• Graded • Let's have a (boarding) party!

Nell guards a merchant vessel. Of course it's attacked!

The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Let's have a (boarding) party!

41 Vhalar 716
Orm'del Sea
Seabane. That's what the crew had taken to calling Nell, though it was mostly in jest. Few on board would actually insult her and hope to get away with it, but they had come up with it her first few trials. Nell hated sailing, and her seasickness did nothing to change her mind. The few first trials saw the mercenary green and vomiting, clutching at the rails on the side of the ship, trying hard not to fall into the water as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the currents. She had gained her sealegs somewhat since, but she still hated the rocking motion of the ship, and still felt some vertigo randomly.

Seabane. The name brought a small smile to the corners of her lips. Though she hated sailing, guard duty was her specialty. There was a certain emotion that was evoked when someone put his life into her hands, and she couldn't decide if it was pride or if it was smugness. Perhaps a bit of both. And when she took the call from the Merchant's Guild of Rharne, she knew that it was a lucrative job. Eighty-five gold nels to escort a ship from Rharne to Andaris and back. Sixty and some odd trials at sea. She needed the money, so she accepted. And she only regretted it most of the time.

A knock at the door roused her from her slumber, and she was immediately overwhelmed with a wave of nausea. She stifled the reflex to vomit, and instead rolled out of the scratchy hammock she'd been calling her bed. She was topless, mostly because she enjoyed the coolness on her bare skin, but she still wore loose fitting pants. She grabbed her dagger from the crate next to her hammock, and opened the door slowly and cautiously. As the cool night air filtered through the door, her nipples raised and stood erect. She took no notice.

The merchant sailor at the door did, however. His dark brown eyes snapped down to her breasts, but immediately returned to her face when he realized she was holding a dagger. Behind him, a Mer stood dripping droplets of water onto the deck. The Mer gave Nell a curt nod, which she returned. Since she'd joined the voyage, he was the only one Nell identified with. He preferred to be alone, swimming ahead of the vessel to scout the waters. His appearance meant that trouble was looming beyond the fog that swirled on the edge of the world.

"Sorry to wake you, Nell. Pirates spotted, six klicks up. We may be able to pass them by without them spotting us, but it's not a sure thing. We figured you'd want to be alerted." He seemed flustered, but Nell wasn't sure it was her nudity. She didn't consider herself pretty, but she knew that men often lusted after her. But this man, he seemed shaken rather than embarrassed. Crystal blue eyes landed back on the Mer and the look on his face. Without speaking to the sailor, she pushed past him.

"What is he not telling me?" Her voice was solid and emotionless, despite the chill she now felt and the exhaustion setting into her muscles. The Mer looked down at the deck, then back at her. With a shake of his head, he answered her softly.

"Bronze axes on a navy field. The Sunken Sorrow" Nell didn't understand what he meant, but the merchant sailor obviously did. Even in the darkness, Nell could see the color drain from his face. She looked between the two, inquisitive, but no information was forthcoming from the sailor. Instead, he huffed and shuffled off to the find the captain, but the Mer wasn't quite so shaken.

"Pirates on a ship called The Sunken Sorrow. They are not as active as they once were, but I am told they are ferocious. This vessel is not equipped to fight them off from afar. And they are notorious for boarding and slaughtering the crew. With axes." The Mer spoke with a cadence to his voice that suggested that he'd seen their handiwork, and Nell didn't press the issue. Instead, she nodded and returned to her cabin.

It took her a few bits to don her armor and weapons, but she had time. She retied her hair into the war braid, and stared at herself in the grubby mirror. She looked exhausted, and the bags under her eyes did nothing to make it better. She shook it off and joined the crew on the deck, looking out over the water toward where the danger waited. There were no signs of the Sorrow on the horizon. Not yet.
Last edited by Nell on Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 802
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Let's have a (boarding) party!

Death wasn't as silent as the deck of the ship as they sailed on. The suns were starting to peek from behind the edge of the world, and the fog lingering on the face of the water made it impossible to see into the clear liquid. Instead, there were distorted images of the ship in it, and Nell stared at those as they glided through the water like a knife through butter. It was another break before anyone broke the silence.

"Ship ahoy. Port." The call from the crow's nest came down to the sailors on the deck, and suddenly, chaos broke out. They rushed around and prepared the best they could, but Nell just stood and stared out over the water. The glare from the sunslight caused her to squint, but other than that, she gave no indication that she was affected by the situation. She just stared, hard, at the oncoming battle. In her mind, she went over the possibilities.

Her heart pounded under her red and black armor, but she kept a calm demeanor. The men around her kept looking to her, judging their danger by her actions. She knew that they would surely meet their doom should she lose control, and she vowed not to. She wouldn't get paid if the crew didn't make it to the destination. With a grim nod, she turned and faced them.

"Prepare for them. Anyone not willing to fight, in the cabins. Lock the door, and do not come out. If any wish to stand with the ship, and me, stay here." Not many joined her, though she hadn't had high hopes that they would. They were merchants and traders, not warriors. Nell pulled the bow off her back and held it aloft, testing the strength of her arm against the exhaustion. The bow felt significantly heavier than usual, but Nell knew she could make it work. She patted her quiver, double-checking to make sure that it was positioned favorably so she could draw, nock and fire rapidly. After, she checked that her shield and sword were secured, and then turned to study the few who'd stayed. The Mer, who was likely the one with the most experience, stood out in the front. Nell's eyes fell on him and she frowned.

"As much as I'd like you up here, I need you below. Circle their ship. When they start to board, climb the ship and cut their ropes. Preferably with the pirates on them." Nell attempted a smile, but nobody shared her mirth. The Mer didn't say a word as he dove effortlessly into the sea, circling around the merchant ship until the time was right.

"As for the rest of you. Grab whatever weapons you can. When they swing over, try to kill them in the air. If they board the ship, try to throw them off or kill them before they kill you. Do not surrender." Her cold eyes passed over them, and they shivered at the intensity in them. Tersely, Nell turned and waited for the Sorrow to approach.

Nell didn't have to wait long, as it appeared on the horizon much more quickly than she'd anticipated. She grabbed her bow again, nocking an arrow as the waving banner came into view, whipping in the wind. The ship was fast, Nell noted, and it wasn't a wonder that the pirates could get close enough to ships to board. In the hands of a decent navigator, the pirate ship could likely be steered with meticulous accuracy. Nell hoped that the navigator was adequate enough not to ram the merchant vessel. She needed the ship to be whole after she slew the boarding party.

And just like that, she was Death Nell. She donned a mask of emotionless grimness, staring out at the ship as it got ever closer. With a smooth motion, she drew the bow and launched an arrow in an arc towards the ship, placing the arrow in the waving flag of navy, right in between the two bronze axes. A humorless grin spread across her face as she turned, and the crew was bone white. The fight was upon them, and Nell didn't trust them to stand their ground and fight.

Good. She thought. More for me.

With that, she turned and waited for the ship, ignoring the quivering men behind her standing in pools of their own urine. What a pitiful way to die, in your own piss and shit. She clenched her jaw. She wouldn't die that way. Not this trial. Not ever.
word count: 775
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Let's have a (boarding) party!

She could see the men lined up along the railing of the ship, staring out at her. Many were humanesque, maybe Biqaj, and she could tell that they were ready for battle. Plenty had boarding axes and knives, but no bows. With a smirk, Nell gripped her shortbow even more tightly. That was her ace, as long as she could keep the distance. She waited until she could see the gaps in their toothless grins, and fired a warning shot.

The arrow whizzed over one of the men's heads, and he just looked up at it in shock. A rousing cry came up from the ship, and it was followed by ropes with grappling hooks on them. They flew in unison, landing and hooking all at once. A few missed, and they were expertly hoisted back in and thrown again. With another cry, a line of men jumped and swung towards the merchant ship.

One of the swinging men caught an arrow in the abdomen, tossing him to the water in a fit of pain. His rope swung limply to the side of the ship. Nell screamed in defiance at the approaching men, quickly fitting another arrow. The men on the ship hadn't move a single muscle, and the primal warrioress swung her head around.

"Cut the fecking ropes! Before they get to the damn ship!" Her voice was all command, and the men moved before they really registered her words. They hacked and slashed at the rugged ropes, but they weren't experienced. If they managed to cut one before the more practiced pirates made it to the ship, she'd take up knitting in her spare time. She knew she was likely safe, though.

Another arrow flew, this time catching the man in the face. He made no sound until he splashed into the water behind his friend, who was trying not to drown and bleed out simultaneously. Let the fecking sharks have him. Death Nell rushed to the side of the ship, aiming her bow downward at a pirate climbing deftly up the rope. The arrow flew by his head as she fired, and she growled at her miss. She didn't have time to nock another, so she jammed the bow into his upturned face. He swung, but held on. A leather-gloved fist followed as he settled back on the ship, and broke the bridge of his nose before he fell back into the sea. Two dead, one down. Nell checked back, and she could see heads cresting the ship. With another scream, she swooped over to where two merchants were trying to cut the rope. The pirate was close enough that he could have grabbed one of them.

Quickly, Nell tossed her bow to the side and drew her sword. She left the shield on her back for the time being, and removed the fingers from one of the pirate's hands as he grabbed the railing of the ship. He held on for his life, and she let him hang for a trill as she turned and kicked another in the head. When she turned back to finish the hanging pirate, she found that one of the merchants had buried his dagger in the man's skull. The pirate, plus the dagger, fell to the water. The merchant, now defenseless, fell behind Nell, but not before receiving an approving nod.

The pirate she kicked crested the railing and dropped to his feet on the deck. Nell swung and readied her sword at him. It was the same toothless pirate she'd fired the arrow over on the deck. His grin was just as wide.

"''Allo pretty. Yer lookin' fer a strong man ter help ya?" With that, he came in with a vicious axe swing. Nell ducked and moved, but the merchant behind her didn't. The pirate leaped forward savagely, burying the axe in the man's shoulder. The merchant howled as the pirate yanked the axe out, spinning to face Nell, knowing she was the greater opponent.

"Bein' shy, lass? Come get some of ol' Bindell here. Let'em taste yer sweet honey." Death Nell gave no indication that she heard him. Instead, she stalked in slowly, and he watched her with practiced eyes. She measured him with a thrust, which he batted aside. He was trained with that axe, or had had enough practice to know how to put it to use. With a grin, she moved in, footwork solid as she swung the blade high.

As he ducked, Nell jumped forward and kneed him in his lowering face, using her momentum and his direction to splatter her nose across his face. Blood gushed from it, and had he had any teeth, he'd have spit them out. But when he rose, a red smile was all he had on his face. He spit the blood on the deck at her feet and shook away the jarring pain.

"Clever trick, bitch. Try again." And he rushed in, feigning a chop with the axe. As she went sideways to dodge, he tripped her and she hit the deck hard on her chest. Deftly, she slid the shield from her back and rolled, hoisting it just in time to catch the axe square in the middle. A trill later, and she'd have been dead. He tried to yank the axe out, but brought the shield with him. For an instant, he paused and was amused.

"Guess I'll be takin' more'n yer ass fer a trophy, eh?" It wasn't a trill after he said it that her leather boot found his manhood with enough force to lift him from the deck. He roared in pain and groped as the crushed testicles, tears immediately finding his eyes. He pushed his knees together and fell over, prompting Nell to roll over on top of him. She picked up the shield, hatchet still embedded, and slammed it onto his face. Blood spattered out as she slammed it again, crunching bone underneath. She slammed again, dousing herself in a spray of gore. He stopped thrashing after the next hit, but she kept going. Every slam was punctuated with a scream of rage, until finally, she tossed the shield to the wayside. She stood up and left the pirate laying there, warm blood pooling around him.

Death Nell wore a mask of red blood, running down her face and into her mouth. Blue eyes stared out from the crimson field, burning with hatred and rage. She found no more enemies to kill, and instead found the pirate ship retreating. She raised her arms and roared after it, but it kept sailing away from them. The rest of the crew started to return to the deck, and more than a few vomited at the bloody lump of gore that was the pirate's head.

Behind her, a chant of "Seabane!" went up, this time as a title of respect. Nell didn't even register their word, just their chants. She didn't turn to face them, but instead watched as The Sunken Sorrow retreat. She knew The Mer was on board, and if he were smart, he'd get off before they found him. If he wasn't, he'd at least take a few more of the pirates with him.

From behind her, Death Nell basked in the chants of the crew. She spit on the dead pirate and kicked him once more for good measure. Her eyes never left the ship now sailing into the distance.
word count: 1265
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A few breaks later, the suns were high in the sky. The men sat around a crate with some dice carved from the bones of a whale, laughing and drinking rum. A gentle breeze blew the ship steadily, so the men were taking some time to enjoy themselves after the excitement of the early trial. Nell listened to them laugh and whoop, she listened to their empty threats and curses when they lost. She found that she enjoyed the merchants well enough.

With her blade in her lap, she ran a cloth gently over its surface. She'd already cleaned the blood from herself and her gear, but she sat polishing the blade of her sword in the sunslight. Blue eyes looked out over the water, now clear and smooth. She wondered if they'd see that ship again, perhaps on their way back from Andaris. It brought a genuine smile to her face to think that the Sunken Sorrow would avoid them should they cross paths again.

Then her mind moved to the Mer that she'd sent to, most likely, his doom. They hadn't seen him since he'd dove into the water, and it was a good bet that he'd been caught and killed, or held captive. Nell shook the thought from her head, realizing that she was frowning hard enough to tire her lips. She looked down at the gleaming blade of her sword and sighed.

From behind, the merchant who'd roused her commented on the shine of the blade. Nell didn't turn her head, since she'd known of his approach. He was rather rotund, and his steps weren't quiet. Instead, she nodded, warbraid bobbing with her head.

"A clean blade is an effective one. Blood makes it stick in the sheathe." He walked over and sat next to her. He smelled of body odor and sweat, likely from cowering with the rest of the men while the ship was under attack. He was huffing, but Nell didn't notice. Her severe gaze found his red face, and he managed a weak smile.

"We're glad to have you along, Seabane. I hope you don't mind that name now. It really is a term of endearment." He smiled again, this time while patting her knee. Her eyes fell on his hand, which remained after his comment. She shook her head, and looked back at him.

"The name is fine. I'm just glad that your men finally grew the courage to say it in front of me, instead of whispering it in their cots while they thought of me at night." Her tone was terse, and she pursed her lips. The few first trials were rough for Nell, who had to restrain herself from hurting a few of the men she'd been hired to protect. The merchant's pudgy hand rubbed her knee gently.

"Aye. What started as a joke now has meaning. Makes one wonder, eh?" It occurred to Nell what he meant, and she almost laughed. There was no doubt that coming to close to his death had stirred something in the fat man, but Nell couldn't help but find humor in his attempt. Of all the people on the ship, she was least likely to entertain the idea and most likely to gut him for suggesting it. She placed a strong hand, fingernails recently cleaned of gore, on his and shoved it off.

"I only wonder when we shall dock so I may sleep in a real bed." She stared through him with burning eyes. "Alone." He seemed dejected, but hid it well. With a grunt, he pushed himself to his feet. Nell looked up at him and he smiled down at her.

"Again, Seabane, thank you for your help. You'll not be forgotten among the merchants of Rharne." With that, he waddled off. She dropped her gaze back to the sword and allowed herself a chuckle. She'd likely fornicate with her sword before that coward. The thought made her smile.
word count: 679
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Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
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Let's have a (boarding) party!



Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 0/ 5 (solo thread)
Structure: 5/ 5

Seabane: Your nickname
Sea sickness: Not funny, not one little bit.
Bronze Axes on a navy field: emblem of The Sunken Sorrow
The Sunken Sorrow: Pirate ship
The Sunken Sorrow: Ferocious crew
The Sunken Sorrow: Notorious for boarding and slaughtering with axes
Knitting: A viable hobby
Discipline: No point in panic
Leadership: Clear, straightforward and to the point.
Leadership: Give orders that are easy to follow
Tactics: Use every advantage
Ranged Weapon: Bow: Testing your strength
Ranged Weapon: Bow: Aiming on boat
Blade: Sword: Slicing with precision

1 axe, well made and with an intricately carved handle. It is well made and, when the bits of brain and gore have been cleaned, it's a beautiful piece of work. Nasty looking. Good quality: worth 30gn
+2 (leading outnumbered troops), +3 (Kill a pirate / bandit)
These points may NOT be used for arcana


General comments.
Story What a fantastically written pc who is a very real individual with a clear personality.I very much look forward to reading more of your threads with her. I deducted a point for story for two reasons, neither of which would be enough for a point deduction in themselves, but which combined I feel justified it. I felt that you overplayed her unarmed combat skill here, somewhat, as she performed a number of moves (such as groin kicks etc) that fall into this category. I understand that there is overlap, however, with skills. Also, since the Sunken Sorrow has made such a name for itself, I find it unlikely that it would have been so easy to defeat them ~ they would be likely to have some ranged weapons, surely, and even if they didn't, as you have written this, Nell more or less did this on her own (with the help of some urine soaked merchants and one Mer) which is not really appropriate to her skill level in comparison to a ship full of renowned and ferocious pirates. Just food for thought in an otherwise very well written thread with a compelling and rich story.
Structure All good with the exception of one mistake which made me pause. I was a little confused by "As he ducked, Nell jumped forward and kneed him in his lowering face, using her momentum and his direction to splatter her nose across his face. " I think you meant splatter "his" nose across his face? Only mistake I saw, though, and no biggie. Otherwise, no issues!

Please do PM me if you've got any questions
word count: 436
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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