Hey there players, welcome to Rynmere's OOC thread! Feel free to post about whatever comes to mind, whether its regarding your characters, plots within the city, questions, comments on events, or other things. Just please remember to follow ST's ToU and keep any drama within the stories or directed to an advocate! Other than that, have fun!
I'm glad that you all are going to take over. As you mentioned, Rynmere has been stagnating recently - to the point that I wasn't sure if I could or wanted to continue this character. I won't pitch a fit, I also won't post a drama filled rant (I dislike drama!). Instead I want to offer you my support. I'm among the people who have been RPing in Rynmere the longest, so if you have a question about any aspect of it, feel free to send me a PM. I can also write up entries for the bounty board or the community notices thread if there's a need for it.
I only have one question. There were two very important events taking place in Saun - the trial against Willow and Kaleb Venora and the royal wedding. Will they be continued or not?
We definitely appreciate the offer of help, and will certainly let you know if we will take you up on that.
As for the threads, they absolutely will be continued. I will be taking over the Trial thread specifically, and we will discuss among us who will take the Wedding. Thank you for your offer and concern.
An announcement will be made but Mural has had some personal things arise in RL that prevents him from moderating this city any longer. Due to this, I will be attempting to juggle the city along with two developers: Plague and Djinn.
City Updates:
I'm going to be honest with you all at this point, as this is both my virtue and my flaw. Rynmere needs updating. This is an obvious fact that can't be ignored. We are having issues with the noble lines now because there is no way to shuffle retired PCs out of the slots that they've filled. On top of this, there are many aspects of the lore that either lack in explanation, don't have anything connected to it, or it contradicts something somewhere else in the lore. Things need to be fixed.
The last time we tried doing this, everyone pretty much pitched a fit about it--- some worse than others. This caused development to shut down and moderators to drop off like flies because of the drama that then ensued.
We will be making the necessary changes to Rynmere, to keep it active and plots moving. Right now it's at a stalemate. We will not be making changes that will retcon any of your threads. These changes will be made to support the plots of Rynmere so that you all can get moving with your characters. To top this off, you all will be informed as to what has changed and why.
If you have any concerns, feel free to PM me. However, if you want to post drama filled rants, I can tell you right now, I'm not putting up with it. Sorry to be so blunt, but no staff member wants to handle this city because of how much drama there is trying to moderate it. That will no longer be the case. I will make sure of this.
Anywho, I don't want to leave off on some kind of aggressive note, but please trust me when I say that this city is in capable hands and you all will like what is to come. For now, there will be minimal updating to the seasonal calendar and bounty board, as to keep plots running. Sorry this isn't what you all would like to hear right now but it's all I've got.
I'm glad that you all are going to take over. As you mentioned, Rynmere has been stagnating recently - to the point that I wasn't sure if I could or wanted to continue this character. I won't pitch a fit, I also won't post a drama filled rant (I dislike drama!). Instead I want to offer you my support. I'm among the people who have been RPing in Rynmere the longest, so if you have a question about any aspect of it, feel free to send me a PM. I can also write up entries for the bounty board or the community notices thread if there's a need for it.
I only have one question. There were two very important events taking place in Saun - the trial against Willow and Kaleb Venora and the royal wedding. Will they be continued or not?
Hey there Tristan,
First and foremost, I want to apologize to you and everyone else who plays here who has had to go through the roundabout of mods since the original creator of Rynmere left. One thing I dislike when in comes to Standing Trials is unnecessary stagnation (my mods can confirm this!) and Rynmere has experienced this due to a lot of things that most of the players here are aware of. Most of all, I'm sorry you've felt the need to retire Tristan because you haven't felt like you could do much with him. Tristan's activity, along with many other characters in this city, make RPing here fun and unique. So if there is something I can do to solve this (by stepping up to the plate of this massive city), then that's what I'm going to do to ensure you and everyone else still have a place to play your characters as far as you can play them.
Thank you for the offer of assistance! I am always open to suggestions, or adding player made bounties/odd jobs/events/etc to the calendars or anything else. If it makes my job easier at the end of the day, I'm open to it!
Long time, no Andráska. I'm popping in to tell you guys I have been lurking but with a distinct lack of inspiration or direction for my PC, had to take a bit of a writing hiatus with him. I'm back and will be using the next couple days I contact you all about plots we might have been in and how best to proceed. Time to rock and roll.
Oh, great Andy I was going to say the same thing. Now I will always be known as "that guy" who came after Andy
Anyway, hello people! I'm returning to Rynmere and want to be as active as I possibly can with my favorite character, Daliane. I'm up for any plots and if there's anything I can do to help, my friendly mods, I'm up for it!
I wanted to take a moment to offer my sincere apologies to the players in Rynmere.
As you may or may not know, I very briefly moderated the region as Mural, but as Jade said, RL stuff came up.
While I was hard pressed for time in the last month or so, it's also a matter of discipline. Whereas some people can bring themselves to sit down and just do the work, even if they don't feel like doing it, I really have a much harder time with that. It's not a nice trait to have, and I'm trying to overcome it, but it's an ongoing struggle.
I have a much better understanding of just how much work and effort is going into this site behind the scenes. Frankly, it's baffling, and it's very fortunate that staff consists of much more disciplined people than me.
I would understand if some players here were dissapointed by my lackluster performance in the brief period I moderated. You're not wrong, and I apologize for not being more on top of things. It's never nice to let people down. I'm sorry I couldn't revitalize Rynmere as much as I would have liked. I hope to keep writing with you all on here, though I do not expect my activity to pick up significantly in the coming weeks, and find other ways of contributing back to the site.
Thanks everyone for having been very patient and understanding, I hope you'll be able to accept my apology.
Hey all the people who are here and people who are returning and people who are just throwing something new into the mix like myself. Let's write some things together! Please and thank you.
Caius is in Andaris at Rynmere University as a noble student, printmaker, and nerd, but I'm a sucker for memory threads. Don't be afraid to ask.