Greyden Settlement

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 08, 2025 12:58 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Greyden Settlement

Player Name: Nir'wei
Lead Mod: Pegasus
Founding Skill: Leadership
Survival Skill: Animal Husbandry
Growth Skill: Animal Training

Settlement Name: Greyden
Settlement Location: Scalvoris Mountains
Wealth: None.
- Tax: 0%
Population: 50 [25 Base, +10 Founding Skill, +15 Renown]
- Military: 5
Order: 34
- Demographic: 95% Human, 5% Sev'ryn
  • Primary
    • Fish
    • Rabbit
  • Secondary
    • None
  • Tertiary
    • Animal Training services
      Animal breeding services
  • None
Location NPCs

Brock Thurman (Farmer)


Name: Brock Thurman
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 82nd of Ashan 692
Skills: 60 Gardening, 40 Mathematics, 30 Logistics, 30 Science
Appearance: Brock is a bright and colourful man that takes great pride in his appearance. Often seen wearing bright shirts that would be ill-fitting for the farms he can be found in, he believes that if he's going to end up covered in mud one way or another, he might as well look good doing it.
Personality: Somewhat eccentric and unnaturally cheerful, Brock always seems to find ways to steer conversations back to his latest attempts at splicing plant species together. Despite his intense focus over numbers, figures and scientific research, he has an untended creative streak, and has a very extensive research journal filled with the different effects of music on the growth of plants - though he gets too distracted to practice properly and hold a tune.
Relationship to PC: Joined Greyden as a kindred soul, seeing Nir'weis love of animals and realising a love similar to his own for plants. He's since been put in charge of Greyden's agriculture.

Alexei Modurna (Architect)


Name: Alexei Modurna
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 23rd of Cylus 698
Skills: 40 Engineering, 40 Smithing, 30 Science, 30 Woodworking, 30 Animal Husbandry
Appearance: A soft-faced young man with the posture of a scholar, Alexei wears the traditional clothes of his home, the Hotlands. Of course, because of this, he often struggles with the cold and rarely strays from the warmth of the nearest fire, and can often be heard before he approaches because of his liberal use of warmth stones in his pockets.
Personality: Passionate and intense, there are few people that take their work as seriously as him; however this was never what he really wanted to be known for, since while his parents prepared him for the life of a scholar, the only designs Alexei ever seemed truly interested in were those of the most elaborate stables, farms, or barns. He's still learning how to actually negotiate with the animals often found there, but he dreams of making, of all things, a giant floating zoo one day.
Relationship to PC: Joined Greyden believing it was the best way to fulfil his dream, and to take on the new challenges it presents; however, he's always complaining about the cold weather.

Jake Ignum (Cook)


Name: Jake Ignum
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 12th of Ymiden 689
Skills: 60 Cooking, 40 Gardening, 30 Animal Husbandry, 30 Brewing
Appearance: Flowing brown hair, bright blue eyes, and the constant smell of fresh meats and sweet treats soaked into his clothes and skin, Jake is a magnet for the ladies and he knows it. He also does absolutely nothing to hide it; always found with his sleeves rolled up to the elbow and most of his shirt buttons undone, he says that it's because of the heat of the stove, but he also spends more time out of it, fluttering his eyelids at anyone caught looking his way.
Personality: Someone once told Jake that the best way to a girl's heart is through their stomach, and he's absolutely taken it to the extreme. There's nothing that motivates him better than hearing there's going to be some cute-looking guests sitting at his table tonight, and he thoroughly enjoys being the centre of attention at any and all opportunities.
Relationship to PC: Girls love cute animals, right? Well, Greyden seems like the best place to find plenty of those, and Jake's nothing if not willing to do whatever it takes for a good shot. Plus, who knows, perhaps the settlement might have some good-looking types around...
Places of Interest
None yet.
Settlement Aesthetics
None yet.
Last edited by Greyden on Tue Feb 18, 2025 2:48 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 702

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