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The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Vhalar 123, Arc 716

She was gone, and he didn’t know what to do anymore. The house felt so empty without her. He wasn’t interested in spending the evening and the night alone, and he didn’t feel like visiting the House of Roses at the moment either (none of the girls there were Faith), so he had decided to pick up an old pastime of his again. Before she had come into his life, he had visited the Fighting Pits quite frequently. He had even sponsored a fighter himself once. Unfortunately the man had been beheaded by one of his opponents and subsequently been unable to continue to work for him, as a head was necessary to fight as well as live.

After Veljorn Burhan’s failed rebellion the slave markets had seen a sudden influx of new wares, and slaves were cheaper than ever before as a consequence which was something that he decided to take advantage of. Maybe he would finally get a new man or woman to fight for him (and hopefully not die for him) in the pits and the arena. A bodyguard, he decided, would also be a nice thing to have after that terrible woman had threatened him and robbed him in his own home, although he wasn’t sure how reliable a gladiator would be. Still, it might be a good distraction from his former slave.

It had been so long since he had last visited the pits that he had forgotten how cruel and violent the place truly was. For a moment the young noble just stood there, feeling somewhat out of place in his nice clothes and with his sword cane that was little more than a glorified fashion accessory, but then he smiled and strode over to where he hoped he would find Finn Craig, the Master of Slaves, the most hated man in all of Rynmere. Violence was just what he needed right now. As long as he kept paying money and supporting the place it was unlikely that Finn would allow anybody to hurt him.


A couple of bits Finn and Tristan were sitting opposite each other in the man’s private quarters, sharing a bottle of fine Venora Red that Tristan had brought to improve the man’s mood that usually varied between “bad” and “worse” and make him more inclined to do business with him. “So what do you have besides rebels, spouses of rebels and children of rebels?” he wanted to know because he wasn’t sure if his cousin would appreciate it if he bought one of her former allies. He didn’t want to anger her too much. Besides, owning rebels might be dangerous. They might just try to slit his throat if they found out that he had supported King Cassander and even loaned Faith to Veljorn’s killer.

“A Lothar”, Finn replied at which Tristan’s eyes widened. “All-male race. He’s a good fighter.” Tristan’s eyes widened more and more until the Master of Slaves started to wonder whether the noble was about to have an epileptic fit. Finally Tristan blurted out,

“Seven, did you never wonder how exactly races that only have one sex procreate? Do they do it with each other or do they take human women? If they do it with each other, who’s the mother and who’s the father? And if they take human women, how can there be any full-blooded Lothar? Shouldn’t it be a race of mixed breeds?”

Finn stared at Tristan for a moment, and then he snapped at him, unwilling to admit his lack of knowledge regarding such topics, “What do I look like? Some sort of biologist? Ask that cousin of yours. He’s a doctor, isn’t he? The Lothar is yours for 160 nels. Do you want him or not?”

Tristan replied, deciding that he couldn’t pass up on such a bargain. His horse had cost almost as much! “Does he come with any weapons or armor?” he wanted to know.

Finn laughed as if he had just heard a joke. “What do I look like? Some sort of Good Samaritan or a pampered little noble lord that doesn’t know what to do with his nels? You’ll have to buy him equipment if you want him to last longer than a handful of trills in the pits. Do you want to meet him now?”

“Of course”, the noble replied and drained his glass before he started getting second thoughts about his newest investment. What if there was a reason for why Finn wanted to get rid of the Lothar? Maybe he was ugly or disfigured, didn’t speak Common – or couldn’t fight at all!


Another couple of bits later Finn and Tristan found themselves in the slave quarters. The Master of Slaves walked over to where Morthalas was, doing whatever it was that the fighters did when they weren’t fighting and yelled, “ Morthalas! Come here and meet your new master! Lord Venora decided that he wants somebody to fight for him in the pits and bought you!”
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The Lotharo unaware of what was transpiring behind closed doors, picked up a Zweihander from the training weapons rack. It felt light in his strong capable hands, as he assumed a traditional fighting stance. The weapons span coupled with Morthalas's long reach made him feel like behind this sword he was going to cause problems for many adversaries as sometimes a fight is dictated on purely genetics themselves you can't teach tall after all. A couple of hefty swings with an emphasis on power with the training equipment to build his confidence, the beast man felt adequate in his ability while other lesser races might have felt the tension begin to burn away and gnaw into the muscles of there arms and stop he was different his endurance was racially ingrained into his DNA to keep him swinging with power even if sweat started to bead down his forehead he wouldn't succumb to the physical demands of trying to hit with brute force with such a heavy unforgiving sword with every swing. His swordsmanships skill lacked finesse but had plenty of drive and fury.

"You there, Lotharo leave the training grounds you have a guest that wishes to meet with you in the the slave quarters."

Morthalas dropped the weapon in the dirt and walked with the guard to the slave quarters. When he entered he was greeted by Finn and another guy, he wasn't sure what to make of him. To him this noble looked soft, and weak the supple facial features made the Lotharo instinctively test the waters as he towered over the two. He stood adamantly with some level of unrefined discipline and flexed his chest, stepping forward with an agile lunging step as he parted his arms causing his chains to make a whooping crack and remained stationary looking intently with intense emerald eyes with feline pupils to see if his shear size and skill were intimidating to this man as he fished for a reaction.

The beast man would immediately try and clean up with a hasty commentary.

A pleasure to make your acquaintance master Tristan, I am Morthalas. And I will spill much blood for you !

His voiced boomed with enthusiasm, making it hard to tell if he had intentionally tried to scare or startle the Lord or if it was pure excitement and some sort of theatrical brovado to commemorate the moment.
word count: 403
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Tristan Venora
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As Morthalas entered the slave quarters, Tristan just stared. The Lothar was the tallest man he had ever seen. He would likely even tower over his cousin Alistair who was of a well above average height. And all those muscles! For a moment the young man was tempted to touch them to see if they were real or if the Lothar had somehow managed to stuff rocks under his skin, but then he decided that it would be better not to. Morthalas might just decide to wrap those huge hands of his around his throat and choke him if he got too close!

It took all his willpower for him not to jump back when the Lothar suddenly stepped forward, rattling his chains as he did so. It had been some time since he had dealt with a fighting slave, but it occurred to him that it would not be a good idea to show fear. Morthalas would never respect him if he realized that he was afraid of him. He gulped and exchanged a glance with Finn who seemed to be amused by his reaction for some reason before he focused on the slave again. With all that hair he looked like a lion – a lion in the body of a man!

“Do all Lothar look like that?” he wanted to know from Finn. The Master of Slaves looked at him for a moment before he replied slyly, because he wanted to sell Morthalas, “He’s one of the biggest and strongest of his kind. I have yet to see another Lothar like him!” Tristan’s eyes widened as he heard this and he turned back to Morthalas.

Gradually fear was replaced by utter fascination. Seven, Morthalas was so big and looked so strong that he might even stand a chance against that two-headed hound that had been terrorizing Rynmere! If he gave him a sword, he would probably plough through a horde of shadow beasts as if they were nothing and kill everybody and everything that got in his way! If only he had already had such a warrior by his side when he had gone to Oscillus!

As Morthalas spoke, he smiled and finally dared to come a little closer. “If you fight well”, he informed him. “You will be treated well and may eventually be able to gain your freedom. Now tell me, how many fights have you won so far, and will you attack me if I ask Finn to take those chains off?” As he awaited the Lothar’s answer, he realized just what he had just said. Seven, was he turning into the kind of man that bought slaves only so that he could free them later on? He hoped not! He liked owning slaves!

“I'd like him to fight one of the other slaves here as a demonstration of his skills. Would that be possible?” he asked the Master of Slaves. As he said that, he wondered if he would have to take Morthalas home and find a room in his house or in the slave quarters in his grandmother’s palace for him or if he would sleep here, with the other fighters. He had never thought about where the fighting slaves that were privately owned stayed – because there had been no need to.
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As Morthalas found himself more acquainted and comfortable as time past he displayed it in a gutteral purr that resonated within the confines of the room with regal self confidence akin to lions or tigers. It's true he did look the part of a primitive man, but he was more beast and monster then anything else.

Even if Tristan was afraid of the Lotharo the fact he did not back down had elevated his respect for him. Amongst the softer type, there were plenty of schemers and backstabbers but hardly any of the twisted lot had true courage to stand up to a formidable adversary without having calculated every conceivable angle first.

I've killed plenty if that's what your asking. It don't bother me much either, I like to think of myself as an artist of sorts working on a masterpiece. Shit, I'll paint the whole kingdom red for you if you ask me polite like.

Yeah you can take these cuffs off, I promise I won't take a chunk out of you. I prefer my meat lean anyway, wouldn't want to ruin my appetite on junk food before the main course.

Besides a deals a deal, I'll keep my word and heads will roll. So do try to keep yours....your word that is.

The Lotharo raised a quizzical brow as he smiled unveiling a fearsome array of ivory cutlery with the intent to intimidate once again but this time it was more of a tease then a hard boiled display of badassery. He wasn't a fraud but he wasn't being completely honest either, why talk himself down and ruin the enigma when you could tell the noble was mystified by his intimidating ambiance.

¤Doesn't do me much good having this beast run amuck, gotta pay for damages to my merchandise, it's one thing to put on a show and make a few coins to more then compensate for the loss it's quite another doing so in a lose lose situation. My slave wins, you don't buy the Lotharo your Lotharo wins I'm out a gladiator in training you see my dilemma? Truth is your getting the Lotharo as a steal, he has all the physical makings of a champion the raw potential is there but he needs some knowledge to put it to good use.

The wine was good, so how bout we make some arrangements to have him put on a show tonight, no point destroying perfectly good property without some margin of profit.

I know a guy, kind of a chump we can pit your Lotharo against his Qe-Draki but you'll need to pay his cost, arm him and play the game.

Now win or lose you will make some coins.¤

It was in Finns best interest to try and give Tristan a taste for the blood sport, to wet his appetite and open his coin purse.
word count: 498
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Tristan Venora
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“Oh”, the noble made as Morthalas told him that he would paint the whole kingdom red for him and wondered if he should be scared, shocked or excited. He decided on the latter because he was a painter and occasionally painted things red as well. So they had that in common. “That’s great. I might just ask you to do that one trial. You have to tell me exactly how you killed all those people sometimes though. Did you only start killing people in the pits or did you already kill somebody before you became a slave?” It was just then that he realized, a bit belatedly, that asking slaves about the time when they had been free might not be a good idea. With Faith he had never had that problem. She had already been born a slave. Morthalas on the other hand might get angry.

As Morthalas informed him that he wouldn’t want to ruin his appetite on junk food – he probably meant to put him at ease, he realized – he furrowed his brow, wondering how he should react to that and promptly complained, “But I’m lean! I don’t have a lot of meat on my bones, but what I have is excellent quality!” Junk food? Definitely not! There was nothing tastier than a Venora! Although … Tristan felt quite strange for a moment as he considered the possibility that Morthalas might actually occasionally snack on people. Were Lothar cannibals? He looked at Finn, but the Master of Slaves remained suspiciously quiet.

He wondered if he should really have Morthalas‘ chains removed. The Lothar had promised not to eat him, he recalled, so he gave Finn the sign to go ahead. He wasn’t too fond of chains anyway. They restricted one’s movement, and if the Lothar was too fight for him and protect him he needed to be able to move freely. Faith had had chains, but they had been purely decorative.

Morthalas had sharp teeth as well, he realized as the Lothar opened his mouth. He wondered how he got those teeth. Were they natural, and why couldn’t he have such sharp teeth? For the first time the noble wished he would look a little stronger and tougher. Being a skinny pretty boy was only fun as long as you didn’t have to fight for your life.

Finn did have a point, he realized as the slaver spoke – and Morthalas was quite a bargain. Tristan sighed. “Alright. I’ll buy him anyway”, he said and reached for his purse. As Finn mentioned putting on a show though, his eyes lit up again. “That’s a great idea! I will of course cover all the costs and arm him.” He paused and looked from Finn to his new slave and back before he asked the Master of Slaves, “Do you want more wine?” It wouldn’t hurt to offer, he decided, considering what would take place that night.

“Now then, Morthalas”, he wanted to know. “What’s your preferred weapon? I’ll need to get you something for the fight tonight so that the rebel doesn’t stand a chance!”
word count: 529
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Discipline: Refraining from touching that muscular slave
Discipline: Not jumping back even though you are afraid
Interrogation: Interrogating a new slave
Persuasion: Fight well, and I'll treat you well

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: Slight (+5)

Points 15

Comments: Sad that this didn't happen - I would've loved to see Tristan's goofiness backed by a Lotharen, muscled powerhouse! Although, perhaps it wouldn't have done very well for his PR. Hrm. :geek:

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