○ Common ○ Rakahi ○
11th Trial of Vhalar, Arc 716
Freya rolled from the sheets of her bed, the passion she felt from the dream she experienced quickly ebbing away with the gentle rock of the Arbiter as it pushed over wave after wave. She leaned against the wall and peered out of the small window, catching moonbeams ripple over the ocean in calming brilliance. Turning, the woman reached for the thin blanket that covered her bed and wrapped it about her shoulders and waist before heading out of her personal quarters.Padding up the stairs quickly, Freya stepped out into the chilled air of Vhalar. The ocean winds whipped her hair around softly, caressing her cheeks and shoulders to push at the blanket that kept her warm. She pulled it tighter to her and looked up at the clear, starry skies. It was still night time and though it was a bit cooler than she preferred, the wind was helping easy her from the confusion the dream brought. Maybe it was just her hormones? It'd been some time since she felt the touch of another, though hesitation kept her from truly seeking someone out.
Freya experienced much during her last few years of life. She'd been abandoned by others more times than any normal person should experience and had, for the most part, come out stronger. But sometimes she wondered, had she really become stronger?
“Canno' rest in the rockin'?” A familiar voice asked over the sound of the waves.
Freya turned to Caed who sat against a nook; his back was pressed against wood while he sat upon the railing of the ship, one leg curled upon the beam while the other stayed planted on the ship. He pulled at a pipe and turned back to the ocean, easing smoke from his lungs, “Best let the rockin' rest you.”
“What?” Freya asked, climbing the stairs that stood between them. “You know I'm terrible with common.”
“Speakin' wrong, says you. Coulda learnt somethin' as a bar wench.”
Freya frowned at that comment, “Caed, do I look like a bar wench to you?”
The grin on his lips said enough before he pulled on his pipe again. He knew how to rile the woman up with his crud jokes, but in the moment, she felt no insult. Freya was captive to her thoughts and she knew it showed in her eyes when Caed spoke again.
“What be keepin' you awake?” He asked, studying her.
It wasn't hard to see that she was bothered, both emotionally and sexually, though the latter was more so ignored at this point. Fifty seven more days she had to endure celibacy because she'd be damned if she let any of the crew touch her, much less listen to her in the throws of passion. That thought sent a disgusted shiver down her spine.
“What?” Freya questioned again.
Caed laughed. “Commandin' you a ship an' yah canno' listen t'a single thing bu'the sound of them thoughts. Best be ridden them for Rharne.”
A long pause drew out between them. Such silence only interrupted when Haraji stumbled out onto the deck, unclasped his belt, and proceeded to relieve himself over the railing. Freya's eyes could have bugged out of her skull, “The sarding Fates?!”
“Ah, leave 'em. He's probably sleepin' anyways.”
“He's pissing right there, Caed.”
As if to argue Caed's point, Haraji turned back toward the stair leading down into the sleeping quarters, failing to fix himself up as he stumbled away, eyes closed.
“He be doin' that a lot, unknown to you.”He pulled once more from his pipe.
Freya simply shook her head. Who knew the man was a sleep walker?