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Bounty # 1 Jewel Thief

92nd of Ashan 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher

92nd of Ashan, 717, Evening
In Scalvoris Town

Vince roamed the streets of Scalvoris town with the thought of earning some coin the easy way, surely capturing a silly thief or two wouldn't be too hard especially if they aren't known for violence. It was probably just some kid roaming around and sneaking into empty houses while their owners were out at the bar getting their faces covered in the delicacy of liquors and spirits. "Hmmm, now if I were trying to make a quick nel..." He thought to himself for a moment. "...oh right. I am. Haha." He let his thoughts swirl around in his head while his flame like hues scouted out the streets, his tour of the town a few trials ago had helped him to map out the city mentally as well as to scout out plenty of places to hide and sneak off too should he need it which helped out doubly in terms of catching this thief, the only thing that mattered now was luck and timing.

His thoughts flashed back to the trial before, his stomach grumbling for food as he felt towards his satchel of coins that was almost unfathomably light. The bounty board was a welcome sight to him when he nearly smashed face first into it, almost as if yelling at him to look. At the time he had given it a quick glance and barely thought anything of it, not wanting to risk his life for small sums of money, but an easy job popped into his field of vision moments before he stepped away. The man quickly took the notice and went on to hunt for the mysterious person leading him to where he was now... A dark dank alley filled with a foul odor and a lone Lotharo looking to earn his next meal.
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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher

"Ugh...how hard is it to find this guy...." Leon groaned in annoyance. He trudged his way down the gravely road, his feet crunching into the dark terrain. Just a little while ago, he spotted his eye on the bounty board and saw something that he's heard talk of around town. A jewel thief. Hearing rumors of this guy, he knew this man wouldn't be of any trouble. It seemed he was just in it for the loot and no ones gotten hurt...yet. But, after he decided to search for him, he realized he spent a few breaks and he still couldn't find a trace of this guy!

And that's when he noticed the strange man in the trench coat. Leon eyed him suspiciously, then saw him walk into a dark shady alley way. The boy grinned sheepishly. "...Bingo." Stuffing his hand into his dirty brown cloak, he unsheathed his gladius. The gold trims and the shining steel glistened at the suns beams of light. Leon quietly dashed over, poking his head around the corner. Seeing as he was distracted doing who knows what, Leon dashed out from his hiding place and ran at him with the blade by his side. "I got you now, Jewel Thief!!! Hragh!" Leon swung the sword swiftly towards the right, aiming right at his torso. If he couldn't manage to dodge, it'd only leave a gash in his flesh. Leon wasn't meaning to kill who he thought was the thief, only to disable him to make an easy capture.
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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher

Vince had been minding his own business, the night had mostly been filled with him setting up small tripwires and traps that would allow him to chase his prey into stumbling over themselves so it was meticulous and altogether seemed to be a waste of time. "Hah.... Maybe I should have done some more research... Two trials really isn't enough time to gather info but..." His stomach growled quietly, the need for food finally setting in. "Ugh. As if this night couldn't get any worse." He knew better than to jinx himself and mentally kicked his own ass before imagining some fine food and drink filling his belly.

As his thoughts turned to food and drink he heard a rustling behind him, excitedly he turned around only to see a man rushing towards him with a blade aiming for his midsection while shouting out about the thief. Vince seemed a bit perplexed, startled and scared as the man charged him in a boorish manner. "Holy crap what no! I'm looking for the thief myself you numbskull!" His body reflexively moved away from the blade that sailed towards his stomach, not wanting any new war scars from some kid flailing around and playing make believe. The cloaked child seemed like he was going after this bounty but barely looked the age of a teenager let alone an adult. "Don't you have to be in bed child?! Why are you out here trying to maim strangers who are working. Yeesh." Vince tried to back away from him, the thought of being a shishkebab turned him off quite a bit. "Look kid, I'm working on catching a bounty and I'd rather not have to fight a child and explain it to the local guards why you're so roughed up."
word count: 313
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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher

By the time Leon heard the man cry out his innocence, it was far too late. The sharp steel sliced through the air, and would have sliced through the odd bystander if he didn't jump back in time. Leon stumbled slightly as he missed but caught his footing rather quickly. Narrowing his eyes at the stranger, Leon was beginning to learn that this guy was a smart ass. "Tch, what am I? Five?" He furrowed his eyebrows, glaring daggers at the guy who stood before him.

So he was starting to learn that he wasn't his target. That's a good start. But he was also starting to learn how annoying this guy was as well...he was so full of talk. "You won't be leaving anyone roughed up, alright? If anyone's going to be roughed up, it's you." Leon closed his eyes stubbornly as he sheathed his sword. "But I guess that other then the fact that you're just cheeky, I have no reason to really want to take you down. Just like you, I'm searching for a bounty as well." Leon smirked, feeling quite prideful in his search so far, confident that he'll find this guy. "I'm going to catch the Jewel Thief that was terrorizing this town. That'll earn me a pretty decent amount of cash!" His smirk faded away, before transitioning to a suspicious expression. "You wouldn't happen to know any thing about this bounty would you...? Any...clues, possible where abouts...."

(OOC: Sorry for the wait man! I think I already told you through PM's, but I'm overseas. But yeah, past week, no wifi. Just got it now.)
word count: 286
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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher


And so, the citizens of Scalvoris could sleep more soundly in their beds that night, knowing that their safety and property were in the hands of two such excellent fellows. Or, something like that anyhow. Vince was concerned that it might be past Leon's bed time and Leon wasn't having any of it. Who was going to be roughing up who was up for some debate, but then it was an important discussion and really, they needed to know.

Vince and Leon were discussing the bounty, bed time and beating each other up, there was a sound from the entrance to the alleyway, the sound of a rock being accidentally kicked and the mewling of a cat.

Should the pair of not-so-close friends turn to look, they'd see a figure. Small and slight and running towards them. Not looking at them, though, rather focusing on whatever was chasing them. Unfortunately, running and not looking where you go often leads to one thing and as the woman stumbled to the floor in front of them the pair saw that she was a human in her early twenties, maybe. Blonde hair, blue eyes and good clothes, although her blouse was ripped at the shoulder and her hair was a mess.

"Help me, oh help me please!" The dirt on her face was fresh, normally she looked like she wore make up and they might notice details like her well cared for hands and polished fingernails. "Oh please, there's a man robbing my house! I got up because I heard a noise and he was there. He... he grabbed me. Oh!" Tears welled in her eyes and then spilled as she looked up at the two of them. "Will you help me?"
word count: 295
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher

The noisy brat had rather easily given up on trying to dice him to pieces which was far more favorable than any other outcome for Vince although he seemed rather agitated by his assumptions and pointing out at how childish he seemed. "Look, I don't care who can rough up who, or what you think you can do. I'm here to help this town out and net some nel for my pockets before I skip town and head to my next destination. Travelling is expensive and I don't plan on letting an easy bounty like this pass me by." The person before him asked him a few questions, mostly about the bounty and if he had any information on it, unfortunately for Vince he hadn't prepared very well at all.... "Ehh... Well I know about as much that was on the board. I didn't do much research past that other than learning the lay of the town and finding all the best escape routes."

As the two of them were conversing Vince heard the sound of a stone skipping across the ground, kicked up from its natural resting place by someone or something. When he turned to see the source of the disturbance he saw a woman running at him with their eyes behind them. Vince quickly turned his body around and prepared for impact as the woman blindly ran into him, arms wrapping around her own to stabilize the distraught woman and keep her face from kissing the pavement at full force and instead letting her bombard into his chest before she began to sob at them. "Woah woah woah hold on now." She looked quite fetching despite the dirt and messy hair, almost like a noble of some sort by the clothes she wore and aire she carried. "Hold a moment. You said you're being robbed? Well lead the way,
it just so happens that me and uh... " Vince turned back to Leon for a moment or two. "Me and this swordsman here are actually looking for this brazen burglar. Bring us to your abode and we will make quick work of this shabby thief who would dare to sully the innocence of a maiden such as yourself." His honeyed words poured out as smoothly as ever while he tried to calm the woman who had landed into his arms.
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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher

Leon rolled his eyes a bit. "Of course you don't...." He sighed, shaking his head sarcastically. This guy was useless. Just some desperate guy who knew nothing of the bounty but thought maybe he could take him down. Leon frowned as he realized he was pretty much in the same boat. But still, he wouldn't admit to that. Though, they had other matters to attend to. Leon's head turned to the sudden sound down the alleyway. He furrowed his eyebrows, his hand reaching for his blade within his cloak.

He eased his grip however when he saw it was a lady in distress. She fell right into the strangers arms. She looked like a wreck. Seemed she wasn't used to this type of treatment, so he could understand the panic. But it turned out that her house was being robbed...! Vince was quick to respond, agreeing to help, and without even asking, brought Leon on board too! Of course, the young swordsman had no issue with this. But, something seemed suspicious. She seemed so dirty...from a house robbery? Still, he kept his mouth shut. She seemed so stressed out right now, and what he was thinking was absurd! The boy looked at Vince and let out a scoff in response to him not knowing Leon's name. "Call me Leon."
word count: 225
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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher


Vince caught the woman and she practically collapsed into his arms, sobbing and hugging herself against him. He might notice that she was trembling from head to foot, her slender form pressed against him as her wide eyes looked to him, terror evident in them. "Oh! Oh please save me! I ran and I fell, my knee is scraped." She gave a hiccup-sob and looked at them both, "thank the Immortals for you. Oh thank you."

As they suggested that they go to her house, the woman gasped and looked at them. She turned around to look at where she had run from and she seemed rather unconvinced about how sensible it was to go back there. "I... do you think we should get the guard? I'm afraid, he was very big."

She seemed terrified as she said that and she looked between the two of them, her saviours, with nerves evident. They would both know that, if they got the guards as she suggested, then they wouldn't get the bounty. Especially not with the woman whose house was being robbed with them. So, maybe they preferred her second option.

"Or...you could go in an apprehend him and I'll wait by the door? Under the street lamp?" She was happier with that option, though she'd rather get the guard. What would they do?
word count: 229
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Tales of Vince: Thief Snatcher

Hey both,

I'm unsubscribing from this thread. If you come back and want me to pick it back up, just drop me a pm. Thanks!
word count: 26
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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