In this section, players can learn how to construct their own post templates for their roleplays. Inside is a list of BBCode available on the site as well as how to use it. If anyone needs any help with developing a template, feel free to hop into chat or PM someone for assistance.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
Aenean felis arcu, placerat non vestibulum semper, varius sit amet orci. Etiam et interdum nunc, id dignissim lacus. Aenean eget sodales diam. Maecenas in ex et odio fermentum imperdiet. Cras quis dignissim magna, a dictum arcu. Sed sed sem ut ligula ullamcorper ultrices eget quis nisi. Mauris rutrum, nibh in mollis bibendum, quam ipsum porttitor mi, eget fringilla augue lectus id neque. Curabitur porta porta auctor. Integer risus elit, accumsan et justo quis, dapibus aliquam dolor. Aliquam volutpat nibh ut tempus vehicula. Nullam ultricies nunc neque, a aliquet justo euismod ac. Donec euismod convallis convallis. Cras sit amet hendrerit justo. Mauris facilisis fermentum dignissim.
[style=max-width: 670px; background-color: #D9C9AF; margin: auto; margin-top: -23px; padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px; color: #000000;][align=right][googlefont=Dancing Script][font size=200][b]Time Stamp[/b][/font][/googlefont][/align]
[align=justify][googlefont=Dancing Script][font size=150]
[indent=30]Aenean felis arcu, placerat non vestibulum semper, varius sit amet orci. Etiam et interdum nunc, id dignissim lacus. Aenean eget sodales diam. Maecenas in ex et odio fermentum imperdiet. Cras quis dignissim magna, a dictum arcu. Sed sed sem ut ligula ullamcorper ultrices eget quis nisi. Mauris rutrum, nibh in mollis bibendum, quam ipsum porttitor mi, eget fringilla augue lectus id neque. Curabitur porta porta auctor. Integer risus elit, accumsan et justo quis, dapibus aliquam dolor. Aliquam volutpat nibh ut tempus vehicula. Nullam ultricies nunc neque, a aliquet justo euismod ac. Donec euismod convallis convallis. Cras sit amet hendrerit justo. Mauris facilisis fermentum dignissim.[/font][/googlefont][/align][/style]
word count: 297
Favourite quote:
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.