• Closed • Ashes to Ashes

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
Posts: 334
Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 3:27 am
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Ashes to Ashes

Ymiden 11, Arc 717

From a dream Vakhanor awoke, encased in fire. In a dream the light had came to him and shown him the faces of the dead that had haunted him for the past fifteen arcs. Just as he was born in this city, he was sure to die in it just like his mother had. 'Give in Vakhanor,' the voice in his head enticed him to allow the flames to take control 'don't fight your instinct.'

Erupting from his skin like a Volcano, his blackened fiery veins burst from beneath the skin and he screamed in agony, then laughed. Madness overcame him and the fire that he had so long fought against, became his greatest ally.

Yes... come.

Vakhanor stared into the flame, a large smile lighting up the colour in his life worn eyes as he looked into the face of all he people he loved. Death in its finality was too greater temptation and the call of fire consumed him, coaxing him further and further into its warm light. Finally the flames had come to guide him to the place where he was meant to be.

Everywhere the fire burned around him, everywhere its fierce flame encased the thatched walls of Hilda's home and the children screamed. "Vakh!" Hilda screamed, frantically carrying a pale of water in her hands to quench the fire from his body. "You can never take it away from me!" the smith snapped, slamming the door in her face "...the fire is all I have now." Shaking, he lifted both hands in front of his face and watched it char the skin, the blackened crisp of the surface slowly peeling away into flesh "set me free."

Before long the smoke became too much and the strength of his muscles fell limp against the burnt wooden door, smoke filled his lungs and his body could no longer circulate properly. His heart stopped.

He died.
word count: 324

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