• Solo • The Nature of Time

29th of Saun 724

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Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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The Nature of Time

Saun 29, Arc 724

For the first time in decades, the suns weren’t visible in Saun. Cassander didn’t mind the lack of sweltering heat, although he wondered if there was a reason for it. He did in fact prefer the fog and the occasional rain shower to sweating nearly to death on a regular basis. It allowed him to arrive at the Domum Kassaili where he had found employment the cycle before without looking like he’d just taken a bath which improved his mood considerably.

Sometimes, he arrived before his employer, Sage Castemont and unlocked the shop. She finally trusted him enough to leave one of her keys to him. That trial, she was already waiting for him though. She was sitting on the counter and idly tracing the ornaments on the wood with a finger, as if they held her entire interest, but when he walked in and approached her, she abruptly looked at him and smiled softly at him. A moment later, she stood.

“What do you think time is, Cassander of Rynmere?” she asked in a gentle tone of voice rather than greeting him and looked at him, her blue eyes bright with curiosity. “Do you think that time is a line, with a beginning, a middle and an end and that the future is unavoidable because there is only one path we can ever travel on, in a single direction, or do you think that the opposite is true, and that the possibilities are in fact endless?”

“I think that time exists in a limited fashion”,
he replied and took a seat on the counter instead of her, crossing his arms over his chest as he did so and secretly wondering what the reason for those questions was. Sage often spoke in riddles, she was often vague, but there was always a purpose to what she said. She wanted something from him. But what? And was it about him – he was a relic of the past, living in a time where King Cassander of Rynmere was thought to have died – or about someone or something else?

“Some people says that time is absolute and unavoidable because we age, but the aging process isn’t absolute, is it? The Immortals don’t age, after all", he pointed out.

“They just are.”

“In my opinion”, he continued confidently, meeting her gaze as he did so. “The past, the present and the future are intimately connected. History exists in the present and affects the future, and the future can sometimes send ripples into the past. Time is but an illusion of the physical world that our mind perceives. And if that is the case, there is no line and thus no path to travel on, but a myriad of different fates that you can fulfill, provided that you believe in such a thing as fate”, he finished.

He didn’t inquire why she had asked him about the nature of time, but simply waited for her to say something, feigning a look of calm serenity, as if he weren’t impatient at all, his posture relaxed.
Last edited by Cassander on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 520
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Re: The Nature of Time

“I have an acquaintance”, Sage finally revealed. “A follower of Ralaith, a scholar who studies the nature of time and who might find your take on it interesting. He wants to make a pilgrimage to the shrine in Westwind Town and pray there, and he would appreciate a travelling companion, someone who can keep him safe, if need be.”

“Do you still have your sword that doesn’t look like a sword?”
she wanted to know.

“I do”, he replied and inclined his head. She meant his cane sword that he had had with him when they had first met, he realized. He wondered if she had asked him what he thought time was in order to pique his interest in that kind of philosophical discussion. If she had, it had worked.

He found himself wondering about time and fate and the bitterness that came with thinking about a time that was long gone – and the chain of events that led him to a point where he was in an unfamiliar city, without his kingdom - more than he had in a long time.

But still …

“There are people where only ruins used to be. They claim to be old residents”, Sage told him.

He abruptly met her gaze.

A moment later, he furrowed his brow.

“Do you think they are?” he asked, his heart beating a hint faster. “Do you think they come from … before?”

The wheels in his head started to turn quite rapidly as he wondered if it was possible that the people who lived in Westwind Town weren’t just deluded, or sick ,but that they came from a different time. If they had travelled forward in time, could you also go back?

He realized that he probably wouldn’t be able to save Rynmere even if he found a way to go back. There were too many unknown factors, too many events that were interconnected, and he had aged too much to be able to replace his old self, even if he managed to get rid of him somehow.

That didn’t keep him from being curious about the possibility of it though.

“That’s something that you could ask the shrine’s caretaker”, Sage suggested. “They may know. Ralaith is the Immortal of Time, so it makes sense for someone who serves him to have answers to at least some of the questions that are on your mind.”

“Westwind Town is past Caervalle, isn’t it?”
he inquired. “The journey would take me several trials. I wouldn’t be able to work for you at the Domum Kassaili during that time.”

“This is work”, Sage told him. Her tone of voice was tinged with a hint of amusement now. “I expect you to come back with something, a story about Westwind, the shrine or Ralaith himself. And it will be faster if you travel on horseback”, she pointed out.

“Will you go?” she asked him and added, “The choice is yours, of course, Cassander of Rynmere.”
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Re: The Nature of Time

“I will”, he replied after he had given the matter some more thought and inclined his head. It would give him the opportunity to get to know the area around Rharne a bit better, and if he was lucky, he would get the answers to some of the questions that troubled him and find a way to deal with the bitterness and anger, a slightly better way, at least.

He didn’t consider himself a follower of the Immortals – he worshipped the Seven, his own ancestors – but Immortal worship didn’t make him uncomfortable. He recognized the power of the Immortals, and he had called some of their marked friends, back in Rynmere.

“Do you have a horse?” Sage asked. “If not, there are stables where one can rent horses.”

“I have a horse”, he replied. He’d acquired a little black and white mare earlier that cycle. Her previous owner had called her “Bean”, for a reason he had yet to figure out. He was still debating whether he should change her name to something that was more appropriate for a king’ horse.

But then again, he wasn’t a king anymore, was he?

He furrowed his brow in sudden mild irritation before he pushed that feeling away and inquired, “What’s your friend’s name? And when does he want to make the pilgrimage? I assume there are inns along the way where we’ll be able to spend the nights?”

He preferred fog and rain to heat, but he had no interest in camping when it was raining, or camping at all, for that matter. He was no coward – if he were, he would have given up a long time ago – but who could really say what kind of creatures lurked in the forest?

He’d sometimes heard stories when he had frequented Rharne’s taverns, and most stories contained a kernel of truth, and besides, he had always travelled in utter luxury before.

“There are some”, Sage replied, smiling softly. “And his name is Lamont. Florian Lamont. I’ll let him know that I found a travel companion for him, my own assistant. He will be most pleased. I’ll tell him to contact you, if that’s alright with you?”

“It is”,
he replied. In the past, when he had still had his throne, people had rarely contacted him directly. Most letters had ended up on the desk of one of his advisors that made sure that they were safe and didn’t contain any poisons or nasty curses. He supposed that he didn’t have to worry about that anymore, unless someone found out the truth.

It was refreshing in a way.
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Re: The Nature of Time

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 ! Message from: Winston
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Re: The Nature of Time


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Awesome I like the interactions with the NPCs in this. A plot surrounding a little mystery and Immortals of Time sound super interesting, I hope you have fun with this one... and perhaps I get the chance to review the ongoing story (I love a long story arc). :-)

Please enjoy your rewards!


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10


  • Deception: Hiding your impatience behind a façade of calm
  • Discipline: x1

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!

word count: 87


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.

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