Continued from here.
57th Trial of Ashan, 717 Arc
Noth's Cavern
Neronin arrayed the faintly glowing gemstones, the wells, across the newly repaired tabletop in Noth's cavern. The Mongrel had kindly carted down three bodies for Neronin's use. He was still recovering from the confrontation with Gavrel's hidden force at the fracture. His side hurt and his head felt like he was wading through a pool of ache every time he moved it. But the effects of the combat had slid back into a mere annoyance rather than real pain. The Etzori could work through that, he needed to work through it. Gavrel was certainly not resting. Neronin had been scouring the Journal for answers to his questions.
Two torches lit the area and the Journal of Mad notes he had taken lay splayed next to the wells on the tabletop. The torches lent the three cadavers a sort of false warmth that gave off an eerie air of morbidity. It was something that may make those less familiar with the intimacies of death uncomfortable. Neronin, however, felt almost at home with the dead arrayed around him. What was more, he felt a comfort doing his work he hadn't felt before Mongrel's cave. Here was a space he did not constantly have to keep an eye on the door. Mongrel knew of his abilities and his secret interest. He encouraged it and supported it. The space was as close to a safe space as Neronin would have.
So he jumped whole-heartedly into his work.
The things that had attacked Kovic and him seemed to be something the Journal of Mad had dubbed Gaunts. It was a sort of upper level basic unit for necromancers. A highly customizable undead creature to do one's bidding whilst still being unspecialized. Neronin perused his own copied notes and ran his finger across his own writing. They seemed to be faster and stronger than Husks or Marrows, but did not come with any of the more complex abilities that signified a master level thrall. They are created, the journal said, through the use of corpse molding. Neronin spent quite a few breaks in the vaults of the museum secretly flitting through the journal to find notes on this corpse molding. It seemed to be a process that required time and a significant ether production.
He stared down at the three dead cadavers he had been presented with. "You three are the beginning for me." He muttered. He envisioned the monstrous change in them, like Gavrel had done. He wanted a shock troop that could be depended on to protect him. With these wells he could keep them, and they would maintain themselves without constant input on his part. Neronin glanced down at the shackles he had bought from a blacksmith that operated on the outskirts of the Bazaar. If everything went to shit, he wanted a way to survive it all. He'd lock up the minions before trying to animate them.
Neronin stared down at the corpses for a long time trying to imagine the change. The crackling of the torches was the only sound for a that span. Neronin's dark robes cast deep shadows behind him and his pale face danced in the changing light of the torches. He began his work with the farthest corpse, slowly walking over to it.
Neronin began his work by harnessing the power of the spark within him. He felt it burn through him with a vile sensation that somehow reinforced his resolve and confidence. Neronin knelt and crossed his legs, sitting next to the dead man. He spread his fingers out just above the man's face. He let the ether seep out of him in a confined trickle, embedding itself in the corpse.
57th Trial of Ashan, 717 Arc
Noth's Cavern
Neronin arrayed the faintly glowing gemstones, the wells, across the newly repaired tabletop in Noth's cavern. The Mongrel had kindly carted down three bodies for Neronin's use. He was still recovering from the confrontation with Gavrel's hidden force at the fracture. His side hurt and his head felt like he was wading through a pool of ache every time he moved it. But the effects of the combat had slid back into a mere annoyance rather than real pain. The Etzori could work through that, he needed to work through it. Gavrel was certainly not resting. Neronin had been scouring the Journal for answers to his questions.
Two torches lit the area and the Journal of Mad notes he had taken lay splayed next to the wells on the tabletop. The torches lent the three cadavers a sort of false warmth that gave off an eerie air of morbidity. It was something that may make those less familiar with the intimacies of death uncomfortable. Neronin, however, felt almost at home with the dead arrayed around him. What was more, he felt a comfort doing his work he hadn't felt before Mongrel's cave. Here was a space he did not constantly have to keep an eye on the door. Mongrel knew of his abilities and his secret interest. He encouraged it and supported it. The space was as close to a safe space as Neronin would have.
So he jumped whole-heartedly into his work.
The things that had attacked Kovic and him seemed to be something the Journal of Mad had dubbed Gaunts. It was a sort of upper level basic unit for necromancers. A highly customizable undead creature to do one's bidding whilst still being unspecialized. Neronin perused his own copied notes and ran his finger across his own writing. They seemed to be faster and stronger than Husks or Marrows, but did not come with any of the more complex abilities that signified a master level thrall. They are created, the journal said, through the use of corpse molding. Neronin spent quite a few breaks in the vaults of the museum secretly flitting through the journal to find notes on this corpse molding. It seemed to be a process that required time and a significant ether production.
He stared down at the three dead cadavers he had been presented with. "You three are the beginning for me." He muttered. He envisioned the monstrous change in them, like Gavrel had done. He wanted a shock troop that could be depended on to protect him. With these wells he could keep them, and they would maintain themselves without constant input on his part. Neronin glanced down at the shackles he had bought from a blacksmith that operated on the outskirts of the Bazaar. If everything went to shit, he wanted a way to survive it all. He'd lock up the minions before trying to animate them.
Neronin stared down at the corpses for a long time trying to imagine the change. The crackling of the torches was the only sound for a that span. Neronin's dark robes cast deep shadows behind him and his pale face danced in the changing light of the torches. He began his work with the farthest corpse, slowly walking over to it.
Neronin began his work by harnessing the power of the spark within him. He felt it burn through him with a vile sensation that somehow reinforced his resolve and confidence. Neronin knelt and crossed his legs, sitting next to the dead man. He spread his fingers out just above the man's face. He let the ether seep out of him in a confined trickle, embedding itself in the corpse.
Made by Kovic