[Mistral Woods] The Smell of Emotions - II

33rd of Saun 724

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[Mistral Woods] The Smell of Emotions - II

Somewhere beyond the fog, the suns were high in the sky trying to penetrate the haze. And to a certain degree, they managed. The mist outside looked whiter but it was still stubbornly stationed outside her door. The breeze also tried to tear the veil up a little and at times the forest would appear like shadowy figures, guarding the shack and watching the progress happening within its walls.

Which was none to speak of as of yet.

Elowen had had her breakfast and munched it down as quickly as she could. She went through her morning routine in a blur and was now standing fully dressed, with her headscarf secured on her head. She was at the common table, facing the plants with the hearth in the background. She knew she had to replicate the situation from Asgall's fateful night.

That bit was easy. The hard bit was how could she then capture the steam which according to her carried the essence of the plant? She was still battling with the idea of capturing something that had no substance even though she now knew the steam was the carrier. Was there a way to turn vapour more solid?

She wasn't starting to dabble with magic, was she? Though it sure felt like it.

The girl walked over to the cold, dark hearth. She had an idea about which pout she'd use since size-wise it was the closest she used in the Gallach residence. Wrapping one arm around herself and resting the elbow of the other on top of it, she was pressing her knuckles against her lips.

And like so, Elowen began focusing on possible answers and solutions. Whenever she leaned over a cooking pot, the steam felt wet on her skin. Sometimes it was little. Other times she had to wipe away the perceived moisture. It wasn't hard to think that water and steam were one thing. But could she place something above the pot to capture the steam and then somehow turn it into water or whatever the essence of the plant looked like?

Her mind ran away with itself at that point, trying to device contraptions involving bowls and lids and spoons to achieve what she had set out to do. It was all clatter and sighing in the shack. She was certain to give herself a headache with it all if she continued. But before that could have happened, she started to confuse herself, unable to follow her own running thoughts and the multiple ideas or the reasons behind why she put a spoon there in the first place!

She stepped away from the hearth, rubbing her eyes. Did it really have to be this complicated?

No...it didn't, she thought, suddenly remembering another time when she also over complicated something and the subsequent trip to Rosebay. Trap didn't have to look like a trap for it to do its work, Elowen recalled the main lesson Dandelion had taught her that time. So perhaps, this also had a much simpler solution.

She gave her eyes one final pat before staring at the ridiculousness in front of her again, her hands cupping her cheeks.

Simple, simple, simple,... If steam was water then it could be liquid again. Somehow. Maybe if there was enough steam it would group together like droplets and flow. In which case...

Elowen tilted her head to a side. She started re-arranging things in a much slower and more determined way. She grabbed a bigger pot, two deeper bowls and a shallow one. She placed one of the deeper bowls upside down into the pot so its bottom was facing up, then she placed the shallow bowl on top of that, creating a very skewed hourglass shape inside the pot. She then poured into the large pot the water from the original small pot. There was almost a full finger depth. Not much but if anything, Elowen wasn't going to change the proportions.

In theory, once she added the herbs and placed the whole thing over fire, she would cover the pot with the final deeper bowl, its bottom side pointing towards the shallow bowl. This would act as a lid to prevent steam from escaping, forcing it onto its surface. And if her thinking was right that enough steam gathered together would accumulate like droplets of water and then it would flow downward, it should then gather in the shallow bowl.

Well...there was only one way to find out! Elowen turned to the herbs. Time to put this to the test and hope for the best.
word count: 774
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Smell of Emotions - II

It must had been around lunch time because Elowen was getting hungry again. But she could hardly think about food. Every since she set the herbs to boil and she covered the pot with the other bowl. She busied herself inside the shack with mundane tasks whilst periodically stealing a few gazes in the pot's direction.

Elowen figured it was best to go slow and steady, rather than making it fast with a blast. So the fire in the hearth was low. But still, she had no idea how long the herbs needed to boil for to achieve the essence extraction. And she had no way to check on the water levels aside from the olfactory signs of something burning (which she was checking for just now).

But it had been at least a few breaks since she started this process. Surely that would be enough, no? Herbal teas took less time to prepare than remedies boiled from woods. Would this be the same? Elowen had a feeling that she was drawing very weak conclusions from experience that might not even be related to whatever this was that she was trying to achieve. But she had nothing else.

So with that in mind, the young apothecary had decided that the time had come to move the pot from the fire and set it on the stone ledge around the hearth for it to cool. Oh, she was so itching to have a look inside. But she couldn't. She shouldn't!

Thankfully at that moment, as her fingers were hovering around the edge of the bowl, Ark scratched at the door. Poor pup had been locked in the whole day. Elowen had all but forgotten about him.

The girl looked back at the pot briefly before willing herself to walk away.

"There you go," she said as she opened the door and let the black dog run free. The unusually cool Saun air brushed against her cheeks making her realize just how hot it became inside the shack. She took in a deep breath with all the moisture of the stubborn fog and the dew still sitting in the grass.

She watched the near uniform haze when she frowned, tilting her head to a side.

It was cooler out here than it was in the shack. Yet the air was filled with a fog which must had been water made visible in the air. She did not understand the mechanics behind it. How could vapour exist in hot and cold environments? Was there a difference between the two? She stood there considering all those questions whilst the air exchanged around her.

At some point, even those contemplations tired her out and she found herself just blindly looking ahead. All the active, heavy thinking she had done since waking up had exhausted her focus completely. But Ark was still out there.

"Ark?" Elowen called out. Suddenly, she was acutely aware of the fact that she couldn't see his dark form anywhere. "Ark! Come!" The girl ordered, slapping her right thigh twice. It was something she started doing these days. Sometimes joining the command to come with the gesture. Sometimes she was only using the gesture. But one thing she realized was that Ark seemed to need a few trills to switch gears when she did require him to do something. This time, as she stood there with the trills passing by as leisurely as her breathing, Ark was not coming.

"Blasted dog," Elowen uttered under her breath. She could only hope he wasn't far and that he'd come back soon on his own because she had no time to go look for him now.

Walking back in, Elowen gingerly touched the pot and confirmed it was probably safe to set on the worktable now. There she had prepared reasonably sized flask, unsure even how much essence she should expect.

She set the pot down and exhaled. The moment of truth had arrived.

Lifting the bowl up, she immediately noted that there were rivulets running down the tilted side and water dropped onto the worktable. One theory was thereby confirmed - vapour could gather at a point and like droplets then run down.

Elowen sniffed at the moisture that clung to the bowl but didn't notice any special odour. Or at least none that was different to the herbs that she used. She set the bowl down and peered into the pot.

There, in almost no water, lay the mush of macerated and overboiled plant material. Elowen took in a deeper breath in surprise and a flutter of excitement.

Something had indeed gathered in the shallow bowl! Though it did not seem to be much.

Nervous and excited, the young apothecary reached in. Her hands shook as she brought the shallow bowl out and then ever so carefully and cautiously decanted the contents into the prepared flask. It was then that as she watched the liquid being poured, her surprise gave way to confusion and then disappointment.

Breaks of boiling, high concentration of plants in ratio to water, and the gathered essence was...minimal. There was barely up to the first thumb knuckle AND it looked underwhelmingly like water.

Elowen's face screwed into one of discontent which quickly turned into chagrin. Had she just wasted breaks and plants? Did she fail and her ultimate theory was wrong? Had she nothing to offer to Asgall but apologies and directions to the nearest doctor?

She stood up straight, watching the flask as the muted daylight hit it at an angle. She was shaking her head.

Waste...absolute waste. Meira would have known not to do this. Meira would have stopped her and told her that such fooling around was not worthwhile. Stick to what you know, Elowen could almost hear the old woman say albeit spoken with Elowen's voice and charged with her annoyance.

She kept shaking her head as she turned away from the disaster.

Pea was snoozing away in his beautiful nest on top of Elowen's pallet. Her pallet… She was itching to just go and move that damned thing onto the floor where it belonged so that she could claim back her own space and curl up into a ball and maybe sleep well for once! Or just sleep to forget this failure.

And she did take a few steps in the direction, almost giving in to the surge of emotions which may have led her to upsetting her feathered friend. But again, Ark came to a rescue, barking from somewhere outside.

In her upset, Elowen didn't quite catch whether it was a playful sound or a sound of warning. So her eyes shot straight over her shoulder and through the door. Still, she did not see her pup.

"Blasted dog. Blasted bird." Elowen swore before turning on her heels and marching out of the shack. "ARK!"
word count: 1154
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Smell of Emotions - II

The time outside helped Elowen clear her mind from the initial emotional high of failure. She didn't realize how much she had pinned her hopes on the success of this, on providing an unheard off solution to Asgall to ease his ailments since all the other common ones were failing. Sure there was the poppy paste, but Meira warned her about it. There was something about it being highly addictive. Elowen never found out how Meira knew but she was heeding that warning.

Regardless, Elowen was back at square one. Stuck with the same old plants and the same old way of administering them. She did not think of herself as an innovator or someone who would change the world of remedies, but this defeat stung nonetheless.

"Ark, hey," she spoke softer to the pup that was now walking by her side. He moved as if to wander off again, but she'd really prefer it if he didn't. Maybe it was clear in her voice or body language. Maybe he had had his fill because he heard her and stayed.

When Elowen marched out of the shack earlier to track the rowdy pup down, she did not have to go far. He was right by the edge of the woods, looking in and barking on occasion. It wasn't a full warning, neither was it an invitation to play. Either way, Elowen did not like it as much as she wasn't fond of the fact that she couldn't see into the woods with the mist hanging around. Mistral had a strange air about it as of late. It all gave her the creeps.

Still she stood there for a while with Ark, looking into the milkiness, hoping that the shadows she'd see moving from time to time on the edges of her vision were just her imagination. Part of her wanted to give in to the fire bellowing in her chest as it fed off of her disappointment. Let whatever was in the woods come. Part of her knew she was being foolish and should probably go back inside. But she did not move. Almost detached from herself, Elowen watched the trees as much as she observed the turmoil inside her.

She didn't know how long they stood there, but when Ark lost interest, so did Elowen. She tagged along behind him as he sniffed here and there in the clearing in front of the shack, or when he marked the border at some places. It was the insistence of her stomach that convinced her to go back inside. Their roles switched, Ark followed her instead.

Elowen avoided looking in the direction of the worktable. She'd have to clean the mess at some point, but not right there and then. No, she didn't want to face the aftermath just yet. So she went to the food storage and took out a piece of bread and some cheese, poured herself a cup of water. Even the idea of making a herbal tea irked her.

She was sitting at the table, munching away and staring just a few palm widths in front of her when she thought she saw a shadow pass by the window. Not knowing what it was and her heart jumping a little, Elowen looked up. The door was open a little to let in some fresh air, but the girl didn't hear any footsteps. Ark was also motionless on the floor. So perhaps there was no visitor, welcome or otherwise, moving around outside.

Then she saw the slanted daylight basking the flask still. The girl's chewing slowed down until she swallowed. Then she shook her head and decided to continue eating. Much like the shapes in the woods, she must had been imagining that there were two layers in the flask. Why would there be? Water was water. That was it.

But her eyes kept coming back to it until eventually, she had finished her humble lunch, cleaned up after herself and walked over. Satiated, though still irritated, she couldn't let this experiment rule the rest of her day. She promised Eseld a solution by to-trial. She had work to do.

Though when she lifted the flask, she nearly dropped it. There were two layers! One that was see-through like clear water. The other was sitting on top and was an shade of light grey, also see through but...lazier.

Elowen's heart pumped in her chest. Heat of other kind rose to her face. Did she do it? Was this the essence of Rosemary and Lavender?

She brought the mouth of the flask to her nose and even before she could inhale, she was hit with the scent. It was powerful. Not so much that she struggled, but certainly stronger than from the fresh or dried ingredients.

A smile began to spread across her lips. She did it. She had no idea if this really was the essence of the plants or something else. Nor was she entirely clear on how to use this, but she had achieved what she set out to do!

Elowen placed her thumb over the flask's mouth and swirled the liquid around, watching it in the weak daylight. The lower part was surely water. It looked and moved like it. And the upper part...it seemed thicker, slower. Like oil almost.

She hesitated for a moment before she shook the flask, agitating the substances inside to the point they mixed, forming small oily eyes that floated around and upward. In that process, some of the liquid got on the ball of her thumb. Elowen placed the flask down and then ran fingers together, spreading the solution.

Definitely oil-like, the girl thought. She reached for the cleaning cloth and wiped her hand on it, unable to hold back a victorious grin.
word count: 984
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Smell of Emotions - II

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Just a low-key discovery of essential oils.

Thread: [Mistral Woods] The Smell of Emotions - II
City/Area: The Stormlands

Renown: Well...I think it is up to the reviewer, but this discovery would still be very much in house and unknown until next thread (part 3) when she shares this particular solution with a villager.

Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? Yes - Gernevoir
 ! Message from: Winston
word count: 116
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Smell of Emotions - II


Review & Rewards



I really like how you lean into a thread opener. Setting the scene and getting the reader 'in the mood' for the approaching narrative is really nice.

You wrote a decent balance of success, failure, experimentation and discovery, so nice work. :-)

I think for the most part perhaps a lot of this stuff could be built off the back of your Medicine skill, boiling, etc, but I would recommend you shape some of this around the science skill going forward please. While not TOO sciency, this is touching in chemistry, etc. and so just bare that in mind if doing this again or extending into anything more complex.

I would be claiming some science knowledges for this one probably, but not a problem this time unless you want to swap some out. Let me know if so.

Thanks for using the knowledge tagging systems, it really helps out during review.

Please enjoy your rewards.


  • XP: 10


  • Research: Replicating conditions to achieve similar results
  • Research: A theory as basis for experimentation
  • Research: Drawing conclusions
  • Animal Training: x1
  • Meditation: Self-detachment
  • Research: Points of reference

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!

word count: 197


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.

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