tea to chase off the worst of the cold.
word count: 708
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The tone of his voice told her more than his words did. He was too cheery, too fake and Vega glanced over at him whilst he spoke, then she lowered her head to look back down at what she was doing. "So, by tryin' to clean yer pot, I've busted it? I'm so sorry, Arlo." She winced when he said that she shouldn't have used cleaning agents on it and was quick to promise that she would never use that caustic soda stuff again.

Putting the two tents together made sense. Thinking about it, she could imagine how they might do that to maximize the space they had. Vega glanced at him as she wondered if he was clear what he was suggesting. It would mean they had no spare tent, nowhere else to be except together."If you wanna, we can," she grinned and teased him. "But yer givin' up yer escape tent, then. What if I get difficult?"

'So shut up, then', he whispered and he stole her words with a kiss which left her reeling. When he did that, when his hands were around her, on her, Vega couldn't think straight, diagonally or at all. Her hands were already seeking to divest him of his shirt her movements urgent as she hungrily sought to feel his skin against hers. Frankly at that point Vega wasn't sure that they'd make it to the tent. But then, it wouldn't be a first for that particular scenario, either.

Except, of course, her cousins turned up. Immortals but she hated them both right now. She was more than prepared to just throw them out, and then she glanced at Arlo. Vega knew that, as much as he'd go with what she wanted, it was his religion to offer hospitality to those who came to them. Besides, it was best for her father, too, if they sorted it out. So she sighed and gave the best she could which was a silent acceptance. They took it, sitting down. Shon accepted the tea, but Reese did not. He didn't speak, simply shook his head and did not look at Arlo. He was, without doubt, a seething ball of fury. He hadn't been, coming here, but the sight of the two of them together like that was too much for him.

"I understand your point," Shon said to Arlo with a tone which spoke of trying to placate. Vega remained close to Arlo, telling herself that it was so she could calm him if he got upset or started to punch someone. He gestured to the two of them, "You know what happened to your father, he and your mother were disowned." Reese spat on the ground just at the moment that Shon said 'your mother' and Vega stood up, suddenly shaking in fury. Shon moved to stop her from jumping at Reese, aiming to put himself between them. Vega held herself back in some feat of immense discipline. "I'm gonna assume that was jus' badly timed, Reese, cos I'm bored of poundin' on yer face." Her voice was once again shaking, but this time it was not with desire. She carefully, slowly, sat back down and reached her hand out for Arlo's. It was important for him that they were hospitable, she reminded herself furiously as Shon moved back to next to his brother. "Arlo, I'm sorry, but I can't be 'ospitable to this dweeb. I can't." Vega spoke, quietly and softly to Arlo and, misreading what she was doing, Reese seemed to snap, suddenly talking like he could hold on to his words no more.

"Jo'qan he has not seen this. A half breed whore, flinging herself at a human like a bitch in heat." Shon looked horrified and put his hand on Reese's arm, obviously trying to calm him. Reese pushed him off, sending Shon off the seat and sprawling onto the floor as he stood, obviously ready to reconvene the fight. "If you have children, will you tell them the lies you were told? Will you pretend that they are biqaj? You disgrace your family and with a human!" He spat again and, next to him, Arlo could undoubtedly feel that Vega was already starting to move. If he or Shon didn't stop her, she was going to kill Reese this time. Assuming, of course, that it got to that point.
word count: 757

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Harbour Songs

What if she got difficult? Arlo had shrugged and didn't miss a beat, hardly looked up from his work. "I'm counting on it," he quipped. "Might as well. Besides, if I was to start becoming forgetful in the more regular way that some old people do, it's a guarantee that I'll never forget you. The ginger that gets difficult, I'll say to myself," he teased her. "That's Vega, and she ruined my best cooking pot." There were countless other reasons that he could never forget her, even was he to live to a ripe old age and not be able to recall even his own face in the mirror. But she knew that already, and he'd only bumped her shoulder to let her know he was teasing.

But then of course she'd gone and reminded him of just another of many reasons why he'd never be able to forget. In fact, her proximity to him, and him to her made it impossible. But then her damned cousins turned up uninvited and ruined it all. Vega might assume as much, but Arlo didn't invite them to have a seat, and he didn't serve them tea necessarily because Cassion demanded he be a good and welcoming host. He did it, mostly, because of a sense of not wanting to be the cause of more tension between Vega and her family. It would make her unhappy, and if she wasn't happy then neither was he.

His good cheer, what shred there was of it, only lasted the time it took to offer Reese a mug of tea, and for the man to not only refuse it but fail to even acknowledgment. "Oh, that's right," he muttered from behind a false veil of being gracious. Vega would probably recognize the signs. "Forgive my forgetfulness and my lack of manners. A yukky human has gone and touched this one." Not surprisingly, when Shon opened his mouth and from Arlo's perspective made matters worse, he wasn't having it. "So, what you're saying, is that neither of you have come to apologize. Not him, and not you. You've just come to make threats. Is that what Vega's father meant when he asked you to come make peace?" He knew better already, it wasn't why Joq'an had sent them.

What really got his back up though, and good, was when Reese turned his head and spat. On the ground outdoors, sure. But their camp was their home. He might as well have done it in somebody's fancy parlor after being invited for tea and pastries. One didn't spit, not in anyone's home. But according to his mother, only crude, ignorant trolls did it at all. Funny the things Arlo remembered. But she'd made sure of it by twisting his ear, but hard, the single time he'd done it. And never again.

It wasn't what got him to his feet though. That was Vega. She was wound as tight as a spring next to him and he wasn't sure what she'd do. She said what she said and he didn't try to stop her. But for the rest? He'd rather not start something, and cause more problems for her and her family. But he'd be damned if he wouldn't finish it, should the opportunity arise. And the opportunity at least presented itself when Reese couldn't keep quiet. He took hold of Vega's arm, gently but hoping to stop her leaping in. "Hold my hat," Arlo said quietly and pulled the thing from his head. Cassion as a rule didn't like violence. If it came to needing to rearrange someone else's face, he'd rather do it not wearing the Immortal's own hat. "And watch my back," he whispered. Shon, he meant.

Turned out that Arlo was coiled up pretty tight himself. But while he'd take rudeness and crude manners and any number of insults to himself, the Biqaj went a league too far when he lashed out at Vega and called her names like that. He put himself between them and Vega and fixed Reese with a hard look, though he was watching Shon from the corner of his eye. "How does it feel, being beat to a bloody pulp by a girl?" He knew there was a chance he and Vega would have words about that comment later. Hopefully she'd recognize the spirit by which it was uttered.

He'd still prefer that none of this resulted in blows being traded. It would upset Vega, upset her father. But Arlo wasn't shy about engaging should it come to that. "I'll tell you exactly what will happen if we were to have children. They'll grow up knowing who they are, where they've come from and be proud of it. They'll know the strongest mother than any child ever could, they'll know they're loved and they'll have better manners than if they'd been raised with a pack of hyenas. Not even animals go to war against their own like that, just for the sake of it." Ants were the exception, as he understood it. But they were insects and that wasn't the point anyway. "You're not welcome here. Neither of you," he said. "This is our home, mine and Vega's. You weren't invited and won't be. Leave. Don't come back here again."
word count: 943
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When he'd teased her, she'd guffawed with laughter and given him a companionable thump. Ginger, indeed. When he kissed her, she held on to him and allowed herself to just go with the desire, the emotion and the physical need for him. It was their way, more and more; it always had been in a way. They teased, they tormented and they were obnoxious to each other. Yet, they were a partnership and had been since they first met. The boundaries had changed, that was all. Now, there was a whole new dimension which had an intensity Vega was woefully unprepared for. But she was happy to explore it quite extensively.

Until her bloody cousins turned up. Their timing was bad, there was no doubting. However, that notwithstanding, they simply weren't welcome here. Not here where they had their lives, where they called home. If it was down to her, she'd send them packing right now but she knew that it would be difficult for Arlo because of his worship (or she believed she knew that) and besides, her father would want this conversation to happen she was sure and so she said nothing, just letting them in. However, when Reese refused the tea, Vega looked at Arlo and sighed, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Arlo. " She did need to apologise for him, he was her cousin and his behaviour reflected on her.

Except, of course, as far as both of them were concerned, it was how her behaviour reflected on them that was the issue. The spitting, the cursing and the insults were too much for Vega and she was already starting to move when she felt a gentle hand on her arm and Arlo spoke to her. She knew, from his tone when discussing the tea, just how wound up he was and yet he just handed her his hat. Vega took it, and she looked at him with a wash of colours swirling in her eyes. "I will," she whispered. Watch his back? That she could do.

Then, of course, Reese let out his string of insults and Arlo put himself between her and them. He'd better be protecting them from her, she thought and then he asked about being beaten by a girl and she had to bite back the 'hey!' that was her immediate reaction. She'd thump him later, she thought grimly but there was no mirth to be had. Although it had to be said that Vega was rather surprised at Arlo's response to Reese's question; why were they talking about children? However, she had no time to consider the strangeness that was this conversation. But she had to admit, Arlo's way of dealing with them was marvellous and she felt so proud she wanted to let out a whooping cheer for him. He was wonderful and clear and just... wonderful.

Reese, however, seemed to disagree. "You want me to leave? Make me, coward," he sneered and he stood, then stepped forward. There was no doubting his intentions as his fists raised and he moved in to punch Arlo square in the face. In that same moment, Shon moved. He skirted around and past Arlo to get to Vega. He didn't have far to travel, in fairness, she was moving to him. He seemed fully inclined to ensure that she did not intercede, and she was entirely of the same opinion that he would not. He moved to restrain her, to stop her from interfering, but Vega wasn't going to be restrained and she kicked him, hard, in the shin. So, as Reese attempted to punch in Arlo's face, Arlo got to hear a yip of pain and surprise from Shon, whose immediate reaction was to hit out at what had hurt him. It was a reflex, born of the unexpected explosion of pain in his leg. Whether by virtue of a lucky blow or because she was already injured, he knocked Vega to the floor where she landed in a heap and there, for the moment, she stayed.
word count: 695

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Harbour Songs

Coward? Under ordinary circumstances, that would have been enough for Arlo to imagine turning the man's face inside out. These weren't ordinary circumstances though and the harm done to Vega by her cousin's insults, made those directed at him feel like nothing more than an annoyance. He merely shrugged then and uttered, "Try me." Seemed like Reese would do just that.

Arlo's experience with brawling, face to face, hand to hand wasn't all that extensive. But there were other things he was much better at, acrobatic maneuvers for instance, and those combined had served him well before and might just again. Flexibility was his friend. The tact he chose might not be as effective against a seasoned and sensible fighter. Reese didn't strike him as seasoned or calculating, but more impulsive. Arlo might hold his own, fist to fist, but he'd much rather send Vega's cousin home humiliated with his ego thrashed, than bloody and bruised.

Besides, it served all of them better, especially Vega and her father, to let the other man strike the first blow. Sort of. So when Reese rushed him, Arlo merely timed the charge and dipped out of the way at the last trill in order to send the man's fist sailing past his ear and let the momentum of the charge carry him stumbling past. He hadn't anticipated though that Shon would lash out at Vega and for an instant, he paused. That was all it took for Reese to right himself, had his first maneuver actually worked, and come at him again. He got in a lucky shot then, one that might leave Arlo with a black eye the next trial.

On the other hand, the sight of Vega crumpled on the ground doubled down on Arlo's plan to humiliate Reese. And maybe Shon while he was at it. The lucky blow had cause him to stumble backwards but for the next few trills he'd duck, weave, bend and dance round his opponent in an effort to frustrate him. A target that wouldn't stand still, in effect, maybe convincing him temporarily that he might have been right about the cowardly bit. But in truth, Arlo knew that the more he avoided the blows, the more frustrated and enraged Reese would become. Therefore more careless and impulsive in the process.

And during the process he ended up next to the fire, taunting his opponent until Reese might charge again. And then grinning, he reached out a foot and nudged the kettle there so that it tipped into the fire and created a large plume of steam between them. Just enough of a hazy curtain to temporarily daze his opponent. Arlo took full advantage of it, and put his weight behind a blow that hopefully would send Reese down in a heap. And if he was lucky. One single blow, in retaliation for the black eye, would end it and send the man home humiliated. Twice, considering the thrashing that Vega had given him just several trials earlier.
word count: 523
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Arlo was right - the ducking and weaving wound Reese right up and he let out a roar of rage and triumph as his fist connected with Arlo's face. However, Arlo maintained and Reese just got more and more frustrated; the more Arlo avoided his blows, the more Reese over compensated and over reached, his movements growing increasingly wild. It was the taunting look on Arlo's face that did it and Reese charged at him just as Arlo kicked the coals of the fire and knocked the kettle over. Steam shot up between them and Reese let out a yell of frustration and pain mixed together. It worked, beautifully, and as Arlo punched him he did, indeed, land sprawled on his bottom. Just the look on his face was enough to tell Arlo - the fight was over, Reese was beaten without a doubt. It was clarified, though, when he lifted his hands up and just backed off, as much as he could.

Shon, meanwhile, was behaving in a perhaps unexpected way, for Arlo at least. He had dropped to his knees and was checking Vega, concern on his face. He didn't really pay attention to the fight between the two others in the camp, he was focused on her, but when, presumably, Arlo turned his attention there, Shon looked up at him with a worried expression. "I just... I was trying to stop her from jumping in there, with you two. She's hurt enough. By U'frek, I didn't mean to hurt her, but she's got such a temper when it goes and then, there was this pain. I didn't expect it, I just hit out, it was reaction, I didn't think." He turned his attention back to his unconscious cousin and spoke again. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Reese made a strange spluttering noise from the sideline. "You're apologising? To him? You.. I can't believe you.." Shon looked up at Reese and snapped at him. "Be quiet, Reese. You have shamed yourself and us. She's hurt and this is our fault."

"Arlo?" Vega said with a slight slurring to her speech. "Tell 'em to stop shoutin?" She was pale, but her eyes were focused on him fine. "Who 'urt you? Never mind, I'm gonna kill 'em both." She wasn't joking in the slightest as she sat up, albeit swaying as she did.

"I don't care that she's hurt she's nothing but a.." Except Reese got no further. Shon was up and standing, staring at him furiously, which caused his brother to shut up. "My sincere apologies, to you both." Shon seemed genuine in his apology and it was at least shutting his twin up. Vega looked at Arlo and her hand moved to his face, red from the punch he'd taken. She smiled slightly, somewhat shakily, and she said, plain and clear as the trial. "I'm gonna kill 'em. 'elp me up?"

Shon looked at Arlo, "I think it might be best if we leave?" It was a genuine question, and he'd do what the young human wanted, much to his brother's chagrin.
word count: 542

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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By Arlo's calculations, all was going according to plan. Or not exactly, maybe, since he hadn't planned on letting Reese land anything resembling a solid blow. More like a glancing one. But whichever it was, he'd have a shiner before the trial was through. On the bright side though, it meant he could rightfully claim that Reese started it by striking him. Never mind Arlo had goaded and taunted him into it. That would never be the way he told it.

He'd struck back though a little harder than he'd meant to. It was seeing Vega crumpled on the ground that had done it. He'd have bruised knuckles probably to go along with the shiner. He wasn't done though. There could be just one reason that Vega was done. The other cousin had done it and when Arlo turned on him, fists still raised, he very early resorted to giving him a good sucker punch. He would have probably, if he hadn't been so worried about Vega.

"Get away from her," he shot back when Shon attempted to apologize, and Arlo dropped to Vega's side, looking worriedly over her. And when Reese apparently didn't know when to say uncle and mean it, Arlo turned on him. "You haven't had enough yet? You want to go again?" He was fine, just fine he told Vega. "Don't you worry about me, and do go trying to get up either." The way her eyes looked, her wobbling, her words that sounded like they were chasing a whole bottle of cheap wine, it worried him and Arlo figured that any experience he had with medicine, wasn't nearly enough.

It was better that they leave, and never come back, Arlo agreed. But before they did, Shon could start hitching up that brown mare to the cart. In the meantime, he turned back to Vega. "You're not gonna kill anyone, and I'm taking you to a healer for a look. And don't bother arguing with me," he warned her as he scooped her up to put her in the back of his cart. "This one's a fight you're not goin' to win." If Shon couldn't figure out the harness, no matter, Arlo could finish up that task with his eyes shut tight. And whether Vega liked it or not, they were heading off to find a healer. She'd only be coming back to camp after one saw her and told him it was alright.
word count: 435
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Profession: Tankbard
Renown: 315
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




RP Medals



Harbour Songs

Thread Rewards
Ah, the struggle. This was such a great, emotional thread with feels and fists. As if a tempestuous relationship isn't quite enough, someone's gotta have some friggin' racist family. Biqaj. Meh. Ahem. You two care for each other, though, rough and tumble as it all is.



15 | These points cannot be used for magic.




Injuries + Overstepping

Bruising and cuts and scrapes. All will be healed in a few trials.


Skill Knowledge:
Discipline: Not responding to insults with your fists
Discipline: Considering someone else before you act
Endurance: Brief bouts of unconsciousness
Endurance: Trying to ignore a minor concussion
Fieldcraft: Orange sand for warmth
Fieldcraft: Use bags of sand to exclude drafts
Fieldcraft: A tarp over a tent can add warmth
Fieldcraft: Ensuring that there are no gaps in tent construction to avoid wind traps
Unarmed combat: Kick to the shin

Other Knowledge:


15 | These points cannot be used for magic.




Injuries + Overstepping

One black eye, facial bruising, and bruised knuckles. Overall, everything will be completely healed in a little less than a ten-trial.


Skill Knowledge:
Cooking: Seasoning a cast iron pot
Endurance: Letting him get one good punch in
Fieldcraft: Using bags of sand to prevent drafts
Fieldcraft: Maximizing space
Strength: Carrying another person
Unarmed combat: Duck and weave
Unarmed combat: Time your punch
Unarmed combat: Use the environment
Unarmed combat: Distraction tactics

Other Knowledge:
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don’t forget go back to your review post here and drop this image in!


Code: Select all

word count: 291
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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