The Troubles of Twerking

Andras invents twerking and also gets in a scuffle.

18th of Vhalar 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Andráska Venora
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The Troubles of Twerking

"My two natures had memory in common."
  • 18th of Vhalar, 716 A.V
  • “No, like this,” Andráska Venora snatched the joint from his friend’s fingers, took a sharp inhale, and stepped up in front of the candle light, bending his knees and arching his back. A moment of silence as the group of men crossed their arms and watched intently. And then, Andráska’s backside popped and in a beautiful succession, his ass cheeks shook and bounced under the thin fabric of his trousers. The muscles of his thighs creating a rhythmic motion, and he lifted a leg while he danced, and howls of laughter resounded from the tavern.

    “What in immortal’s name is that?” Jeremy yelled, doubling over in laughter, “How?” he threw a hand over his eyes and struggled to breath.

    “What-?” another soldier named Dorian shook his head, taking a drink of the bottle in his hands. He just shook his head and walked away.

    At the response of his teammates, Andras exhaled the aromatic smoke that had been held in his lungs while he moved, chuckling as a kiss of light headed euphoria blanketed him, “I haven’t named it yet,” he hmm’d, grinning, “You like it?”

    Jeremy continued to laugh, choked hiccups guffawing in the room as he tried desperately to catch a breath. When he was capable of forming words, he looked up at his friend with droopy eyes, “You plan on showing whatever that is, to your parents? At a fancy party?” He started giggling again, “I can’t breathe. Do it again!”

    Some of the other men, who were most definitely inebriated, chuckled and tried to imitate the motion, but failed miserably.

    “Your ass is too small,” Andras critiqued with a sleepy smile. He wiggled his eyebrows and turned, slowing his movements, each hip cocking and dropping, the flesh jiggling all the same. He nodded, “Use your thigh muscles and you can do this,” Stumbling a bit, he straightened up and took a deep breath to focus. In position, his butt began to shake, the weight shifting fluidly from one foot to the other as his backside shook side to side. “You, uh, kinda pop out your ass, then it just… sorta happens.” In truth, the noble had never had to explain it to anyone, let alone a group of grown men.

    “You’re so gay,” one of the men commented sharply, chugging his beer. Andras snorted, rolling his eyes.

    “Maybe,” Andras said suggestively, shrugging and taking another hit of weed, “Or a genius,” He started to smile again, eyes staring off into the distance, “Can you imagine a pretty girl doing this? Maybe the baker’s daughter?” She was thick. Delicious.

    The soldier – Drake, scoffed, “Good luck getting a girl to do that, fag. Gays can’t be smart. That’s a fact.”

    Andráska finally peered over at the pudgy knight, a man in his thirties who perhaps had a bit too much to drink. A spark of irritation danced in his eyes and the edge of his joint flared hot red in the dim room as he glared over at the older man, “You should watch what you say,” he warned lightly, noticing the lack of armor on the commenter, “People might think you’re projecting.”

    It took a moment for the older man to catch on to the insult, but his eyes narrowed and he sneered, “What did you just say to me?”

    “Oh, come on, Drake,” Jeremy interrupted, sensing the change in mood, “It’s just fun. And Andra has a point. The baker’s daughter really is-,”

    “You’re defending him? So, you his little girlfriend, huh?”

    Andráska exhaled another round of smoke and calmly put out the joint on the bottom of his boot. Tucking the rest of it into his pocket, he rolled his shoulders. He didn’t like this guy’s tone, for a number of reasons. The first one was the face of Alistair floating in his mind, his brother who he had semi-recently found to have kept boys in a closet. Dead ones, but….

    His brother was the smartest man he knew, and he didn’t care if he was gay or not. Drake was stupid, most likely the son of an ignorant farmer or miner, brute strength and no brains. Under the fog of the marijuana, Andráska very much wanted to hit him.

    Always a creature of impulse, he did.

    Drake was waving around a bottle, his words muddling the faster he spoke, leaving a clear opening for the noble. Andra shot forward, eliminating the space between them in moments and throwing a fist at the man’s jaw. It was like colliding with a wall, but the man flew backwards, stumbling and falling to the ground, the bottle shattering onto the ground.

    The homophobe was clutching his face, and pain was shooting through Andráska’s fingers. He flexed them experimentally and before his rival could orientate himself, he lifted a boot and kicked, sending his heel into the side of a bald head. Drake grunted, the sound lost among the other roars for bloodshed in the establishment.

    Someone grabbed him and pulled him backward, separating the bold noble and the man with a busted brow. Something about the sight of red had Andra fixated on the wound he inflicted and he grinned, a crazed look in his bloodshot eyes, “If you liked what you saw, you just had to say something, Sugar.” he winked and kissed the air, laughing wildly.

    A lesson to the dear reader: Historically, weed has been known to make one forgetful, hungry, perhaps a bit spacey and unable to grasp complete consequence. Alcohol… had the ability to make you mean, sturdy, and hell bent on getting what you wanted…

    When Drake pushed himself from the ground, his ugly mug an expression of hatred, Andraska quickly remembered the difference. His eyes widened and he threw hands up to attempt to block the bludgeoning that awaited him. Pain shot through the side of his cheek, white flashing behind his eyes as a fist slugged past the barrier of his arm and against his skull.

    “Keep your hands up! Watch out!”

    Another assault awaited, a fist slamming into his unprepared core and doubling him over. His stomach tightened from the impact and jerked, nearly rejecting the food Andras had for dinner and spilling it all over the floor. He sucked in deep breaths and fell backwards, but was caught in the arms of a forming crowd. Hands patted him on the back and someone held a drink to his lips.

    Andra tried to pull away, unable to breath and wanting to curl in a ball, but faintly, he could see Jeremy slapping his face and trying to ward off the furious behemoth that circled restlessly. An animal wanting blood. Anger roared inside him and Andras straightened, holding a hand against his stomach and wheezing. Taking the offered drink, he took a swing of unidentified alcohol and spat saliva on the ground.

    Time for round two.
word count: 1186
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Andráska Venora
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The Troubles of Twerking

"My two natures had memory in common."
  • 18th of Vhalar, 716 A.V
  • Drake was circling him like an animal – teeth barred and lip curled up in a nasty sneer. Andras, in comparison was taunting the beast, smiling with no sincerity in his eyes, and instead, addressed the crowd, “Who enjoyed my dance?” he raised his hand, laughing as he jumped back from a swing, feeling the air rush past his face. There was so much anger in Drake, anger that could be exploited to an advantage. He had been drinking, and while that could mean a higher pain threshold, Andráska hoped for a delayed reaction time in his opponent.

    They both exchanged blows, Andras' right hook slamming right into the stocky man's jaw and racking his chin. It offset Drake's balance, leaving his hit to land against Andras' ear, boxing him hard and making a ringing sound light up his head. Those not involved in the fight were cheering.

    Andras dipped his head down, blocking a blow with his arm while the space between them closed. He tried to step back, but the crowd was tight and wouldn't allow for too much movement. He knew his strength was in his reach, his arms long and capable of keeping an enemy at bay. Closer combat was a bit more unreliable, and when he deflected another blow, he grimaced when Drake's arm wrapped around his neck and pulled him down, trying to put him in a headlock.

    The two struggled, Andras' hands pushing the other man's body away, and instantly struggling against Drake's drunken strength. He had the control now, vice like grip around the noble's neck and jerking him to the side. Andráska's head was lightheaded – from the drugs and blood rushing to his face, and he twisted his body, throwing his knee up and digging it into the homophobe's ribs. Drake grunted, and his grip faltered, giving Andras slight leverage, but soon tightened again.

    Frustrated, Andráska threw punch after punch into the man's core, his breath ragged and his muscles warm. The smell of sweat and alcohol rolled over Drake, no doubt adding his own scent of sweet ganja. The taste of liquor still coated his tongue, his neck burning from the Indian burn forming, and Andraska knew he was struggling, “Come on, Il-” he grunted, absorbing a blow to the side, “Illaren,” the name was faint – lost among the rallying crowd, and Andras shifted his weight, pushing back, using his height to force his opponent back. Drake stumbled a step or two before becoming a pillar again, and the noble knew it was time to change up his tactics.

    What were Drake's weaknesses? Drunk & ignorant? Scared of men who challenged his views of masculinity? If he could break free, he could deliver his sentence. Drake's face was close to Andráska's, and a new tactic formed in his mind. Instead of trying to push Drake further away, he gripped him, pulling his body close and grabbing the back of his head, forcing it within range.

    It was time to make love, not war.

    Andráska pressed his mouth against his opponent's, biting his lip harshly and forcing his mouth open, and sliding his tongue into the man's mouth. He tasted blood and beer, Drake's eyes widened and he shoved Andráska hard away from him. “YOU FUCKER!” He spat on the ground and was wiping his face furiously, as if he could scrub his lips off.

    Finally free, Andras' back hit the crowd, their hands propelling him back into the fight. Andras had already prepared his fist and used the leverage to slam it hard against the other man's face. teeth flying and blood spraying. Drake crumpled, his legs nearly giving out, and attempted a pathetic swing. Andráska caught his wrist, and the playful nature that normally illuminated his face was gone, and he threw his freehand into Drake's elbow, a loud crack snapping from the sweet spot.

    A broken arm, and the man collapsed to the floor, clutching his arm and whimpering. Stunned, the crowd was silent, and the noble addressed them.

    “Now...” he panted, still processing the fight was over, “Who wants to dance?” he grinned, and suddenly the crowd roared, a chanting loud as he was lead to a seat.

    “Andras! Andras! Andras!”

    He had won, and the victory couldn't taste sweeter. Later that night, he declared a name for his dance - The Baker's Bounce.
word count: 764
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Peer Reviewer
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The Troubles of Twerking

Andráska Venora

Peer Review

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/5
Structure: 5/5

Awarded Knowledge

Culture: Homophobia
Dance Move: The Baker's Bounce
Drugs: Combined Effects of Weed and Alcohol
Tactics: Using Opponents's Weaknesses to Advantage
The Baker's Bounce: Ass Shaking
Unarmed Combat: Fighting in Enclosed Spaces
Unarmed Combat: Fighting While Drunk
Unarmed Combat: Fighting While High

Loot & Losses [/color]xxxxxx Injuries
None [/color]xxxxxx None
Fame [/color]xxxxxx Devotion
Dance Invention: +5 [/color]xxxxxx None
Fighting: -2 [/color]xxxxxx


If using or mentioning illicit drugs in your posts can you add that to your warnings in future please. I would not have touched this thread with a ten-foot barge pole had I known, and potentially other Reviewers feel the same way.

Having said that, I decided "in for a penny, in for a pound" and carried on. And I surprised myself; you dealt with two very sensitive matters (homophobia and drugs) very well, and I found myself enjoying it. You are a very talented writer, I look forward to reading more by you.

As you can see, I have provided feedback and reasoning behind my review. If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 219
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