Zi'da 15
On my velvet couch reclining,
Ivy leaves my brow entwining.
While my soul expands with glee,
What are kings and crowns to me?
Ivy leaves my brow entwining.
While my soul expands with glee,
What are kings and crowns to me?
Ashira liked to think of herself as merciless. As a hard nosed business woman, ruled by logic rather than emotion. Largely because this was what she felt that Everett needed, and what the rest of the Wards would accept. Not that that mattered in the long run... A slight smile accompanied that sly thought, but that was not something to even dwell on in public, that was a thought best kept buried. In any case, Ashira liked to think of herself as far more pitiless than she was. If she was truly pitiless, she'd not do her best to treat people who couldn't pay the traditional prices.
Don't get the wrong idea, she never worked for free. Never. But she did try to charge people according to their means. One of the ways she could manage this was because she was 'just' a herbalist, rather than a full fledged surgeon or the like. You couldn't go scrounge up a complicated surgery, conveniently find a new arm or bladder in good working condition and just use that. You could however go scavenge some common plants that had a myriad of uses and process or otherwise use them in a cost effective manner to treat whatever ailed you.
With the cold cycle truly upon them though, this was getting more difficult. One thing Ashira had always been however, was brazen. Well, that may have been putting something of a positive spin on things. She was also extraordinarily entitled. So she did some things that some people may have seen as stealing, and if called on them, would explain to anyone's face precisely why she was entitled to do what she was doing and should in fact be thanked for doing it.
Currently Ashira was in the Monastery gardens, certainly less populated, now that it was colder and flowers no longer perfumed the air, but hardly deserted. Some people were actually ought precisely because the temperatures had just dropped and the snowflakes were still falling prettily rather than oppressively. She however, was not here to stare at snow. That was stupid. And a waste of time. Instead she was prodding at snow covered mounds within the garden beds to see what they contained. Most were useless ornamental junk of course, but there might be some dried leaves of something useful. It had seemed worth checking.
Ashira hated the start of the cold season with a vengeance. It was these times, when it wasn't warm, but wasn't properly cold, when the temperature fluctuated that the most people got sick, and seeing as the two options seemed to be fine and exceptionally annoyingly whiny and fine, or dying. There wasn't a lot of middle ground. And do you think you could convince most commoners to wash their damned hands when the water was so cold and had to be warmed over a fire? Disgusting. Sickness just allowed to spread everywhere.
"I don't think you're supposed to be in the garden beds..."
Some toff who looked a bit like a frog wearing the seasons oh so fashionable olive commented disapprovingly.
"I don't recall asking you. Go hop in a pond you toad, some of us are busy." Came the snapped reply.