• Memory • First Cut

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Cassian Gawyne
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First Cut

Andaris Academy Δ 77th Day of Zi'Da 715 Δ 11th Break
Steady, steady, steady. A constant barrage of that single word assaulted his ears, his head. The garnishing changed, verbs and nouns and prepositions, but the one word remained. The sheer impatience with which this sense of steadiness was supposed to be imparted in him would have been enough to drive a man grown to violence, and the young man bent over the prone body laid upon the table was not even that. Moreover, he was armed. With a scalpel, granted, but it was still a wickedly sharp blade and Cassian Gawyne possessed a general idea of where the pulse of life ran along a man's neck. Yet unlike his supposed tutor's seemingly limited faculties for excitement, the student's patience reigned supreme.

Or maybe it was his pride. As the razor blade forged a thin line across the cold flesh in front of him, the young man wouldn't have stood for a mistake. None. While this was not his ultimate escape from theoretical lessons on anatomy (muscles, blood vessels, bones and all those little things inside the body that apparently did little to nothing at all) it was a giant step away from it and into the practicalities of surgery. Even if all they let him test his mette on was this wreck which had once been a man, laid here in front of him, washed and possibly perfumed but still less than even a frail, fallible man. As marred by his own mistakes as by those of the students who had come before Cassian on this Trial.

Bennen had been tasked with revealing the anterior deltoid on the corpse's right arm. Eager and overzealous, his first cut had nearly become a postmortem amputation if not for the bones. Another had sought the latissimus dorsi in the pelvic region to much chagrin. Then there were the near misses and the artless cuts of butchers and feldshers thinking themselves better.

But Cassian would fall into none of these traps. Bastard though he was, he was still noble born and had his pedigree to live up to. Proving his general superiority was of course even more relevant but felt less justifiable. His intellectual and moral superiority was, after all, fact and thus required no proof of its existence. Not that he would deliver that proof anyway if the old man behind him was not constantly reminding him to remain steady. Worse was that the old fool kept varying his sentences. Had he droned on in a monotone it might have proved soothing through the dull repetition alone. But switching up the sentence structure ever so slightly kept Cassian's ears engaged as was their nature.

Because he was still noble born they had also thrown him an easy one. The pectoralis was the chest muscle, impossible to miss even on the sunken and shrivelled features of the man-shaped piece of meat on the table. And easy to uncover sind it lay flush on the ribcage with little but skin and fat in the way. Pridefully, he had asked to be allowed to uncover a blood vessel instead, the arteria femoralis to be precise. A major artery running along the inside of the thigh it was of particular interest to the young noble. It was a major thoroughfare of rich blood, it was near the surface and a deep cut on a living being would prove fatal, given time. And. according to the Raskalarnapathra tis was a region of the body which was hard to defend without a shield.

In short, it was something he wanted to see, to experience, to uncover with his own cuts. Because it might ultimately also prove helpful in other areas. Because it was a confluence of expediences... and because, he understood, it satisfied his pride.

Cassian's ability to reflect upon himself was almost painful.

The youg man took a deep breath and sought to center himself, drown out the admonitions of his tutor and finally merge into the scalpel between his fingers and then flow into the cut. A touch of pressure, a miniscules shift of those delicate muscles that moved his fingers like strings moved puppets. Were the thing before him alive he would draw blood now, but this was cleaner. Even that thought had to be discarded though.

There was only the hand, the blade and the cut.

Three would become two, and two one as his finger pressed down on the scalpel's spine.
word count: 756
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Cassian Gawyne
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First Cut

Contrary to popular opinion, the first cut was not the deepest, and neither was it the hardest. But it was one that required care and alertness and patience. Small wonder Cassian expected to excel at these matters. Pressing the scalpel into the epidermis, he split it from the hip almost down to the knee in one fell swoop. The trick here was not so much to make the right cut but to get the depth right. This required both a keen eye as well as a deft hand. Below the skin lay fat still. It would liquefy as the body slowly rotted away but this was a well-preserved corpse.

The dead man's skin mounted some initial resistance, then it gave way to the razor edge. The surgeon in training was forced to stay his hand or cut past the fat and into solid muscle, dead as it was. That too would lose its liquid properties and turn brittle as time moved on. This was the kind of information that the noble scion's mind latched onto to keep itself functioning. To remain sane and drown out the constant call to remain steady, part of his brain shut itself away with these irrelevant bits of information.

Like the whitecap crest of a wave, they played and churned along the edge of his consciousness without impressing themselves on its function. Instead they acted as a barrier to push away his present circumstances. Unfortunately, it was hardly efficient.

Still, the first long cut was made down the corpse's thigh. Cassian's scalpel added two more pink lines from the corners of that first division of skin, then he sought to carefully cut out the flap he'd just outlined. Meanwhile, two students in the back row were setting up a date for tonight. The information, both useless and unbidden, distracted the student long enough for his blade to get caught on flesh. The cut acquired a jagged edge that made the line his mouth formed thinner still.

This was not a complete loss, yet. But it would cost him the best possible marks. Maybe he should spoil that date in passing just to prove a point. But that was for tonight. Now it was the present and in the present he was gingerly cutting out a flap of skin on a corpse. A corpse which mostly lacked subcutaneous fat and thus required the one thing which was Cassian's to spend lavishly:

word count: 413
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Cassian Gawyne
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First Cut

Patience, patience, patience. It was what Cassian Gawyne kept telling himself while wondering why he had to remind himself. He'd seen his purported peers fail due to haste as much as sheer lack of sheer sense. And he knew, he knew he was better than that. A small triumph then was gingerly lifting and peeling away the flap of skin he'd just created. Noble born and bred, at least to an extent, Cassian had never filleted a fish but he'd been told the process was remarkably similar to what he'd just done. Though propably without the helpful hands pinning the folded-over flap of skin to its neighbouring regions with needles.

What followed was simple, astoundingly simple even. It was cleanup maybe, though to the young surgeon in training it felt like sculpting. Blood, gore, remains of fatty tissue... nothing a sharp blade and a moist cloth could not handle, even if it felt like the mason's chisel. Sculptors would speak of freeing the hidden form from the stone rather than enforcing it upon the material. While the nature of stone might give a shred of credence to this statement coming from a mason, it was exactly what was happening here. The artery lay, thick and round despite the state of the body, between two shrivelling atrophying bundles of muscle.

And gently, ever so gently, the scalpel went to work on laying it fully bare and releasing it from the fleshy canyon it ran like a river. Only when the young man thought he was finished with his work did he realize that within his own thoughts, the busying of his mind with things minute and trivial but things that tickled his fancy nonetheless, he had finally been able to rid himself of the din that surrounded him in these last moments. Raising his head and stepping back from his worktable was a thing not unlike opening the shutters on his window in the morning. Suddenly, it seemed, Cassian's life filled with air and light and sound as he solemnly announced, "Arteria Femoralis."

He kept his jaw raised in expectation of the praise he was sure to reap.
word count: 364
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Cassian Gawyne
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First Cut

Cassian Gawyne wrote:
Calmly, imperiously, Cassian awaited his due in a cacophony of applause and cheers with his professor struggling to speak over the cascading din. It never came. There were a few subdued groans hollowly echoing about the room, but that was about the extent of it. The young noble felt the tingle of doubt rise in his blood, felt the need to look around rather than staring off towards the point where wall and ceiling met in carved and oiled wooden beams.

He struggled with that feeling, not wanting to show that weakness. He could not look, therefore he would not. In theory it was that simple but in practice the muscles in his neck tightened as if they wanted to wrap around his spine like a large serpent and crush the bones in their coils. His jaw set itself hard, tooth on tooth as patience and the need to retain decorum struggled with curiosity. Curiosity was at least what Cassian was willing to acknowledge. Confident in his abilities and natural superirority, admiration was not something he craved, much less desired. As much as it was due him, but what could one expect of the near-sighted fools who milled about these halls?

While his muscles strained still to keep his head erect and unmoving, someone cleared their throat. From the tone and direction, the victorious surgeon in training intimated that it had to be the old fool. Maybe he had required some time to compose himself after finally seeing a student do something right. "Well that certainly was a nice cut." the professor allowed before clearing his throat again. "But I can only assume that you intend to work on corpses exclusively. Because if we were trying to clamp the blood vessel he would have bled to death while you meticulously fiddled around with your scalpel."

Self-control failing, Cassian's head snapped around, pupils shrinking to needle points as his eyes fixated on the old man, staring, forgetting to blink. "You realize you are putting a theoretical scenario to a task after the fact, yes?" and then, "Sir." He added that last word as a very distant afterthought long long after the fact, needle gaze still trimmed on the professor's eyes. The fool huffed impertinently.

"Everything we do is steeped in practicality. Functionless art, no matter how finely honed, is meaningless without application. Yes, the task was to identify and reveal a specific body part and you did so. But what is the application? Think beyond your constraints, young man." Cassian listened. It was about all he could do with a face that approached straightness if one ignored the tiny muscles of his jaw starkly standing out from his silhouette as his teeth ground together so hard he wondered if they'd break. His mind ground the words down in his head, weighing, measuring and discarding them for the drivel they were then pissing all over them.

And then, only then a thought struck him. Cassian's face relaxed and a thin smile curled his lips. It was unbidden but in that moment the young man allowed himself to not care.

He'd show the old man how far beyond his constraints he could think. Not today though. Not in front of witnesses.
word count: 548
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RP Medals


First Cut


Cassian Gawyne

  • Anatomy: Location of Anterior Deltoid
  • Anatomy: Location of Latissimus Dorsi
  • Anatomy: Location of Pectoralis
  • Anatomy: Location of Arteria Femoralis
  • Discipline: Drowning Out Surrounding Distractions Through Focus
  • Surgery: Wielding A Scalpel
  • Surgery: Performing An Autopsy
  • Surgery: First Cut Requires The Most Care
  • Surgery: Cutting Through Epidermis
  • Surgery: Practice on Dead Bodies Is Not The Same As Live Ones

Loot: None.
Injuries: None.
Fame: None.
Devotion: None.
Magic: None.

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/5
Structure: 5/5

Comments: A great examination into Cassian's psyche. I thought it was great that you examined how methodical and careful he was, and then got completely ripped apart by the professor. An interesting touch, and you played really well to your skill level. PM me if you have any questions or problems.
word count: 132
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