• Solo • [Earth Quarter]Dawn of the Pigasus [TW:Graphic pig killing (I'm so sorry piggies.)]

Netzach finds out about the flying pigs.

27th of Ymiden 724

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Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Netzach Embersoul
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[Earth Quarter]Dawn of the Pigasus [TW:Graphic pig killing (I'm so sorry piggies.)]

Earth Quarter, Netzach's home
Dreams were vivid for Netzach these days.

Often they involved sitting on an Ivory throne, laying waste to his enemies, and eating and drinking whatever he wanted in a palace of pure gold.
All the women desired him, all the men desired to be him, and for once he was the object of envy, and not the one who was envious of someone else's grand story.
And he felt in control. The kingdom ran on the dead. And the living bowed to his thralls. There was no army but the army he controlled, his army of the dead. An army of absolute loyalty, and one that assured him that he could never be dethroned, for he alone held the absolute force of war in his kingdom. All the living were relegated to servants and slaves. And-

Plink. Plink. Plink.
The sound of tapping on glass broke through the murky sea of sleep. For a trill, he was aware of his body, in a cheap home rented out in the Earth Quarter.
His body groaned with tiredness, hugging the comparatively warm and inviting bed for comfort. As the trill passed, he felt himself sinking back into the sweet embrace of sleep.

Must be some kid throwing rocks at the window or something. He thought.

He returned to his palace of gold, the feeling of a crown on his head, and a regal scepter in his hand, he reclined in an Ivory throne as all his courtiers kneeled before him. The majesty. The power. The-

Plink. Plink. Plink. PLINK.

The tapping broke through the fog of sleep again, this time more urgentlly.

He made some sort of incomprehensible noise and dragged himself out of bed with a groan.

"Ughh... Damn it, what the blazes is that noise?"

He stumbled over to the window, where the noise seemed to be coming from, his heavy head cradled in one hand, rubbing his eyes that still saw the dream world.

As he blinked and let his eyes focus to the bright sunshine outside the window, he saw sitting on the windowsill... a crow.

A crow with a rolled up note tied to its neck, looking at Netzach intently in the eyes.

The two of them stared at each other silently for a trill.

And then a Bit.

"Uhh..." Netzach started, startled by the strange... intensity he saw in the crow's gaze. A purposefulness, like he knew exactly where he was, where he had to be. Here, in front of Netzach.


"Caw." Came the reply. Great, now he was talking to a crow.

He opened the window, finding the Crow standing its ground patiently, instead of flying away with the same skittish demeanor that birds are known for.

"Caw." It said again.

Netzach took it to mean 'Take the note', and so reached out to unbind it from its neck.

He read the note, that was incredibly brief, and unsigned by its sender.

"Netzach. Get to the Dust Quarter. Kill one of the flying pigs, then gut it. You'll find something very special inside. Bring it back to me."

This arrogant, commanding tone of speech. And the way he asked Netzach to do something ridiculous like killing and gutting a pig like it was nothing...
There was only one person Netzach knew who could have sent him this letter.

He looked up from the note and at the crow, who was staring at him. No, not staring.

He waved his hand infront of the crow's eyes. It did not move, nor blink. It wasn't even breathing.
Netzach poked it, and it fell over stiffly, like a wood carving. Dead.
A Thrall Netzach noted.
Hod, his mentor, had been the one to send him the letter.

But what did he mean by flying pigs? And why now? What was happening at the Dust Quarter?

"Damn it, master..." Netzach said, gingerly picking up the corpse of the crow, completely unsure what to do with it. "Couldn't you at least not leave a dead bird at my windowsill?!?"

He could almost imagine his mentor's laughter. Another practical joke, no doubt. He was far too fond of making things a nuisance for his apprentice.
word count: 707
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Netzach Embersoul
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Re: [Earth Quarter]Dawn of the Pigasus

Dust Quarter
There was restlessness in the streets. Again.
The crack of dawn that was often silent, was punctuated with murmurs and whispers of the early risers amongst the Rharnians. Rumours were already being passed, even before the town crier could announce it to the public.

It felt like the end of last season all over again.
This must have something to do with what my master sent me to investigate. Netzach thought.
Was there some mage making all the pigs around Rharne float away? Or were Pigs around Rharne suddenly being taken away by some flying monster?

Netzach was soon to find out.

He smelt it long before he saw any of them.

He held his nose, tight, as a strong scent of fresh manure hit his nose.

"EUGH! What is that damnable smell?" he cursed, immediately regretting saying anything, as when he drew breath through his mouth, he could taste it on his tongue.

He took out his scarf from his bag and wrapped it around his nose and mouth. The sweltering heat of Ymiden did him no favours, but he needed to get away from that stench.

The whole streets of the Dust Quarter were literred with manure. While they were always dirty and poorly maintained, this was entirely different.

"Sure looks like those pigs have been here. But where are they?" he asked aloud to himself, still debating between the prankster mage and flying monster theories to explain these 'flying pigs'.

As he got closer to the heart of the Dust Quarter, the smell worsened, and each step had to be more careful than the last, as the forest of excrement became thicker and thicker.


Netzach's head snapped up from the road, then left and right as he tried to scan for the source of the sound.

Flying. Pigs.

He looked up, and saw a herd, no... a flock?
A flock of flying pigs, with wings set upon their backs, squealing through the air.

There were definitely no flying pigs in the Dust Quarter before.
Wait, didn't his dad once tell Netzach about flying pigs. That would have to be... 40 years ago since they disappeared. Why were they back now? And why did his master want Netzach to kill one of them?

"...Look's like I found them." He said, judging the distance. His crossbow might be able to reach, but these pigs were flying around fast, and he hadn't ever practiced shooting them at this range.

He paused, his hand hesitantly hovering over his bag that held his crossbow.

Might as well try.

He winced slightly as the crossbow's string pulled back with a loud CLICK.
He looked around, making sure nobody was there. Even if they were, Netzach wasn't sure anybody would stop him. Lightning Knights rarely came around here unless they were cracking down on someone dangerous or important.

He loaded a bolt into the groove, then pressed the stock to his shoulder, taking aim almost straight up.


Despite their size, they moved around like flies. Annoying to pin down. Still he tried to follow one's movements in the sky with his crossbow.

As he felt the pig in his sights slow down along a curve, he pulled the trigger, and immediately knew he would not hit, because before the bolt left, the pig had already moved on ahead.

The bolt flew up, missing the pig by several feet. Damn it.

Netzach drew back the string on his crossbow to try again.
He racked another bolt into place, finger gingerly resting on the trigger for a second shot. I feel like I'm forgetting something.


Netzach jumped as the bolt he fired earlier landed mere inches away from him.

"Right. What goes up must come down...." He muttered, trying to control his racing heartbeat.

"Probably not a good idea to shoot into the air, then. Last thing I need is to have killed some random beggar who was unfortunate enough to be in the path of my bolt as it comes down." He said, eyeing the sky with a squint as the pigs flew overhead.

"But then how the hell am I supposed to-" THUD. SQUEEEEEAAALL.
Netzach was suddenly interrupted by a cacophonous noise in a nearby alley.

"I got one! Get the hammer!"

Netzach sprinted over, peeking around the corner into the alley to see...
Three men huddled around the body of a flying pig, presumably killed by one of them who wielded a bow.

"Ohoho, we're going to eat good tonight." said one as he knelt and brandished a knife.

"Sard, do you really have to do it right here? We spent the last hour just shooting arrows into the sky." said the one holding a hammer.

"Shut it, Farkas. Do you want to lug him all the way outside Rharne to gut and bleed him there? Or you want to stink up your smelly bog-hole of a house with pig blood and guts? We're doing it here." replied the one presently gutting him.

Bogs, if they cut it open they'll find whatever it was my master wanted me to find... Netzach thought, slightly panicked.

He wasn't sure what they'd find, but he knew he couldn't just let them get their hands on it. There was no way Netzach was going to hit one of these pigs out of the sky.
He was just a few feet away from what could be his only chance at this. He needed to get his hands on whatever was inside that pig before they did.

His mind raced, searching for a solution, then a calm fell upon him. He felt himself grinning mischievously.

"Hey there fellows... I see you killed a pig." Netzach said, stepping into the alley.

The men stiffened, the one holding a bow and the one holding a hammer immediately getting in between Netzach and the Pig.

"Yeah? What's it to you, Skich? We stuck the pig fair and square. No laws against that are there?" Replied the one holding the hammer.

"Fellas don't tell me... you haven't heard of the Curse?" Netzach said, trying his best to seem ominous and foreboding.

"Curse? What curse?" Came the reply, as the three looked entirely unconvinced. Although the one with his hand in the corpse swore he saw the Pig twitch....

"Look, everyone knows that these pigs were around decades ago, until they had been killed down to the last pig. And now they've come back, seemingly out of thin air. However, rumour has it that they haven't come back entirely unchanged.
Rumour has it, that if you kill one of the pigs.... they will not rest until they have taken their revenge."

The men laughed.
"Oh stuff it with your rumors! You aren't scaring anybody. Sounds like an old wive's tale. Why should I be scared of any bloody pigs?! What are they going to do, snort at me? Get out of here before we decide to stick you with an arrow too, you Foul-born Fod-sack. Stop wasting our time."

Netzach backed up, hands raised in defeat. "All right. All right! I'm going to go! Just don't say I didn't warn you if you turn up dead somewhere, cursed because you just couldn't help yourself to flying pork, okay?! If I was you I wouldn't bloody risk it!"

As he turned around and disappeared around the corner, he smiled to himself. They didn't buy the curse story, of course. It was a tall tale for anyone to believe. But it planted the seeds for what he was about to do next...

"What a strange farkin fellow, talking about curses and some other bog like that. Let's get back to gutting the pig. Killias? What's taking so long?"

Suddenly the pig began to writhe and kick, as if struggling to its feet.

"AHHH!" The man jumped back.
The other two jumped back in surprise as well

It made a noise that was halfway between a groan and a gurgle, a sound that grated on the nerves.

It kicked itself upright, having been given a wide berth by the men who had jumped back in horror, blood gushing out of its head, fragments of its skull flapping in the air loosely connected by skin tissue, dung spilling out of its unclenched.... okay you get the jist.
It stumbled around, wings flapping like a lame bird, in a frantic flurry of wings and legs.

"FARKAS! KILL IT! HIT IT AGAIN!" Said one of the men.
Farkas, Netzach presumed, hefted a hammer, hesitating to go near the pig. He swung and it landed with the crunch of bone breaking.
Yet the pig continued to gurgle and buck. now looking even more disfigured and unnatural, an appearance that made the very skin crawl, and bile rise to one's throat.

It thrashed around in a circle, jumping in the air as though trying to take flight, the men stepped towards and away from the pig, torn between their revulsion and their desire to claim the pig for dinner.

Finally it flew, leaving behind a trail of blood and viscera in its wake as it took to the skies.

The three men scattered, terrified.



Netzach quietly smiled and walked away, mentally commanding the pig to rendezvous with him at another alley.
Sure, it was risky to use Necromancy in broad daylight like this. But he was counting on them to not know that what they just saw was Necromancy. Odds were that nobody would believe them if they told anyone that they just saw a cursed pig come back to life. After all, they hadn't believed Netzach when he told it to them. Truth becomes quickly obfuscated in the grapevine of rumors out here in the Dust Quarter.

On top of that, Netzach had used the power of Attunement in order to hide his Necromancy using Static.
As unlikely as it was for Lightning Knights, or really anyone of power to sniff him out, to be in the Dust Quarter, he had his back covered with Static.
word count: 1736
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Netzach Embersoul
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Re: [Earth Quarter]Dawn of the Pigasus

Alleyway, Rendezvous'ing with the Pig
Netzach Directed the pig to fly, rather clumsily, overhead.
He cursed, the pig was... floaty. Netzach hadn't had enough experience raising flying creatures before, but even so, it felt less like the Pig was flying, but rather swimming, floating.
It crashed clumsily into the walls, spiralling with uncontrollable momentum. Netzach tried to keep it high and out of people's view but keeping it from nose-diving was about as best as he could. The residual instincts in the Pig definitely helped, translating Netzach's vague command of 'Follow me to a secluded location' into movements trying to keep itself from crashing snout first into every wall and rooftop in the Dust Quarter on the way over. He hadn't ever used Necromancy to animate a flying creature before, much less a flying pig, much much less a pig that's had its head smashed in. Netzach could feel his grip on the corpse barely holding on. If a thrall takes too much damage, Necromancy simply is unable to keep it animate.

Before the thrall ate too deeply into his ether reserves, Netzach brought the pig to a nearby Alleyway, as it flopped down dead (er... dead again) as he withdrew his Necromancy from its body.

He wiped sweat off his brow, having had kept up to the speed of the tumbling flying pig with a light Jog.

He looked around, making sure nobody was nearby.

"Now... what in the world does my master want with you?"

The smell was... worse than death. Literally. He had been around corpses a long time and he still felt himself retching at this odour.
The scent of fecal matter mixing in with the scent of grey matter... eugh.

Still he forced himself to kneel besides the pig, studying it up close. Its wings were frankly small, too small to hold the animal aloft. How in Idalos did it fly?

You'll find something very special inside.

Inside. Inside what? The mouth? Or...

He looked at its rotund, soft looking belly. Easy enough to slip his dagger straight accross....

'You've got to be kidding me...' he muttered, hand hesitantly dancing around the handle of the dagger at his waist.


Netzach had pried the flesh off of the bones of a rodent before, but sticking his arm inside of a freshly killed, still... eugh, still warm corpse, was something else.

He felt a tingle all accross his body, a sensation like bile about to erupt from every pore. Sticking your hand in there could NOT be healthy. Silently, he made a note to head to the nearest healer when given the chance.

He searched around. Guts, more guts, organs, that's an... artery?
How was he supposed to find anything in here. Maybe he should buy a butcher's knife and cut the corpse into many, many pieces first.

Then his fingers brushed against something hard. A kidney? Gall bladder? A kidney stone maybe? Do pigs get kidney stones?

No, this was large, and as his fingers wrapped around it, he felt something odd. Like a slight puff of air, whizzing between his fingers.

He tugged on it. It wouldn't give, attached to the viscera around it.

Netzach slid the dagger up to his hand, holding it by the flat of the blade so he could use the very tip for fine precision. He sawed at the flesh that surrounded this strange... object, occasionally pausing to thumb around it to see if it was still attached. Finally once it felt loose enough, he gave it a twist and a tug and it came free.

He quickly pulled his arm out, eager to leave the corpse-diving business behind as soon as possible, and looked at his clasped hand to find...

A... gem?

It was shaped like a tear-drop, a kind of dark bluish tinge to it. Most importantly it felt incredibly light for its size. What was this?

Netzach looked at it, then down at the corpse, then back the way he came, out the alley.

He deftly pocketed the gem, silently praying that the scent of pig guts with wash away in the open air (they wouldn't), and began walking away.

He had to pack to travel to the Umbral Caverns as quickly as possible. He needed to know what was going on, why there were flying pigs, and what by Faldrun's balls had he just pulled out of a pig-corpse.
word count: 752
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Netzach Embersoul
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Re: [Earth Quarter]Dawn of the Pigasus [TW:Graphic pig killing (I'm so sorry piggies.)]

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: I went surprisingly into detail with the pig-killing. Its definitely graphic and frankly I don't know how I was able to stomach it (I came back after a small absence to finish the thread)

Thread: [Earth Quarter]Dawn of the Pigasus [TW:Graphic pig killing (I'm so sorry piggies.)]
City/Area: Rharne

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Loot Requested: 1x Windstar
 ! Message from: Winston


I'm getting in touch about this thread which I'm reviewing for you.

According to the lore set out by Pigs, these Pigasus don't fly like normal creatures do, their wing do nothing to offer actually flight.

They actaully become boiant due to gass collected in their bowles, like a blimp of sorts.

As such, if the pig is gutted, it will not fly. :-)

Please adjust the thread to perhaps allow room for the pig not to have been fully gutted and still obviously a little boiant and then your thread should work.

Note: Even when dead, if you don't burst the bladder/guts/bladder, then it'll remain boiant.

Furhter to this, I need to seek a second opinion regarding how Necromancy works, whether it's a simple matter of casting a poof, an animated corpes and whether flying it somethign that is so simply to control taht it can be assumed to simply occure.

With this in mind, we have the following two issues which I will review for you:

1) Leaving the pigasus boiant.
2) Me checking necromancy use here.

Thanks for holding in for me :-)
 ! Message from: Winston
word count: 451
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Re: [Earth Quarter]Dawn of the Pigasus [TW:Graphic pig killing (I'm so sorry piggies.)]


Review & Rewards

Skill Review: Appropriate to level.

Netzach Embersoul


Greta thread!

So first and foremost, I like the atmosphere you manage to set in the opening of this thread, well done.

Also, just for complete transparency on this (as we had a bit of back and forth), thank you so much for your good spirited and accommodating adjustments of things in this thread off the back of my feedback (not to mention your patience with me learning about Necromancy). A couple of issues we addressed in this thread (for everyone's awareness really) included:
- That the Pigasus float by way of gas in their gut, not flight via their wings. This means that in order to fly, the gut needed to be in tact.
- Necromancy at Competent is not considered highly skilled enough to make a flight-capable, winged corpse fly. But as this pig is essential floating anyway due to the gas, the clumsy flight was permitted.

Thanks again for making these adjustments and I mention these only because these might be helpful to future readers and writers alike. :-)

Thanks again for a great thread, you rock! Please enjoy your well earned rewards.


  • XP: 10


  • Combat: Ranged: What goes up must come down.
  • Deception: Making vague but plausible lies.
  • Psychology: Planting seeds of fear, and watering them with real threats.
  • Deception: If a lie turns into a rumour, nobody can trace it back to you.
  • Necromancy: Animating a flying creature is different from animating a walking creature.
  • Necromancy: Too much damage leaves a thrall un-animatable.


  • 1 CLass 2 Raw Windstar

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!

word count: 274


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.

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