• Closed • The Real World.

17th of Saun 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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The Real World.

17th of Saun, 717.

Nir'wei was quite sure that nobody he knew would really enjoy waking up on a little bedroll, inside a tiny one-person tent in the middle of a largely-unknown forest a good distance away from the nearest city. He did, though. It felt so good, waking up and staring at the translucent fabric stretched overhead between two narrow tree-trunks, that he could cry. His campsite was small. Stones ringed a small fire he'd built last night with small dry sticks layered over thick, oily leaves to keep it on a long, slow burn. All of his belongings still rested in a thick pair of saddlebags resting inches away from his head. The trees here were packed so tightly together that he couldn't find enough room for his tent, small as it was, so he'd improvised and nailed the struts to the neighbouring trees at about chest-height instead, stretching the fabric at a slant in case it rained over the night. It wasn't a particularly large camp, nor was it well put-together, even from Nir'weis inexperienced eye, but it'd been so long since he'd last done this, it really didn't matter.

He'd boarded up all the spaces between the trees with a combination of thick-barked branches knitted together by intertwining their leaves and smaller branches into an arguably crude and flimsy structure, but it at least hid most of his camp and gave a notion of camouflage. The widest gap he'd left unhindered, mostly because he couldn't find enough materials to cover it up and he didn't want to snap branches off the neighbouring trees and disrupt the natural cover provided by the forest, and it was through here that he climbed out of the little nest he'd made for himself.

Malice sat off to the immediate left, a spare blanket draped over his flanks for warmth. Jasper had a hollow log that Nir'wei had picked up and dragged from nearby; the insides were thickly covered in moss to provide a very comfortable bed, although as he crawled out from inside with a sleepy yawn, Nir'wei was rather dismayed to find that he'd taken most of the moss with him, and it now clung to his smooth fur in thick patches. Greyhide, of course, had his own little construct that the Sev'ryn had spent a break or so making, alongside building the camouflage for his campsite. Smaller branches had been knitted together into a wall that rested against a thicker branch sticking out near the bottom of one of the more sturdy tree trunks surrounding his campsite, making a little shaded area where Nir'wei had folded another one of his spare blankets and left as the wolf's sleeping area; however, it looked like he'd gone hunting a little early, since the bed was empty.

It didn't matter; Greyhide could more than take care of himself. While Jasper shook off much of the sticky moss and curled up to groom himself, and while Malice snored loud enough to wake the entire forest, he spent time searching through the small collection of sticks he'd gathered on his way through the woods. Discarding those that showed significant flaws like knobs, bends and uneven surfaces and refining those that didn't, he made small cuts down the bottom of each new arrow-shaft and bored small chunks away from the top to give it little hooks where he could tie the new metal heads to with excess thin string from his pack. The metal heads he could re-use time after time; though sometimes they became dull and he didn't have the tools at hand to sharpen them, it wasn't an outright necessity to have razor-sharp arrow-heads when all he was really using them for was to take down small- and medium-sized game. In the case of smaller animals, stunning was just as good as killing, if not more so. Sharp arrows puncturing small prey just tore them to shreds, and he didn't like picking up his prey one piece at a time.

"Four," he grumbled to himself. Four arrows added to what he already had, it'd have to do. He didn't have good aim, but he had plenty of time... and in the long run, that counted more. As he gathered his short-bow and fixed the new arrows into his quiver, he patted Malice's flank, making the horse wake with a start and a snort. "Look after the place while I'm gone, alright?" If the horse ever understood a word he said, he'd eat his own shoes. "Guard. Stand. Ahh, forget it."

He set off at a slow trot, bow in-hand, leather bracer folded over his right shirt arm and a glove over his left hand. "Let's see if we can't find some meat, eh?" He missed eating food that he'd caught and killed himself. Nothing else ever felt as... well, satisfying. Even if he was a terrible cook, even if he didn't know anything about spices, or flavours, or textures or any of the other things he'd heard Faith speak of in the brief moments that they'd ever talked about food; nothing was made by him, from what he hunted, from what he killed. The gratification that came from the knowledge that he could look after himself and survive in a world of predators that wanted to kill and prey that didn't want to be killed... that went beyond simple taste-buds.

Surprisingly nearby to his camp, following what he believed to be a trail of some undetermined animal, he heard a low growl. Immediately he drew an arrow from his hip-mounted quiver, knocked it, drew it back and scanned the nearby trees, crouched down so that he nearly rested on one knee. The woods here were sparse, with nary a few trees covering most of a thin veil of foliage. He should have seen anything big enough to growl like that from thirty feet or more. Loosening his bow but with the arrow still nocked, he stalked forward quietly, ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

The growl sounded again; this time, prepared for it, he followed it back to the origin. From behind a small cluster of ferns, a grey-furred wolf stood with heckles raised and teeth bared. "... Greyhide?" But if that was Greyhide, who was the red-haired woman standing before him? "Wait, who're you?"
word count: 1111
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Vega Dweeb
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The Real World.

Vega was hunting. It was a stormingly hot trial and she was starting to think that Scalvoris was actually just a place where people came to die. Her long red hair was tied back and she was wearing a light dress. She'd been following this strange creature for a while now, stalking it's tracks and ensuring that she was catching up to it, as much as she could. Quietly the huntress moved through the undergrowth, resisting the urge to grumble the whole time. She was quiet and getting better at hunting, so she was pleased that Arlo and she had set up camp somewhere where they could both, together and individually, practice their skill.

She was closing in on the thing, whatever the Immortals they called it, when she heard a low snarling noise. Vega turned and resisted the urge to curse. She'd been so bloody intent on tracking this thing that she hadn't spotted the... oh, of course, the grey and snarly wolf that was right there. Good work, Vega, she internally whispered to herself.

"Alright, 'old yer horses," her eyes were a swimming change of colour, indicating her biqaj heritage. Currently a dark burnt orange with flecks of black and silver. "It's a'righ't, look, I'm just... " She was doing her best soothing voice as she slowly, oh so slowly moved her bow around. But, she had to admit, the fact that the wolf was just standing there and growling seemed a little odd to her.

Then, from behind the wolf came a figure. A scruffy looking chap with long dark hair. "You two know each other?" Vega asked as the man called the wolf Greyhide. "My name's Vega, got a camp a little way away. Jus' doin' a spot of huntin', not tryin' to Alpha my way anywhere." She glanced at him. "How 'bout you then? Who're you?" She gave a half smile, ready to skewer him and his wolf if he turned out to be a gnarly sort, but hoping that he was a friendly type, instead.

Live in hope, and all that, she considered. Come on, Xiur, she thought to herself. Come on, that's got to be your catchphrase, though, don't it? "Nice to meet you, by the way." She added with another half smile. "I'd offer to shake, but.. you know."
word count: 399

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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The Real World.

A grin spread over his face and he nudged Greyhide with the side of his calf. "What, afraid of this big bloody pup?" he laughed. "He's harmless, don't worry about it. You just, err, you kinda stumbled rather close to our camp. We're set up just a few minutes walk away, with the others." It was a bit worrying, really - he could disguise his camps as best as possible but he didn't have anything in terms of forward scouts or any other protection from someone sneaking a little too close to his temporary homes, short of Greyhide sniffing them out from a distance... and even then, most of the time that just led to everyone finding him even faster, what with a large wolf greeting them at the door. What he really wanted was a pack. Greyhide probably wouldn't mind being an alpha of something a little more significant than a playful otter and a moody horse, besides.

Noticing that Greyhide still hadn't come off the offensive, he took a step forward. "Oh, and you might want to lower the bow." Speaking of which, he quickly stuffed his arrow back into its quiver and slung the bow back into its leather case. No hunting to be done for now. "A lot of people tend to mistake him for a wild wolf and... well, he's not particularly fond of bows anymore." He chuckled softly as Greyhide snorted and turned tail, stalking off back towards the camp. "He really is a softie at heart," he muttered when the wolf was out of earshot. "He's trained well, but honestly, even before that he'd have never hurt a fly, the bloody thing."

That was enough talking about the wolf, though. Now that his eyes no longer needed to look in two different directions he could actually focus on this new person - Vega, she called herself. "Name's Nir'wei." He held out a hand for shaking and stared her right in the eyes, then nearly took it back as he noticed the colours... swirling? "... Well now." Surprising, he knew, but he'd never met a Biqaj before. All had heard of them, of course. They certainly looked human enough, no constant smell of seawater, no webbed feet. He almost felt a little disappointed that the rumours about them weren't true. Those eyes, though. It matched her hair. Positively unnatural.

"Nice to meet you. Sorry for scaring you, but... if you're hunting around these parts, mind if I tag along? I'll be quiet, I promise." Honestly, it might have been better if he'd kept Greyhide around instead of letting him wander off again. His services could be put to good use right around now. "Although, don't rely on me too much. It pains me to admit it, but I'm absolutely terrible with this thing," he chuckled, hefting the leather-cased bow. "Most of the time I just have it on my person so it at least feels like I'm doing something useful. Greyhide's normally the one that spearheads the hunting, as it were. I'm just the one who cooks up what he catches, and makes a bed for us every night."
word count: 544
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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The Real World.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn' mean to intrude," Vega was quick to apologise for unwittingly encroaching on his camp. That was followed by a "oh, of course. Yeah." She lowered the bow, slid the arrow back in the quiver and gave a slight and slightly lopsided grin. "I'm not very good with it, anyhow. But in fairness, he didn' know that an' it probably weren't worth the risk." She shook his hand and grinned. "It's nice to meet ya, Nir'wei. Nir'wei. That sounds Sev'ryn?" He looked at her and seemed rather surprised at her eyes. Vega grinned, but there was something slightly more than just humour in that grin; there was a level of self-depreciation, too.

"Biqaj father, sev'ryn mother." She motioned to herself when she said it and her smile was rueful. "Got my eyes from my father. Thought I got my hair from mother, since my father raised me on board an' I'd never seen a sev'ryn. I went to Desnind to find out about my sev'ryn 'alf a few seasons ago an', yeah. Found out I don't look a lot like them, neither."

When he said about going hunting together, though, Vega beamed. "That'd be great. And, hey, maybe we can practice. Have you seen any flunnies? Apparently, they're bunnies with ears that are so big they let them fly? I mean, so I've been told." She motioned off in the direction of deeper into the foliage and was happy to move with him. It would become quickly apparent that she was a good huntress, she knew her stuff and knew it well. When they came across some rabbits, she was far less impressive with the bow. Not bad, but certainly no better than competent and, when the targets were moving (as rabbits were wont to do), she missed half the time, which caused her to tense and then, of course, her aim got worse again.
word count: 335

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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The Real World.

It was rather a shame she admitted she wasn't very good with the bow she easily slung back; he was hardly any good with his own, and any opportunity to watch a better hunter go about their work was as close to any form of teaching on the subject he was ever going to get. "Don't worry about it," he said quickly as he waved off her apologies. "It's my fault for immediately assuming hostilities, heh." Well, Greyhide's fault really, but since he was trained under Nir'wei, all fault immediately passed to him. No matter how free-thinking the barely-leashed wolf could be at times. "Just don't get too many passing through here, which was why I picked the spot. Thought we had it pretty decently covered and out of sight, but you practically walked straight over us."

Pausing in his explanation, a sheepish grin spread his face. "Desnind born and raised," he admitted. A surprise to hear that she at least shared part of his blood. "Yeah, it never even occurred to me." He looked over her in a new light, but it still wasn't all that obvious. The eyes were a bit too distracting. Hair wasn't a normal giveaway when it came to their kind either. "Well, pleasure to meet you all the same. Always good to meet someone from home, even if they're not really from there." He didn't want to ask, but a pang of curiosity suddenly rung out. Did she have enough Sev'ryn heritage in her to accept the Bond?

"Nope," he quickly said, taking off at a moderate pace at her side. He wasn't kidding when he admitted that Greyhide often did most of the hunting. Vega at least had the basics down. Nir'weis feet seemed to find every thin branch, he wasn't very good at reading the signs of the forest floor and when they finally did come across some meagre rabbits, his skills with a bow were pretty lacklustre, with his best shots bouncing off to either side of the bounding rabbits but none of them actually hitting. "Sorry," he said again as he helped pick up a solitary rabbit, skewered with Vega's arrow and still twitching in its death throes. "Guess I should stick to building camps over hunting."

He couldn't entirely blame himself. It'd been a long time since he'd last gone hunting, given the conditions he'd been put under, but already nearly half a season had passed and his skills showed very little improvement. He combed his fingers through his hair and toyed with the knot at the back.

He'd be soon proved wrong, however. What he lacked for personal skill when it came to wielding a bow, there was a certain charm in the simple thrill of the hunt - with Greyhide at his side acting as a complimentary force, an interesting and rather unexpected dynamic rose from the strangest of alliances. Greyhide and Nir'wei became the trackers, chasing down their prey and methodically scoping out the best angles - while Vega dealt killing blows with her bow with a frankly horrifying accuracy. Though there was nothing of note to say of their adventure, he certainly couldn't fault the red-haired woman's skill and tactics - but surprising above all, her easy willingness to cooperate with a complete stranger. Others had a tendency to undervalue his skills based on nothing more than his inability to outperform them in every way, but it was gratifying to find at least one that valued him for his own contributions. While they didn't walk away with much in terms of prey, Nir'wei found himself finally closing up the day with a smile on his face - and when he looked over at the red-head, he found that she did, too.
word count: 651
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Re: The Real World.


Experience: 15 xp for Nir'wei

Knowledge: none

Renown: none

Skill Usage: Nir'wei used several skills imo, fieldcraft, hunting, maybe some social skills. Please always list your skills being used. The only thread where you're not required to list your skills used are non lucid dreams. :x

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none

Comments: It's a shame this thread was cut short, but I suppose that happens. The description of the campsite was very well-detailed and I had no trouble painting a picture of the scene. I enjoy how you use your animals/npcs to add interest to scenes.

However, I'm very disappointed that Vega didn't give Nir'wei a Veganame.

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 132
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