Threads in Rynmere

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Hunter Gawyne
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Threads in Rynmere

I'm really bad at doing this, but I thought, alright, let's give it a try.
Hunter is just starting out in Rynmere and I'd love for some thread buddies. I'm open to literally any idea you might have, so throw me a PM or a reply if you're interested in being this noble's friend/rival/lover/enemy/something else? He basically spent most of his life in Rynmere, mostly in Gawyne with some visits left and right, and 3 years in Nashaki. Yes, he spent 3 years in Nashaki, so if you want a memory thread, don't be shy, just ask!
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Xander Andaris
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Threads in Rynmere

Hey hey, I am always up for threads. I am not always the best at coming up with fun ideas but if you want to drop in at Krome or write a memory thread I am open to that. Just putting it out here that I would be happy to write with you, Hunter seems like a fun character to be around and architects are cool. I will keep him in mind for if I need someone to plan a home for Xander in the future.

So if you are interested in writing together then great, I would love too.

Some random ideas:
-Visits to Krome or Gawyne (Memory threads)
-A visit to Krome (Current and if you are interested in this you could join an open thread going now-all nobles are invited-: /viewtopic.php ... t=6405)
-Library visit...cause well I dunno but Hunter likes Maths lol

Really I will write everything and anything, I just want Xander to meet some new people and especially nobles.
word count: 169
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Arwel Kyric
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Threads in Rynmere

Idk if Hunter would be interested in rping with a nonnoble, but I do have Arwel in Rynmere so we could always try to figure something out
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Ivy Gawyne
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Threads in Rynmere

I am most certainly down to thread, be it a memory or current ;) .
word count: 13
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