Oh Look! A Rock!
Lorogh and Victor were on their way from Korlasir. Their latest trip had seen them exiting the Arcane Academy, having contributed to some of the research ongoing to limit deadly weapons and magic in confined spaces. They'd had their debates about what exactly the research was for, but by now they'd moved on to more pertinent matters, namely the training of Lorogh's magical abilities, Transmutation and such. Agilia had promised to offer Lorogh more magical teachings once he'd learned more from his first mentor. She explained that his having survived one initiation probably boded well for additional ones, and the Empire was always on the l ookout for individuals with magical potential.
So as he walked along with Victor, accompanying them were the Ragdila that was Lorogh's pack animal and usual travel companion. Also Sapper, the Qi'ora private in Lorogh's squad, accompanied them. Chelsea and Heft were visiting with family during the hiatus from military duty. Sapper having been originally a slave from Nashaki, who joined the Imperial army a while after liberation from it, had no family to visit. Not anywhere that was safe for him, anyway. Lorogh was a bit sad for him, but then now that he thought of it, the otter got homesick sometimes too.
It was good to have sapper along anyway, in case they needed to help each other don their armor. As it was, the travel was long and full armor was a generally bad idea to keep one's energy up. So he just wore his cuirass, and some of the fauld of his armor over his usual Imperial garb. A thick black doublet, a black wool kilt, and traveling boots and gloves. It still being Ashan he didn't get too hot for all the travel they were doing, and had indeed moved through some chilly regions on the long road to Cahryst.
At his hip, Lorogh wore his bronze-hilted artillery style sword. It was a comforting weight, although he was not really one for shedding blood, but could be pressed to when he needed.
"Oh, a rock!" Lorogh exclaimed, as he jolted off toward the side of the road. He wanted to examine its properties, as a way of practicing his identifying skills. He held it up, and marveled at its special glittery nature. "Oh, this is pyrite, yes?"
"Fools gold they call it..." Just then, as he said it, arrows began flying from over the hill. Several of them buried in the ground between Lorogh and Victor, however one of them glanced off of his breastplate, making Lorogh grateful that he'd worn it. "We're under attack! Positions Master!"
So saying, Lorogh pulled his shield off of the Ragdila pack animal, while Sapper took position in front of the large tortoise, wearing little more than padded cloth armor, but also a shield and similar blade to Lorogh's.
"We should take cover?"