• Solo • I Never Axe'd For This Life

Qit'ria builds a stone axe from scratch

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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I Never Axe'd For This Life

Vhalar 62nd 717
"Common Speech"
"Xanthean Speech"

Qit'ria awoke quickly, hearing the first of the songbirds beginning to start their daily calling to find a mate. She silently slipped from her bedroll, every action as quiet as possible was becoming automatic to the woman. The birds were loud, raucous. That was a good sign. Birds were always a good warning sign for larger predators being nearby, for they often got quiet or flew away all together. She dressed in her loin cloth and blouse, grabbed her strap of javelins and shortsword, suiting up. The woman did not tire, for this far from civilization, from the annoyances of people, she found peace. She slept well, even with trying to keep an ever listening ear for dangers.

Slipping out from her tent, she dipped down low beneath the thorny blackberry bush. She very much intentionally had chosen this spot for her temporary shelter. No longer would she be in the open, no longer would her guard be down. She grabbed her cloak, and pulled it over her shoulders, pulling up the hood as she laid down flat against the dirt and she crawled down through the small gap below the bush. She shuffled forward like the damn badger that haunted her hunts from time to time.

Once at the edge of the bush, she looked out over the clearing. Her eyes first drifted to where she'd hidden her pull cart, containing much of her less essential gear, gear that she would move out once she built a permanent home. The branch she'd tied down over the cart still hid it quite well. She made the decision to use this clearing still, even after being stumbled upon by that man in black. Once her permanent home was set up, away from here, she'd establish a decoy camp here. One that if people came looking for her, would find this, and assume it to be hers, or abandoned by another. Keep them away from her true camp.

She scanned the entire clearing, looking for any significant changes. There weren't any, and it seemed safe, as small birds and a few squirrels were foraging in the area. Qit eased herself out into the grass like a large snake until she was free of the blackberry bush's barbs. Rising up into a crouch, she could see some of the more observant birds were staring at her now, but the squirrels had paid no mind. Soon, she hoped, she'd be able to sneak up on a squirrel and grab it by the tail. Her mother would do that often for her as a child, much to Qit's amusement. Many a breakfast was started that way.

Qit was on the south side of the clearing, and she stuck to the tree line, heading westward for her first tripwire. Coming up on it, this was the one she'd rigged just with nels. For the most part it was still good, though it had begun to sag a bit. Following the ends, she saw that one of the saplings she'd strung it to had begun to lean from the pull of the string. Qit freed the little sapling, apologizing to it silently, and led the line to another, more sturdy tree. She then left to check her southern and eastern lines, staying within the trees, never walking within the clearing proper, every step she took to avoid the debris, careful and deliberate, all of which was coming much more naturally to the woman. Both of these lines were still in good condition, so Qit looped around northward, making her way toward the river.

WC: (596/596)

Created by Yolande
word count: 619
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I Never Axe'd For This Life

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"Xanthean Speech"

Qit looked out over the river, seeing how shallow and rocky it was. Further east it seemed to grow deeper, probably as it lowered in elevation and grew closer to the coast. This was perfect for what she needed today. She needed to begin building upon her hut, but she needed a few tools. And she refused to go into town to buy them. No. People were the cause of everything bad in this world. She'd build her own tools. And the first tool she'd need would be an axe. Chopping wood would be essentially for building a sturdy hut, and she'd begun thinking up some new protective traps. Her decoy camp would be safe from her traps, but she fully intended to make a killing field around her real home once it was built.

But first things first. She needed to craft her axe head. And if she wanted it to be strong, dense, she needed to cut it down from a much larger rock. And to do that, she'd need a striking rock, the easier of the two to find. Qit grabbed a low hanging branch, and slid her way down the crumbly embankment, squelching into the mud below. Qit found it surprisingly gritty and sandy. Maybe from all these rocks strewn about. The water was colder, probably a good warning for the upcoming winter.

Qit moved carefully through the edges of the water, ensuring to not go further out into the open air. After dealing with that dragonbird, she needed to be mindful of flying predators. At least until she could throw her javelin true enough to take one down. Then she might welcome them. Especially the one that belonged to that man and his wolf. Qit'ria bare feet gripped the rocks well, keeping her posture spread for better balance. She ignored the porous rocks, pock marked with holes. They would be brittle and shatter just during the shaping process. Every rock she found, she returned to where she'd found it, being mindful to take care of her new home.

Eventually she found it, dense, just a bit bigger than her hand. It had a nice smooth face which she'd use for shaping, to knap down the edge for the axehead. Moving closer to the banks, she sought out the bigger slab rocks. She needed one with perpendicular edges. Mama had always called them original stones. All smaller stones came from being broken off of these ones. Original stones were stronger, denser, ideal for crafting.

There it was. She could see it further up the bank, jutting out from the muddy bank. It was perfect. Sloshing her way over to it, Qit knelt down in the water next to it, wiping away the moss and other scum that had built upon, flinging the muck into the water. Her fingers moved all over the surface, her eyes following, seeking out cracks. Finding none, she picked a corner, and set her hammer rock against the upper edge. Raising her stone filled hand up a short ways, no more than a foot, smashed it down at the edge. Flakes and flat slabs of rock fell away, falling into the small pool there with her. None were big enough for her.

So she struck at the stone again. And again. A few splintered away, biting into her fingers. Qit made sure to shut her eyes at the moment of striking, the last thing she needed was to blind herself. The air was filled with the sounds of stone against stone as Qit'ria knapped away, until finally, with a loud splash, a chunk of the right size came free. She picked it up and set the flat side down atop the original stone. Taking her hammer stone, she used much smaller strikes to begin tapering down one of the edges. Small, careful strikes, tiny chips flaking away. The entire process of locating, breaking it down, and shaping it took nearly two breaks.

Qit sat back in the cool water, staring at the axe head that sat upon the walk, cooling her stinging hands in the water. She smiled. This was already going well.

WC: (698/1294)
Created by Yolande
word count: 709
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I Never Axe'd For This Life

"Common Speech"
"Xanthean Speech"

Qit'ria cupped her hands and poured water over the original rock, a few times. It was time to polish up the axe head. Once enough water was upon the surface to her satisfaction, she took the axe head in both hands, and laid one side atop the original stone. She then began rubbing it back and forth slowly, leaning into it, pushing it and dragging it back against the slick surface. She was slow, purposeful, seeing the little grains fall away. Every so often she dipped her axe head into the waters, and poured more onto the surface.

Back and forth, slowly, her stomach grumbling loudly in annoyance, Qit polished her axe head. Her brow was sweaty and her arms and back were getting sore from the repetitive motions. After nearly two more breaks of polishing the main portions of the axe head, she reached into the water and grabbed a smaller, smooth stone. She set the axe head down and poured water over it. Then with light, little taps, she polished down the cutting edge. She was paranoid that she would break it, so many a times she struck too weakly for any effect. This took another full break before she was finally happy with her axe head.

Picking it up, she left her hammer stone with the source rock, and the huntress slipped back up the embankment and made her way back to her clearing. She approached her hidden pull cart, and set her axehead inside. She pulled some of her rations from within, and slipped down behind the wheel, leaning against it, to rest, relax a bit, and eat the dried meat. Next she had to fashion the rest of the axe, which, hopefully would be easier. Ripping off a chunk of the meat with her teeth, she smiled. This was so much better than arguing with a store keep about the price of a metal axe. Much more satisfying.

WC: (323/1617)

Created by Yolande
word count: 334
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I Never Axe'd For This Life



You're an icon for self-sufficient living, Qit. Fuck the city life. Fuck civlization. Shit wherever you want, that's where the good life is. I've got nothing much to say save that it was a solid solo, strongly detailed, and oh god you're gonna make the whole axe bit by bit.


XP: 10/10 (Cannot be used for Magic)


+1 Stone axe head


Skill Knowledge:
Field Craft: Using river rocks as hammer
Field Craft: Use brushes to provide cover for your tent
Field Craft: Original Stones can be found closer to the river's edge
Field Craft: Avoid porous stones if you need strength
Field Craft: Crafting a Stone Axe head from scratch
Stealth: Small wild life acting normally likely means the area is safe
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