[Sweetsong] Giant Creatures!

50th of Ashan 724

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The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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[Sweetsong] Giant Creatures!


Not your common household spider!

Origins of the Plot
This thread is inspired by both the following Rebirth Events that follow:
  • Size Matters: Size matters right? Well when you try to ride your poney to find it the size of a mouse, YES! Minor fractures appear in random locations across Scalvaris as creature begin changing size, small becomes big and big becomes small. For whatever reason, nothing already 'big' become bigger, or small becomes smaller, but for a single trial there are reports of the shocking phenomenon for all walks of life.
  • Spiders: Throughout Ashan spiders become more prevalent across Scalvoris. People in houses notice more of the eight-legged critters and by mid-afternoon on the 8th it becomes apparent that there are lots more spiders and many more of the non-house / unusual variety everywhere. This is great news for those who collect silk, but not so fun for arachnophobes. Also, prevalence of spider-bites increase and there's a shortage of antidotes by mid-Ashan unless some enterprising soul does something.
Also references the Size Well as detailed int he wiki.

Finally, I checked with Peg for permission to have the Size wells found inside the creatures.
"Attuning fork..."
Commanded the ferret, holding out his hand and waiting for
to provide the device. The young man grabbed it and handed it diligently to the master ensorceller as they proceeded to work the well.

The apprentice wiped a bead of sweat from his brow as they worked. The heat in the forge was often oppressive and taking the time needed to ensure things were done right was often a challenge. Totrial was no different as both master and apprentice
loomed over the circle of refinement

The chalk appeared by his side.
"Jost a littal mar..."
He placed the final glyph around the circle, ready to go. Ensorcelling, unlike Alchemy, was still a far to volatile skill for Winston to have produced any forge elements for it. It was very possible this might never change, given the unpredictable way in which magic typically worked... So for now, while refining the third well, he and his apprentice worked through the process slowly and carefully.

It was a process they were both growing accustomed to. The wells were weak in comparison to some they had worked, but nonetheless, all cation was taken to ensure this meant there were fewer accidents, rather than more.

Several breaks passed as they concluded the final refinements, ready for the wells to be crafted into their final form... The Shield for Woe. It was going to be a work of mastery and would take some time to complete, but these wells were going to form the base materials for it cap[abilities and the ferret was happy to finally have them in hand.

Having packed away the equipment for the trial and grabbed some well-deserved sustenance, they sat outside chest and enjoyed a rest. It was a few bits before there was a disturbance in the distance as a group of people approached with a box and what appeared to be a giant mouse, dead and slung over a cart being pulled by an oxen. Recognizing one of the women as
one of the settlement's regular hunters, Starr
, the ferret gave they a hearty wave in welcome.

"Is that a mouse?"
Asked Cho in disbelief.

Winston stood as it became clear they were heading in his direction.
"Looks like."

"Blimey, it's huge!"
Continued the boy as he tried to work out if it was perhaps some kind of bear.

"'ello dere!"
He shouted as the people came into a more reasonable talking range.
"Dat's quite de redent yuh gat dere, Starr. Dis tuhnight's dinna?"
He queried, only slightly joking, given the arrival of hunters with meat was a regular occurrence, but not with such an unusual prey.

The woman chuckled, it was a dry sound of a serious individual as she placed the box down before the alchemist with a shrug.
"Well, sure I guess. The, uhhh, 'bigger' problem is that this is not the only issue..."
She gestured towards the box.

Peering in, he was faced with the sight of half a dozen farm animals, pigs, cows and even a horse.
"Dem's nat gonna feed many peepal."
He rather redundantly observed as the shrunken creatures panicked at the appearance of the giant carnivore.
"Wat's goin' an?!
He asked, looking up at the huntress with a confused expression.

Her eye bulged in a 'god knows' kind of way as she replied.
"I was rather hoping YOU could tell ME that."

The ferret looked down at the creatures again, a look of wonderous curiosity upon his face.

"These are not the 'bigger' problem either..."
She began. She knew all to well that the local, slightly unhinged, friend of fairies was incapable of resisting an interesting puzzle and she had a puzzle that could certainly do with solving before it became their demise.
"...These are the tame ones. The mouse was found this morning, dead before we eventually ran into what killed it."
The ferret waited as the words hung int he air for what felt like an eternity.
"There's giant spiders praying on anything that moves. A fair few snakes and other things to for that matter. It's no joke Winston."

He furrowed his brow. This was indeed a problem.
"Vega es aware?"

The woman blew air through her lips as if the question were preposterous.
"Of course. The hunters are securing the camp and surrounding areas, but we need to try and work out what is causing this and if it's going to be permanent or not."

The ferret nodded in agreement.
"Jost checking."
He said with a smile.
"Oh-key... Guess we start wid dat one..."
He said as he moved over to the giant dead mouse.
"Tell me everyt'ing. Donn't leave anyt'ing out. Doh dey poop? Doh dey eat? Doh dem do anyt'ing else dem shud nat?"

Over the next few bits, the group discussed what was known about the creatures, which was that apart from the fact they were no longer the size they should be, they were in face no different than usual.

Between them, Winston and
looked the creature over in exacting detail. Winston's medical knowledge was very limited in truth, but as far as butchery and magery was concerned, he had plenty to offer.
"There's definitely 'something' in there. It's not like the mouse itself is magic... but here, somewhere in THERE, there is something."
Explained the Diri as he used his ability to sense sources of magic and hovered over and around the Mouse, concentrating on the emanations and refining his findings.

"Guess we open et op den."
He said as he began to gesture for them to bring the creature over to a more appropriate location for it to be butchered.

Between them all, they managed to move the creature, it's dead weight proving a challenge to manipulate easily, over and got it ready.

Winston had cut apart countless cows pigs and even the occasional exotic beast, but never a mouse. Not yet anyway. He started cutting, pealing the skin and carefully removing parts of the creature to expose more of it's innards.

Exactly what a lot of it did and how they works was not his specialty, but how to get to it and what to cook it with for the best possible flavor was second nature.

Starr assisted, offering the ferret a few tips as they went with regards to the skinning, which to be far, was a solid Hunting and Field Craft skill he was always happy to learn more about.

Baffled he looked at what they could see. Aside from it's size, even on the inside, nothing seemed amiss.
"There!, There, above the squishing looking red thing."

Star looked at the floating head incredulously and then back and the big, squishy, red mess.

"Oh, right, yeah, uh. To the right of the round bluish thingy, by the long white bits."
The Diri expended hopefully. he was not squeamish in the slightest, but the solid matter of the inside of living things just all looked very mush the same to him.

"Here? By the ribs?"
Questioned the ferret, pointing with his razor sharp kitchen knife.

Joe nodded and Winston cut. Both concentrating carefully to ensure they didn't accidentally expose something they shouldn't.

As the fleshy innards parted in the path of the blade, Winston's eye bulged in surprise.
"Dat's... Dat's a WELL."
He cut away a little more of the flesh around the well, trying to avoid direct contact with it too soon. A few of the onlookers took a nervous step backwards at the revelation. Not only were wells rumored to be dangerous, the ferret was equally well known for not NOT being explosive.
"Et's a SIZE well, like de ones we found under Saiore's Dream, Joe. Yeah. Oh-key. Me guess dat makes sense."
He continued to carefully cut away at the creature, unconcerned with the damage he was causing tot he corpse, given it was already dead and only concerned with avoiding touching the well by accident.

"Lets get dis out an' intuh a containa far latta."
he said as
appeared from Chest and held a small unassuming box beneath the well as the ferret cut the last strand of flesh holding it in place.

It fell, with a wet 'thud', into the box and the Diri of usefulness carried it to one side. Taking a deep breath of relief, the master chef stepped away from the mouse, half expecting it to instantly start to shrink in size... It did not. He shook his head in mild disbelief.

"Well, that didn't fix anything."
Observed Starr in a rather frank expression of disappointment.

The ferret nodded thoughtfully before cleaning himself up and turning to
for some more equipment.
"Right, next op. Cun yuh get all de animals outta de box an' put dem an de floor?"

The woman nodded and with a slight shrug, acquiesced to the request, laying out each of the creatures carefully on the ground.

Meanwhile, Winston summoned a Moonglass well from his pack and a range of different bits of equipment to help with the refinement process.
"Dis es gonna take a while. Yuh might want to build dem a pan ar something... Like wid rocks?"

Continued here >>

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 1770


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Sweetsong] Giant Creatures!

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Notes/Warnings: Please see the spoiler in the thread for info :-)

Thread: [Sweetsong] Giant Creatures!
City/Area: Sweetwine Woods

Renown: Reviewer discursion: Yes cos he's solving a problem and finding out things for sweetsong.
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? (Y / N) No
If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: Songforged
Faction Points: Yes please. He's helping solve a problem that is putting residents of Sweetwine at risk.
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Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? Yes
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
word count: 171


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Sweetsong] Giant Creatures!




Giant creatures!! I loved this date on the Scalvoris calendar last season, and glad to see Winston taking full advantage of it as well. It seemed like a prime opportunity to get some rare wells, such as Lycanite or Sizestones. And I'm not surprised to see the preeminent Ferret Ensorceller on the forefront of exploration here.

I enjoyed reading about Winston's method in ensorcelling, however I'd have expected to see h im using a method a little deviation from the typical ensorcelling tools such as tuning forks and chisels and hammers. I thought perhaps he'd use his cooking to whip up a way to refine the wells, or even forging.

Even so, you described it well, and kept it real with some difficult moments and tension throughout.

Good job! I look forward to his encountering these giant creatures.

P.S. While Field Craft is an acceptable skill to skin an animal, Hunting and Leatherwork would also fit the billt. Hunting because you're dressing an animals' carcass with knowledge of its anatomy. Leatherwork for obvious reasons. But Field Craft is okay too.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10


  • Endurance: Enduring long hot environments while working
  • Ensorcelling: Repeated practice of well refinement on low level wells
  • Investigation: Gathering all the information, both usual and unusual to spot anomalies
  • Cooking: Butchering unusually large creatures
  • Field Craft: Skinning Large Animals


  • Refined 2 Glowstone (Lumite) and 4 Windstarts from his personal supply
  • 1 x Raw Class 2 Sizestone
word count: 251

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