Me is Woe

OOC/IC stuff.

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Me is Woe

Mostly IC stuff, not much going on OOC that I'd like to share :oops: :o .

I'm mostly doing this for the Cylus Character challenge, and maybe reserving it for future challenges. And also because, as an undeservedly, self-absorbed narcissist, there's nothing I like more than to rattle about my own thoughts and opinions on myself and things related to me, which in this case includes my characters.

Specifically Woe:

I guess the main inspiration behind this character was Severian from the book series, Book of the New Sun. An anti-hero in the vein of Elric of Melnibone, that comes from humble beginnings as a young member of the torturer's guild. I won't spoil the rest, because that's an awesome bunch of books that people should read if they can stomach dark subject matter from the perspective of an unreliable narrator. Also because I'm supposed to talk about a far less interesting character, Woe.

There's not much else to say about Woe right now. I tried to write him as maybe a bit more evil than his inspiration. I was surprised with one of the first threads I opened, where he decided to do a 180 on a bounty and risk going fugitive for a complete stranger's sake. I'm not sure yet if the bounty target was manipulating him or if it was a combination of Woe's psychological maneuvering and bad circumstances that threw them into the same boat. Woe is definitely gone soft way too fast, though. Maybe it's too big of a change, too early. Oh well. Sintra and Labrae will be displeased.

That's the weird thing about being dumb and also a writer, and also the fun part. You don't always know what your characters are going to do in the next post, let alone the next thread or season.
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            Combat vs. Conflict

            As human beings, I think we all enjoy the idea of a good fight. The idea that the power of having a weapon that can change things whether it be magic, a sword/spear/axe/chair, or financial/political hegemony is intoxicating. The concept of resolving our most complex problems by severing the Gordian Knot in one stroke is a very powerful idea that prevails in much of fantasy literature.

            That said, I have more conflict, drama, and borderline violence going on in the world around me than I can already handle. So maybe that's why I tend to play non-combative pcs for the most part, or pcs who prefer to take a backseat to actually getting their hands dirty. Genuvah is the exception on this site for me, obviously. That's not to say I haven't played warriors or characters elsewhere that could defend themselves in any way. Most of my characters elsewhere have been more about their skills in combative arts than their actual character. This is something I struggle with in roleplay, trying to find an ethos for my characters beyond their skillset/race/whatever trait you wanna point out. For some characters it's easier than others.

            That said, it's hard sometimes to spitball ideas for threads for these peaceful pcs, that don't involve any form of combat. As much as I know there's a world of conflict beyond the realm of war and combat, it's hard for me to settle up with a desire to just write out a combative climax for a story. The Gordian Knot looms large over any thread I intend to make, and trying to find that simple solution to a panoply of complex problems is often a great temptation.

            That's enough rambling for now.
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                      Me is Woe

                      Thank you for sharing that post! I really enjoy non-combative PCs. I think you’re absolutely right that it can be challenging to come up with plot or thread ideas. That said, I’ve also found that conflict can still be abundant in threads without any sort of physical combat. The Man Vs. Nature and Man Vs. Self styles of conflict tend to work really well for these types of characters, where the challenges come either internally or from the environment around the PC.

                      I’ve found that it helps to have some sort of over-arching goal or vision for these PCs to help guide thread ideas – perhaps building up a faction or guild (for example, a craftsmen’s guild), getting involved in politics, settling an entirely new town/city, or searching for a long-lost artifact.

                      If you ever need help coming up with thread ideas in Rharne, please feel free to reach out for a Plot Starter. I would also be more than happy to collaborate with yourself & Oracle to come up with those long-term plot ideas/goals for Rorom! And, of course, if you have ideas for locations that might aid your non-combative characters with plots, please don’t hesitate to share.

                      Looking forward to reading more of your writing & thoughts on writing!

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