• Closed • Where Lightning Strikes

121st of Ashan 724

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Where Lightning Strikes

Ashan 121, Arc 724

His sleep had hardly ever been dreamless during the previous three arcs. It had often been troubled by nightmares, especially before his unexpected recovery, as countless traumata and manipulations had taken their toll. He had frequently dreamed of fire, of people burning, of himself burning, of someone dragging him from his home while he screamed for them to let him stay.

He needed to stay.

The dream he had had the night before, a few breaks after the All-Tavern’s tournament had concluded had felt different from his usual dreams. It hadn’t been as dark and violent, and it had been more colorful, in a way that few of his dreams were, as if a part of reality had seeped into it.

There had been a woman in it, a surprisingly small woman with dark hair that was quite young, younger than he was. He had almost immediately remembered that her name was Faith.

He had met her before.

He was sure of it.

There had been words as well, not her words, but somebody else’s words, a voice, soft, like a whisper carried by the wind:

When the Dragon wakes and the Healing Hands grow cold,
And when the Queen of Masks rests in her Grave,
Past and Future will unite,
So that the Order will open its hands
And let the Pride of the Peacemaker fly again.
And the addled King will rise,
Divested of all the horrors he was accused of.
And where Lightning Strikes and Thunder roars,
A Door will close, but another one will open,
And what was broken will be Reforged.

When he had awoken from the dream, slightly confused, as he often tended to be after a particularly vivid dream, he had known where she was. She was here, in Rharne. He decided that he would talk to her, as soon as possible. He wasn’t sure what the poem – or was it more than just a poem? – meant, but it was obvious that it connected the two of them in some way. Was he not the addled King? Had his mind not been broken into a million pieces?

Would he be reforged? Had he been reforged?

Since his recovery at the beginning of the cycle, he’d often wondered why he had gotten better, after such a long time without any significant improvement and if it was due to the skill of his healers or something more. Why had he survived when almost everybody that he had known had died, and why did parts of his mind still feel so strange, nevertheless?

Who did the voice that had spoken those words and revealed Faith’s location to him belong to?

There were likely, as was almost always the case when it came to such things, certain risks involved in investigating, but the benefits outweighed the risks by far in his opinion.

Maybe, he would finally get some of the answers that he was looking for.

He headed to Faith’s house in the morning. He doubted that she or her family (Did she have a family, a husband or children?) would appreciate it if he woke them up in the middle of the night, despite the sense of urgency he felt.

His clothes were of decent quality, but comparatively plain and of Rharnian make rather than obviously foreign – an olive-green coat with minimal embroidery, a dark-grey shirt and black pants, among other things - and he'd put some effort into his appearance in general.

He didn’t want to appear in any way threatening or untrustworthy lest she refused to hear him out.

He’d thought about how to broach the issue with Faith – provided that she was actually at home right now – but there were far too many unknown factors for him to plan anything.

He wasn’t sure how she would react, or if she would even take him seriously if he asked her questions such as “Have you ever met a dragon, or actually woken one up?” for example.

He furrowed his brow very lightly as he finally stood in front of her door before he straightened himself and rapped his knuckles against it exactly three times. Having done that, he took a few steps back and clasped his hands in front of his body.

Once someone answered the door, he told them in a polite tone of voice, “I’m looking for Faith. Is she at home? I’d like to talk to her about something that happened last night.”

He’d decided that it would be best not to blurt things out like some sort of thoughtless fool.

Dropping a small hint would be advantageous though, in case Faith had experienced something strange as well.

In any case, his words would hopefully pique people’s curiosity sufficiently.
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Re: Where Lightning Strikes

Where Lightning Strikes

Faith had no idea who she was.

That was difficult, of course, but thankfully she had been lucky in who had found her and so she was here, in Vivian's house. Vivian was her friend, as was Gennadiya, but Faith knew that there were other people who knew her.

That morning, the morning after she had come alive, there was a knock on the door. She heard it, but she didn't know if she was allowed to answer the door herself. However, she had been sitting in the kitchen, her hands wrapped around a mug of tea which was going slowly cold as she stared out of the window. At the sound of knocking, she abandoned her undrunk drink, and peeked around the door frame.

There was a man there who was looking for her.

He wanted to talk to her about something that happened last night. Faith considered, briefly, that if it wasn't 'did you come back to life', she probably had a wilder story than him. But, that was just a fleeting thought which skittered through her mind and she stepped forward into view. Looking at the man, as she walked the few steps towards him, she thought that maybe she knew him. She wasn't sure, though, exactly, because her emotions were very mixed. She felt a slight tinge of excitement, but a sense of disappointment, too.

Maybe, she thought, he was her husband? Did she have a husband? If she did, slightly pleased and vaguely disappointed didn't bode well for the state of her marriage.

Still, it was all thoughts. Thoughts falling in one on to the other.

So, she stepped forward and tried to ignore the part of her (turned out, she thought, she had a sense of humour) that wanted to ask him if he was her husband. Instead, she gave a slight smile. "I'm Faith," she said quietly. She wasn't sure whether she was allowed to invite him in, but she thought she probably should. "Do you want to come in?" Faith smiled slightly. "There's tea."

Assuming he did come in, she'd get him and herself sat down and with tea. Then, she raised silver eyes to look at him and thought that no, no he wasn't her husband. But still.

"I know you," she said. She was sure of it. "But not well. But you're ..." what was the word she was searching for? There was a word. "You're someone important?" Whether, of course, that was important to her or just important generally, she wasn't sure.

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Re: Where Lightning Strikes

It was her. He suppressed the urge to breathe a sigh of relief when the door opened, and Faith stepped forward. He wasn’t sure what would have happened if he had faced her husband instead. Did she have a husband? If she had, telling him that he wanted to talk about last night, or just see his wife, might not have gone over well with him. Some husbands could be jealous …

“Cassander”, he replied when she introduced herself and watched her face for any kind of reaction to his name. “And I’d like to come in, please. I’d appreciate a cup of tea”, he added in a polite tone of voice and followed her into the house.

It was a nice house, he thought.

He sat down, with his back straight, and took a slow sip from the hot tea while he wondered what he should say now. He still didn’t know if Faith had experienced something similar. He might be able to avoid scaring her, if he was lucky, but he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to make the conversation non-awkward. Could you even talk about something like that in a non-awkward way?

He met her gaze when she looked at him, his hands wrapped around the cup. The warmth filled him with calm, kept his hands from trembling and helped him focus. A little. He couldn’t help but wonder why Faith looked at him like that though. Was it because of who he was, or rather had been?

There was nothing but a void where important memories had once been. He was missing long stretches of time, and he had been unable to do something about it, no matter which methods he’d tried. The memories stubbornly remained gone. But there was enough left of his former self for him to be aware of the fact that his rule had been … problematic, to say the least.

He hadn’t been the best of kings.

If he had been, Rynmere wouldn’t be in the shape it was now.

That realization made him angry and bitter at the same time.

“We’ve met before”, he confirmed and inclined his head slightly. Some of the details of their past meetings eluded him, but he knew at least that much. “And I am. No, I was. You could say that I was one of the more important people out there, once upon a time”, he replied. She would be able to tell that he was not bragging, but merely stating a fact.

Once he had said those words, his voice trailed off abruptly. He furrowed his brow, set the cup of tea down, reached into a pocket of his jacket and removed a rolled-up piece of paper from it.

He’d written the poem down as he didn’t trust himself to just remember it.

He had been a king once. He had faced far greater challenges. He could do this. Maybe, the best way to go about telling her would be to … just tell her, directly, rather than beating about the bush until she wondered if he’d lost his mind. Which he had, for a while.

“I’d like you to please read this and hear me out even if what I say may sound ridiculous to you”, he asked her. If she took the piece of paper, he’d lean back, fold his hands in his lap and watch her, trying to remain still in spite of the fact that he began to get just a little nervous. He didn’t pressure her, but gave her time to read the poem. Several times, if she had to. It seemed like the kind of thing you might have to read several times.

“I received this poem, or prophecy, last night, in a dream. I think … no, I’m sure that it’s about the two of us. I saw you there, in my dream”, he began when he had the impression that she was done reading and took a deep breath, wondering how she’d react to the next bit, before he continued, in a tone of voice that was calmer than he felt, “I’m the king it mentions. I was very ill, for a long time. I didn’t even know who I was or what I was, but one trial, I suddenly got better. One of the other people in the poem is probably you. Does anything about it sound at all familiar? Did … did something happen to you as well, if you don’t mind me asking?” he wanted to know.

Maybe, he thought, they’d be able to figure this out if they worked together, provided that she knew anything about it. Maybe, he’d finally be able to figure out why he was still there – or there again - and find a way to deal with the overwhelming bitterness and the anger, and the fear and near-despair.

He’d wanted to do right by his subjects, once upon a time.
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Re: Where Lightning Strikes

Where Lightning Strikes

Tea, Faith decided, was a wonderful thing.

She had discovered that she had quite a taste for it, but it was more than that. It was the making of it which delighted her. She got Cassander sat down and she set about making tea. There was a familiarity to it which was novel to her - and she enjoyed that feeling of the familiar. In fairness, she thought, one of the things about having no memory at all was that everything felt new - even familiarity. It was an unusual opportunity to explore that which she assumed she already knew.

So, she made the tea. She took her time and observed her hands as they moved, apparently effortlessly. How strange, she thought - her hands remembered. It was just the rest of her that was taking its sweet time in catching up.

Still, she put the tea down in front of him and she sat opposite him. Silver-grey eyes regarded him carefully, listening to his words as he spoke. He had been someone important, but no longer was? That was interesting, but she couldn't really think about it for long as he slid a piece of parchment over to her.

Faith nodded, showing him that she would read and then listen to him and she then lowered her head to read the words. She did so slowly, carefully, and when she looked up at him her face was paler than it had been. She didn't speak, but she recognised the words - it was another one of those new experiences which were ever-so-familiar to most. She knew the words because she remembered them.

He explained, she listened and nodded to show her understanding. Then, he asked if something happened to her.

Faith put down the tea cup and nodded. "I died," she said. "I don't really know details, but I died and then, last night, I came back to life. I was in a tree." Her brow furrowed slightly but even in this moment, she had a slight twinkle of amusement in her gaze. "Apparently, people who know me weren't that surprised at that. I was found by two people who are friends. Family, I think, in the way that only friends can be," how did she know that? She didn't know.

"I don't remember anything," she said softly. "Well, I remember every detail of every moment since I woke up, but I remember nothing before it, it's totally blank." She tapped one slender finger against the parchment. "I heard this, as I woke. I heard it and I knew it was about me. When I see people, I remember how I feel about them, or I feel what I always did. But I don't know anything."

Breathing in, she gave a slightly crooked smile. "I think that, whatever is going on, involves us both. Maybe we should investigate together?" Motioning to him she asked, because it seemed the right thing to do. "How's the tea?"

Sincere apologies for the delays. I'm back now!
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Re: Where Lightning Strikes

There was something about Faith. She had gone about making the tea with quiet efficiency, and she looked at him out of those silver eyes as if she could look directly into his soul. He didn’t know if he had ever met another person with silver eyes before, at least not a human, which was what she appeared to be. He watched her thoughtfully, occasionally taking a sip from his tea as he wondered what was going through her mind as she read those strange words. Did she believe that there was any truth to them?

He noticed that she didn’t react to his statement that he had been important once upon a time. His admission that he was the king that the prophecy mentioned seemed to go over her head as well. It was understandable. If the prophecy affected her as well, she probably had other concerns at the moment. And besides, her not reacting to it suited him just fine.

Now that he thought about it, he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to justify or explain what had happened in Rynmere.

He didn’t even remember most of it.

At first, he wondered if he was hallucinating again when she told him that she had died. He had sometimes suffered from auditory hallucinations when he had been sick. He hadn’t even been able to trust his own mind. But then he thought about the prophecy. It had said something about a grave and something broken being reforged. Maybe, both of them had been reforged.

Or reborn.

He set his cup down abruptly and looked at her, his eyes wider than they had been before.

“I’m sorry that you died”, he said a moment later, because it seemed like the kind of statement you should react to. “But I’m glad that you are back”, he added. He didn’t remember all of it, but he remembered that he had liked her. She had held his hand once upon a time and comforted him, when he had been … he had been a slave, back there, in Veljorn’s camp.

He furrowed his brow.

“In my case, the opposite is true”, he said when she told him that she didn’t remember anything. He was slightly disappointed, he had to admit. He had thought he would be able to figure out the prophecy and understand why he was back if he only talked to Faith. But of course, things were rarely that easy, and in any case, it wasn’t her fault. “For a long time, I didn’t even remember my own name. I still don’t remember all of my life, even though I supposedly did impactful things. I know who I am again though.”

“Do you have any idea what could cause people to forget their entire life? In your case, it might have been your death, but I didn’t die. At least I don’t think I died. They said I was in a hospital for three arcs. They called my condition complex post-traumatic stress disorder”, he said.

He furrowed his brow when she told him that she remembered how she felt about people when she saw them. She didn’t suffer from total amnesia then, but something close to it.

“How do you feel about me?” he asked, his curiosity obvious. It might be another piece of the puzzle.

“That’s what I was just thinking of”, he admitted when she suggested that they investigate together. “I know that the prophecy is about Rharne and the two of us meeting there. Lightning is one of Ilaren’s domains. She rules this city, more or less”, he explained, in case Faith had forgotten that as well. “Do you know who the Immortals are, Faith?” he wanted to know and wondered if they might be involved and why they had brought him, a man who had never worshipped them, back if that were the case.

Faith seemed to suffer from a case of amnesia that was about as severe as his had been, but she could still speak, and she could still think and feel. She might have retained some sort of general knowledge about the world and its inhabitants, even if she had forgotten her own life. There seemed to be a lot of the person she had used to be left – more than in his case.

He didn’t think he’d really been a person during those long arcs.

“How do you think we should go about it?” he asked.

“The tea is quite excellent, thank you”, he replied when she asked him about it and picked the cup up in order to take another sip.

“What kind of tea is it, if you don’t mind me asking?”
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