○ Common ○ Rakahi ○
99th Trial of Vhalar, Arc 716
Freya and Wendell had worked out a bit of a truce since they began speaking a week ago. She didn't trust the others to keep away from him and so, insisted that he remain in her quarters until they docked at Rhakros. Wendell, of course, was resistant. His attitude would spur at the slightest mention of the place, of Rharne or of anything having to do with slavery. Freya thought it best to avoid the subjects and instead, took to educating Wendell on Rakahi. The man didn't much care for it. Well, he didn't seem to care for anything really, but they were making slow progress and that was what kept Freya from throwing him to the wolves.Wendell was becoming an irritating annoying, however, due to his overwhelming presence every time they were near each other, she often overlooked his behavior in favor of watching the man. He could be the biggest, most spoiled child the woman had ever met and then suddenly, a glint in his eye would catch her off guard and make her insides squeeze and her palms itch to touch. Due to such conflict, Freya herself was becoming an irritated mess. The rule on the ship was no sex between crew members and though she couldn't speak for Qyona, Freya wasn't about to let her emotions rule her judgment once more. She couldn't or else that would give the crew means to take advantage of her or worse...
But things were slowly spiraling into chaos with the new member aboard. Haraji had stopped by her quarters to inform Freya of the whispers between the crew, namely the fact that Qyona and Gorroc knew she'd stolen their money maker from them. After a while, it even appeared as if Freya was hiding from them, stashing both her and Wendell behind the barred door. Valkan was concerned on top of this, but there was nothing they could do until they reached Rhakros. Once they were there, she would dump the two troublemakers and continue on without them... It was best that way.
Night fell and the moons of Idalos took refuge in the starry skies above when Haraji knocked on her door. Both Wendell and Freya where inside, settled over a book written in Rakahi while Freya was attempting to show him the difference between past tense and present tense words. She looked up then and closed the book, rising to open the door.
“It's time for your watch.” Haraji mumbled sleepily, then turned to head for his bunk. Nodding, Freya closed the door and moved to face Wendell.
“Come above with me.” Freya beckoned. “Bring book, I will show you more.”
There was a warm front moving through when the two clomped up the stairs to the deck above. Freya always accompanied Wendell anywhere on the ship. It was another nuisance that he had no trouble pointing out. Regardless, she kept to him when he would wander off and yelled at him when he'd try to defy her.
“You know name for ship in Rakahi?” She asked, taking hold of the wheel, “Arbiter. Say it.”
When he would spit out the word, Freya would smile and shake her head. “No, roll on tongue. Say it like... Arbiter.”
She took a moment to herself to think, while Wendell carried on. “Companion,” Freya used his nickname, ”Do you know way of Biqaj? Clans and ships and meanings in clan crests? Purpose and meaning in family and u... un... unite? Unity..? You do not, do you? Well, much pride is taken from clan and family. Close unity in blood and much honor in name, depending on clan. Most Biqaj have clan name, but I do not.” She admitted softly. “My mother met death after birth of me. I became orphan because no father could claim me. Biqajs do not welcome orphan blood, new blood, into name. It is looked at as dirty and spoiled. So I became burden.”
Her eyes shifted into deep blue and spiraling silver as Freya looked out onto the waves, the ship sailing gently over them. “Support I need but had none. Clan would not welcome my blood and so, I keep outside of circle. No unity I was given. But hardship was not so hard with help from those in Ne'haer. Living was hard but not as hard with Companions. Friends. I make choice not to fall, even though I want to. Easy is it to greet darkness, but I am judge of my life. I wish better for me and I grow strong from choice I make. So I take from title: Arbiter, and with you, I have clan now...”
Her crystal blue eyes slid over to Wendell then and watched his reaction. Would he have a go at her again, like he usually did? Or would he understand want an impact his unfortunate situation made to Freya? Before she could let him capture her vulnerability, she changed the topic and looked away.
“Arbiter is judge and we are judge of our life. So Arbiters we become and no one can argue with that.”
She knew he would retort when she watched his mouth open but shook her head and released the wheel, “Watch... I forgot a book for you.” She pressed quickly and moved to step around him. Freya mentally slapped herself, having said too much too soon to the man. After his resistance and noncompliance to her simple requests, she had opened a door for him that he was bound to wreck, tempting her to push him completely away if he did.