• Solo • Flies in the web

continued from "Into the Lion's den"

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Flies in the web

Vhalar 71 Arc 716

Continued from here.

Bits passed slowly, and Yana tried not to exhaust herself too much by focusing every trill of every bit, even though it in itself wasn't such a difficult thing for her. Her focus was something she did pride herself in after all. A whole three bits before the plan was to be put into action however, the bushes rustled, and the Yludih tensed. Slowly unsheathing her dagger, the woman shifted in her position, assuming one that would allow for a surprise attack and quick movements. A boot pushed through the leaves, followed soon by a torso and a head, and the Yludih relaxed slightly.

“Rayna!” Eliott called, staring right at her hiding place.
The false Human wondered if she was plainly visible, or if the Hunter indeed did have eagle eyes. The notion was cast aside not even a blink of an eye later, as she realized he'd not stuck to the plan. Obviously there was a reason, but why? Most likely-
“Our quarry's not here,” the Eagle Eye said, beckoning her.
She followed, abandoning her hiding spot, but not relinquishing the grip on her blade. Trust was not something she gave easily to anyone in this world. Especially in places like these, she did not think it wise not to doubt the motives of her companions.

Beyond the bushes lied the camp of the bounty, Kurt White. It was a small thing really, consisting only of a tent, a bucket, a line with washed clothes, and a circle of stones with ashes in their midst. Most curiously though, was a single trail running between the forest and a spot near the tree to which the drying line was tied to. A single boot sat slumped against the trunk, forgotten by its master. The Yludih frowned, something telling her this was not right. Something was amiss. But what?

“Eliott,” she called to her companion, “can you tell how long it has been deserted?”
The hunter stroked his chin, staring at the sky and the setting suns through the foliage of the trees.
“I'll try,” he said, “I cannot make promises though. Even I cannot track by night.”

Nevertheless, he got to work immediately, starting with the campfire. He prodded the ashes with his fingers, probably searching for any leftover warmth. Yana let him do his work, staring with her own investigation. She focused on the boot, picking it up and scrutinizing it for a brief moment, taking in all details she could. The mercenary was no cobbler of course, but the boot did appear to have been made from decent leather. There were signs of it having been worn for a long time, and it smelled kind of cheesy inside, but there was no real damage to the footwear. There was mud caked to the bottom and the sides, most likely from when the owner -Kurt White, she guessed- had been walking on the muddy ground of the Grimvale. Both her and Eliott's boots showed the same layer of mud. Most interestingly though, was the fact that the mud hadn't dried completely yet. Though it seemed possible the dew had kept it moist, it would have had to be dry by now, if the boot had been lying abandoned for longer than a trial.

Another question Yana asked herself was why one would cast such a useful and perfectly fine object aside. And just one of a pair no less! Surely no-one liked walking around with just one boot? If he'd thrown both away, then why wasn't there a second one lying around? The same was true for the shirt and trousers that hung on the drying line. Both had some small tears in them, but none too big, or unrepairable. She frowned, moving towards the tent, deciding to check it for the man's possessions as well.

Her companion was already in there, crouching near the inner left side of the small tent, apparently having discovered something. Yana entered as well, trying to take up as few space as possible, though her efforts did not help in making it less cramped.
“Look at this,” the hunter said, dragging a backpack into the small space between the two of them. From the opened compartments and the littered items around Eliott, Yana suspected he'd been going through the pack. “Even the unexperienced camper knows not to go trekking through the woods without their pack. You want your supplies with you in case anything happens.” He frowned, pointing his finger at the various items he'd pulled out of the pack, naming them one by one. “First aid kit, survival knife, flint and steel, rope, waterskin, and rations... If it were me, I'd not have left without any of these, let alone all of them.”

It was indeed quite strange. It did not feel right. Something was amiss. Both Eliott and her only needed to exchange a glance to come to the same conclusion, not even needing to use their voice. Someone or something had gotten to Kurt first, and had dragged him off after subduing him somehow. Yana crept back out of the tent, heading towards the tracks she'd spotted upon entering the campsite. Eliott was on her heels.
“So these are-”
“Marks left by dragging his body into the woods, most likely.” the Hunter nodded. “I first believed he might have hunted deer and dragged the corpse back here, but it just didn't add up.” The man stared at the single trail left in the dirt. “First, there's no blood. Second, the tracks lead into the forest, not out. And third, there's no cadaver here either.” He was mostly just talking to himself, muttering quietly under his breath. It seemed like it helped him focus.

“If someone had enough confidence in their ability as a survivalist to hide in the Vale, then they wouldn't have dragged any cadavers into their camp. Attracts the wildlife. There's no blood to indicate he was mauled by such either, nor a corpse. Bears or wolves wouldn't drag him into the forest...”
“If it wasn't those, then maybe another bounty hunter?” Yana suggested.
Eliott shook his head. “Now it's hard to see with the suns so low, but when I first checked the site, there were no traces that indicated a fight had taken place.”
“Perhaps they snuck up from behind and took him out before he noticed?”
Another shake of his head. “There was only one set of bootprints all over the site. Unless there was someone of similar height, weight and build, with the same size of feet, and the exact same boots, there would be some other prints here.”

“Maybe they just erased their-” she cut herself off before finishing the thought. Why would anyone do that? This was the Vale. Unless they were worried someone was coming after them, there would be no reason to hide their presence. Especially after they'd taken down Kurt White already. Heck, the only one who'd had reason to erase his prints was Kurt himself, and he hadn't because he was hiding in the Vale. No-one ever came into the Vale. Yana let a frown crinkle her brow, eye slowly moving around the edges of the camp, though in the darkening woods she could not make out anything.
“If it wasn't people, and it wasn't wolves or bears, then what did get to him?”
Eliott gave a sigh, looking pretty displeased with having to voice what was on his mind. “I have no idea.” He rubbed his scalp briefly, sighing even deeper than before. “I hate to say this, but it might be best to just call it a trial for now. I can't do shit in the dark. Tomorrow morning we can continue.”

Though she too wasn't particularly fond of letting it go for now, the Yludih nodded, understanding the futility of continuing this search in the dark. She was no expert on survival tactics, but she did know that there were a lot more dangers to walking around in a forest by night than there were by day. Not to mention that this was the Grimvale. Who knew what creatures roamed around under the veil of darkness?

word count: 1399
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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Flies in the web


She was just about to strip herself of her weapons and armor, and claim Kurt White's abandoned tent as her own to sleep in, when Eliott called out to her again, he stood at the edge of the campsite, a small bundle of twigs in his arms.
“Rayna, could you help me gather some wood for a fire?”
The Yludih nodded, and gave him a thumbs up to make sure he did receive her silent answer. Eliott looked nervous, even from afar. She couldn't really blame him; with an unknown creature on the prowl she herself wasn't feeling all that relaxed either. A fire would help in keeping it away, the both of them seemed to believe.
“Don't go too far in,” he warned.
Yana did not reply, instead choosing to stay in his vicinity. “It may be best if we stay together. If one of us gets caught, the other may be able to help.”
Eliott had an approving expression on his face, nodding enthusiastically. “Good idea.”

They gathered in silence for the most part, neither of them feeling up for smalltalk while they should probably focus their senses in detecting anomalies around them. Every so often they stopped what they were doing for a while to confirm whether the other was still around. When they moved to a different spot, they notified the other, and moved both. Gathering firewood took longer than necessary, mostly because of the darkness, and because they'd restricted themselves to the edge of the campsite and did not dare to go further into the Vale.

It was when a good fifteen bits had passed, and Yana was crouching to pick up a fallen branch that something did indeed happen. Eliott gave a sudden yell of fear, high pitched and rather cute, and Yana immediately dropped her bundle of wood, instead reaching for her blade. Her one eye searched the surrounding area for the hunter, but somehow he'd vanished. There were no more screams. Only the wind rustling through the trees, and the sound of her feet carrying her to the spot she'd seen Eliott last, only a bit or so ago. A twig snapped under her weight, and another one, and another. She crouched, her sight hindered by the dark, deciding to use her sense of touch instead. A whole bunch of twigs and small branches were cast aside. Eliott's, no doubt. But where was the hunter?

Her answer came in the form of Eliott himself, falling from above, and crashing into the floor with a dull thud. He made no sound, even though such a fall should hurt quite a lot. Yana cast her glare skyward, but could not spot anything in the trees. Could do was inspect Eliott's body, which she promptly did. Surprisingly, his pulse was present and stable. His eyes were open wide, staring into the void, but he did not react to her calling his name. Was he unconscious? Shouldn't his eye have rolled back in his sockets then? Or was that a myth? The Yludih checked the rest of his body, finding only that he'd lost his vest, and several bloody pinpricks in the back of his neck. She frowned. What in the world-?

There wasn’t much time to think about it. Something hit her from behind, though not very hard at all. It wasn’t even enough to make her stumble. However, only moments later she found herself being swept off her feet and launched into the air, quickly gaining height as she shot up into the night sky. Or at least, that was what she thought for a brief moment. Instead of being catapulted through the foliage, the Yludih found her back smashing into a thick tree branch, which despite her armor still hurt like hell. She hung there for a couple trills, helpless and afraid. She could hear things moving behind and above her, and it wasn’t exactly comforting.

Something stroked the back of her neck. Yana turned her head, spotting a limb of sorts covered in bristly hairs. Only a few centimeters away from her face a pair of mandibles sat, above which the creature sported six eyes too many. All eight of them were ordered in a smiley-like pattern, and Yana groaned in disgust. Fucking spiders. It just had to be fucking gigantic spiders. Just as she made a face, the spider slapped its foreleg into her face, driving several needles into her crystals. Needles?

They stung, and she could imagine some kind of poison being injected into her body. It was hard to say what kind though, until she considered the information she’d gathered prior to venturing into the Vale. There had been some books in the library which covered the wildlife encountered in the Grimvale. Wolves, deer, bears; all had been included, along with a certain kind of spider. Kidnapper Spider. Size of a cat. Ambushes its prey from above. Injects a neurotoxin into its victim. Strong paralytic… That’s why Eliott’s not moving.

Her epiphany did not really matter that much to her at the moment though, as she too was promptly dropped after having had the toxin injected into her body. If she’d had the physiology of a normal mortal race, she’d probably have felt its effects immediately, but her Yludih vessel remained unaffected. Still, she did fall from about two and a half meters, landing not quite softly. The only reason she could think of that had kept her from shattering was the good fortune of landing right on top of Eliott, breaking his bones instead. Probably.

About half of the arrows held in her quiver spilled out upon impact, her hands reaching to gather them as quickly as possible in her current condition. Despite her fall being broken her body hurt quite a bit, and she wasn’t able to get up because of it. She could try though, but pain would only hinder her. Several smaller bodies could be heard plopping on the forest ground; spiders ready to collect their prey. Yana knew there was not much time before she’d be dragged away to wherever the spiders had made their nest. If she did not want to be eaten, it would be best to flee now. However, she wasn’t sure whether she could escape in this state. She wouldn’t be able to outrun the arachnids, and would get herself lost instead. It would be better to try and recover first, and make a run for it then.

Besides, the nest might just be where she’d find Kurt White too.

More strands of spider silk were attached to both her and Eliott's bodies, and before long the both of them were unceremoniously dragged away from the small campsite and into the forest. Yana kept quite still, not exactly keen on getting another spider-limb rubbed in her face. Her hands still held the arrows she'd been able to collect. Every so often she planted one in the soil, while Eliott -who was being dragged alongside her- just stared with his unseeing eyes. She wondered if he had already died.

The time spent being dragged over the damp forest ground seemed like an eternity, with each trill stretching out far more than it should. Yana was aware it probably was only five to ten bits, but she couldn't shake the feeling nonetheless. All things considered, she should be glad to get as much time to recover, but if she could choose between being dragged towards a nest of giant spiders by giant spiders, or chill out some place else, she'd naturally pick the latter. Spiders weren't really her favorite creatures anyway. Not that she was afraid of them -at least, not of the small kinds- but there was something about an oversized arachnid that really made her uncomfortable. Maybe it were the thin hairy legs. Perhaps it were the abundance of creepy eyes. Mayhap it were those disgusting mandibles and abdomen.

Or perhaps it was just the fact that they had completely avoided detection just now, had managed to haul both of them into the trees, and possessed a fast acting and very capable neurotoxin. Or maybe all of the above. Who could say for certain?

* * *
The stop came sudden and unexpected, cluing Yana in on their arrival at the spiders' nest. Groaning she rose to her feet, feeling the effects of having been lugged through the forest more than just a little. It was as if she had become one big bruise, not one spot on the front of her body was without its own minor pain. It was a good thing she wore leather armor, all those branches and rocks and whatnot would have left more marks if she’d gone without it.

As was to be expected, her rising to her feet alarmed the nearby spiders, which in turn warned the others in the nest, which came rushing out in one hairy, nightmarish horde. The closest spiders approached fast, having given Eliott a second dose of their venom already, now hell bent on injecting it in Yana too. The Yludih wasn’t too keen on it though, and kicked at the creatures, wincing as her foot crushed the face of one, though did not manage to kill it. Instead, the arachnid only seemed to get really pissed, and poured more effort in its attempts on getting closer to the wildly kicking Yludih.

It soon became apparent that her situation was quite dire. With about twenty of the spiders closing in from all sides, there was no way she could hold out for very long. Yes, their venom might not be able to affect her, but she did not think the spiders would care. They’d just eat her alive. Though, maybe they would let her leave when they realized her crystals weren’t tasty, nourishing, or edible. Then again, the spiders might just not care.

Fleeing would be her best option, it seemed, and she shivered at the idea. The shortest route was to run in the direction of the campsite, but she still needed to find Kurt White. She didn’t really have time to take a look around though, so she raised one leg and brought her foot down on the nearest spider’s back. Its legs were unable to support the added weight, sending the body to collide with the ground. It writhed and struggled, but Yana was already moving on, having selected the next spider and crushing it under her other boot. By using them as stepping stones she was able to get out of their circle, however, it did nothing to diminish her disgust. It was a good thing that their carapaces weren’t able to handle the pressure from her weight, just like their smaller kin. Perhaps using her sword would have been more efficient, though Yana wasn’t willing to bend over so she could pierce the arachnids. The further away her face was from those hairy miniature monsters, the better.

Her feet brought her to a spot filled with cadavers, most reduced to bones, others still having flesh clinging to their remains. Yana threw some fleshy corpses at the chasing spiders, hoping they would be distracted by the food. They weren’t. There was no choice but to run again, leaving the arachnids quite a bit behind as they weren’t the fastest creatures out there. Some were slower than others too, which made them follow Yana in a messy line. They basically came at her one by one because of it, and the Yludih decided to kill all of them before they killed her. Even if she ran, she wouldn’t be able to sleep if she just left them alive. She beat them one by one --caveman-style-- with a rather large femur of one of the cadavers, running away when she was threatened to be swarmed again. Rinse and repeat. It left her exhausted and sweating, but at least none of the spiders were left to come haunt her.

A sigh of relief escaped her as she carefully made her way around the dead spiders. She crouched near Eliott, but there was no need to check his pulse to know he was dead already. His chest did not move, and his nostrils did not flare. The poison had done its work. Fortunately for him his dead body wouldn’t get eaten by the arachnids, in contrast with Kurt White, whom Yana had found somewhere among the other cadavers. Most of his flesh had been eaten along with his organs, but the spiders had left the face mostly alone, as there wasn’t really much meat attached to the skull anyway.

Yana stripped Eliott from his shirt, deciding to use it to wrap Kurt’s head in. That way she didn’t have to drag the whole body with her, but would she still be able to prove Kurt White had died. And she’d get paid too. She sighed then, decapitated Kurt’s corpse and stuffed his head in the shirt, which she bound together with some string found in Eliott’s backpack. Then she searched for her path of arrows, which she would follow to return to Kurt’s campsite. There was no question about what she would do next: sleep. She was tired and bruised, and wasn’t planning on walking around in the dark for longer than she should. In the tent she would be relatively safe from kidnapping spiders, and if she buried the head in the ground until morning, she wouldn’t be attracting hungry predators with it either.

Yawning, the Yludih picked up the first of her arrows, shook the dirt off of it briefly, and placed it back in its quiver, eyes on the lookout for the next one. Despite that she was still in the middle of the Vale, the mercenary relaxed a little, glad this ordeal was over.

Sort of continued here.
Last edited by Yanahalqah on Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:15 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 2354
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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Flies in the web


Investigation: The importance of small details
Investigation: Weighing up the facts
Investigation: Building a case
Detection: The smell of leather
Detection: The smell of feet
Detection: Knowing when something doesn't seem right
Fieldcraft: The basic tools of survival
Fieldcraft: Bury anything that might attract prey
Medicine: Checking a persons pulse
Location: Grimvale
Grimvale: Spiders
Strength: Dragging a full grown man
Kurt White: Eaten by spiders?
Eliott: Dead

Loot: Kurt's Head, Elliot's bloodstained shirt.
Injuries: n.a
Fame: n.a
Magic: n.a
Devotion: n.a

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: n.a
Structure: 5/5

Comment: I always like how much story you manage to inject into your solo threads. Great work.
word count: 116
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