8th of Saun, Arc 717
Victor Warrick.
I met with him today. Strong brown hair, masculine face, soldierly frame; his body comes from a thick set and if not for recent endeavors into the bottle, his musculature would be described as nigh perfection to many. He carries a deep voice, broad shoulders and a strong composition; the way he stands is impressive to say the least, inspirational to be entirely honest. Yet within him stands a commitment to alcoholism developing from years of abstaining in such temptations.
Is the coming end to his military career the herald of this new and darkly fixation? Is he fearful of his recent emergence as the first-in-line of Warrick, a title he never expected to bear? Is he traumatized by the death of his brother? I don't know. Our meeting was... brief. I need to meet with him more - learn his mannerisms, his personality, the very fluctuations of his voice from that... baritone chamber of his.
He's a compelling man, to be sure. Additionally however, a threat to my longevity in Warrick's politics. I'll be reaching out to Wren Warrick tomorrow to prepare an engagement with Olivia, to be solidified this season. As such, I cannot dispose of Victor in an accident or anything that would likely compel others to imagine he was assassinated, particularly by the ones who would benefit from it the most - myself, Wren and Olivia.
He will need to be disenfranchised. For this, I have a clever process in mind, and it is why as of current I study his mannerisms, voice, appearance and procedure.
Done. His pen flicked across the paper one final stroke, and afterwards, he threw the parchment into the fire. His thoughts were properly organized - utilizing the Transformer's Toolbox of Sesser, he would take on the appearance, voice and personality of Victor once he'd further mastered it. The aim was to isolate him from the politics of his region, forcing him into a downtrodden position at the bottom of the Duchy's scale. What did this accomplish? His removal from the inheritance, placing it to Wren Warrick, Olivia's mother.
If Alistair could not secure his own Duchy, he had a great ally in Warrick, and the modest farmer's house was far from prepared for the political scheming of their neighbor Duchy. Alistair's rise would be swift, but only if he fought in earnest.
Victor Warrick.
I met with him today. Strong brown hair, masculine face, soldierly frame; his body comes from a thick set and if not for recent endeavors into the bottle, his musculature would be described as nigh perfection to many. He carries a deep voice, broad shoulders and a strong composition; the way he stands is impressive to say the least, inspirational to be entirely honest. Yet within him stands a commitment to alcoholism developing from years of abstaining in such temptations.
Is the coming end to his military career the herald of this new and darkly fixation? Is he fearful of his recent emergence as the first-in-line of Warrick, a title he never expected to bear? Is he traumatized by the death of his brother? I don't know. Our meeting was... brief. I need to meet with him more - learn his mannerisms, his personality, the very fluctuations of his voice from that... baritone chamber of his.
He's a compelling man, to be sure. Additionally however, a threat to my longevity in Warrick's politics. I'll be reaching out to Wren Warrick tomorrow to prepare an engagement with Olivia, to be solidified this season. As such, I cannot dispose of Victor in an accident or anything that would likely compel others to imagine he was assassinated, particularly by the ones who would benefit from it the most - myself, Wren and Olivia.
He will need to be disenfranchised. For this, I have a clever process in mind, and it is why as of current I study his mannerisms, voice, appearance and procedure.
Done. His pen flicked across the paper one final stroke, and afterwards, he threw the parchment into the fire. His thoughts were properly organized - utilizing the Transformer's Toolbox of Sesser, he would take on the appearance, voice and personality of Victor once he'd further mastered it. The aim was to isolate him from the politics of his region, forcing him into a downtrodden position at the bottom of the Duchy's scale. What did this accomplish? His removal from the inheritance, placing it to Wren Warrick, Olivia's mother.
If Alistair could not secure his own Duchy, he had a great ally in Warrick, and the modest farmer's house was far from prepared for the political scheming of their neighbor Duchy. Alistair's rise would be swift, but only if he fought in earnest.