[Event] Hyludin's Arrival

The capital of the Eternal Empire. Home to Empress Raskalarn and the Imperial government, as well as just being a general hub for Imperial activity.

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[Event] Hyludin's Arrival

The Eternal Empire
Flying Ships?
The Hyludin

The Cargo Awyr passed into what the captain guessed, going by the differences in the buildings, was a different territory from the last one. The caption of the sky ship, a Hyludin man named Cynwrig, was a representative of the Sovereign. His ship didn't have many members of the Dragon Cults or the Houses, most of those were on other ships. Which was just as well in his opinion, as there didn't seem to be much signs of a Dragon having ever been to this new region. But the construction of the area said that it was a place that the Sovereign would absolutely want to be aware of. The Houses as well, in due time, given the nature of the construction they were seeing, but it was that very construction that had led to the decision that a sovereign ship would be the best for making first contact with these particular people.

This place, and from their airborne vantage point, Cynwrig could see that these people held a much bigger territory than most others the ships had encountered, was imposing in a way that the Hyludin hadn't expected to encounter. Their architecture was, in and of itself, a statement. Grand buildings, with spires and towers reaching into the sky, yet sturdy and solid despite it and mostly made out of black stone. The meaning of such construction was clear. This place had the resources to create such massive structures, and do so in large numbers from what Cynwrig could see. More-over, they were stable and calm enough that such resources could be poured into building projects, though they were ready for a fight should anyone bring it to them.

Even beyond the regular construction, there were two places that drew Cynwrig's eye to them even from a vast distance. Two different cities. The first, the closest one, was on top of a mountain that looked, much like the city that had been built on it, to made entirely out of black stone. The other was a brighter, more welcoming place that looked from this distance to have been made out of white marble. One of the two was clearly the center of this land, but which was a question. Cynwrig planned to follow the traditional plan for first contact with these places. Explore a bit and find out who was running things in the area and where they could be found. But as he got ready to send out the Unawd Awyr out for exploration, they found themselves being met by strangers flying up from those buildings on the back of great flying beasts that looked rather like flying rodents.

These people, who certainly looked like soldiers, made no hostile moves, but definitely seemed curious about them. Cynwrig sent out a scout to try and talk to them, but when the scout came back, it was more of the same as with contact in other areas. They simply didn't speak each others languages. However, it seemed that these people wanted Cynwrig's ship to follow them. Not wanting to pick a fight, Cynwrig ordered his ship to follow them. It appeared there wouldn't be any exploration this time.


Meanwhile, The Eternal Empire had been preparing for an arrival by the flying ships since they had been spotted on the horizon, well before they had crossed into Imperial territory. Word had been given that if they turned hostile, the Imperial Army would defend the people of The Eternal Empire, which had largely reassured the populace, since the track record of the Imperial Army was generally quite impressive. Raskalarn had given the order that any of these flying ships that entered Imperial territory and didn't show signs of hostility were to be guided to Korlasir. Word had been sent back to the city that such a ship, and its retinue, had indeed crossed into Imperial territory and was being led to the Black City.

Consequently, word of the arrival had been sent into the streets of Korlasir, with re-affirmation that the Imperial Army, headed by Empress Raskalarn herself, would protect people of the city if there was an outbreak of violence. Word had also been put out that any that wished to assist in first contact with these strange ships, and the flying people that were reported to travelling on them, were welcome to offer their aid at the Imperial Palace. The ship would arrive the next day, so everyone had a day to get everything they would need to be ready for the arrival, whether that meant leaving the city if they felt nervous, or getting ready to offer aid, or just going about business as usual.
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Hey, apologies for the delay in getting this up. So, the seasonal is the Hyludin's arrival and they arrive at the start of the next round. So you'll have this round decide how your PC is gonna be involved and what they'll do. The next round will start on 4/23/24. It's a week and a half, since I prefer to do mod replies on Tuesday since that's actually a day off. This is an open join event, so no formal sign ups, just tell me what your PC will be doing for the meeting and so on.
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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

Victor wasn't worried when the news of flying ships that were heading towards Korlasir reached him. On the contrary, he was intrigued. At first, he thought that a skilled alchemist and engineer was showcasing their newest invention, or that foreigners had come to trade, but the reports about flying people travelling on the flying ships quickly made him realize that something else entirely was going on.

Something that he wanted to know more about.

He also wanted to assist in first contact with those strange ships and continue to make a name for himself in the Empire. He had decided that he wouldn't just present himself at the Imperial Palace, tell them that he was a soldier and a researcher of some skill and hope they had a use for him though. He didn't want to arrive empty-handed, but hopefully already be able to give them a lead, something they would be able to use.

He decided to head to the biggest library that he could find in Korlasir, with a notebook and writing supplies in his bag. He was aware of the fact that the Empire's researchers were probably already working on this, but there were few that matched his skill. He was one of the best.

He might be able to find things out that they didn't.

He would look for any mentions of flying ships and flying people, in historical accounts, as well as in myths and legends. He would start with texts from the Eternal Empire and then move on to the wider world of Idalos. His main source would be texts in Common, for obvious reasons, but he did try to find out if there were any sources in the Ancient Language and Rakahi.

He barely spoke those languages, but with the help of a dictionary, he would hopefully be able to tell approximately what the texts he handled were about and if they were at all useful. If they turned out to be useful, he would likely be able to find someone who had a better grasp of the Ancient Language or Rakahi. There had to be someone, somewhere in the city.

If he found any texts that mentioned flying ships and flying people, he would try to find out more about the culture involved - and which language the people in question spoke or might speak so that he could figure out how to communicate with them.


No matter how much or how little he had found out during his research, Victor presented himself at the Imperial Palace when it was time for him to do so. He was wearing a suit and a long coat with a high collar, in the Imperial fashion, but of fine quality and perfectly cut. He was a Blessed of Delroth, and he might meet with high-ranking individuals that trial.

Dressing sloppily and casually would be unacceptable in such a case.

"Victor Amielle of Lysoria", he introduced himself politely, holding himself completely straight, as a noble and a solider should in his opinion. "I've come to assist in first contact with the flying ships and offer my skill as a Transmuter and researcher in that regard. I’ve been trained in ethnomethodology and observational research”, he explained.
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Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Thaldan had heard about the coming of the air ships and its flying people. He wasn’t actually the one who heard about it first Jonas was the first to receive word about it. He came running into the camp outside of the city. The show had been yesterday and today they had had the trial off. Thaldan had stayed in the camp not really wanting to go into the city on this trial. He was actually do a training regiment with Handel and Tobias. The three young men had been embarrassed by Jonas and their lack of strength and so now had found themselves pressuring each other to increase there strength.

The three were in the middle of doing push up. Thaldan had done a number of push ups well, and was actually wanting to stop, but the other two were keeping up with him and he didn’t want to be the first one to stop. It was at this point when his arms were beginning to mildly shake that Jonas came charging into camp. Thaldan was surprise to see the young man. When Jonas went into town on a trial off he was guaranteed not to be back until early the next morning. Using it as an excuse to stop Thaldan quickly stood up and went over to join Jonas where everyone was gathering. He was pleased to see that Handel and Tobias had also jumped up at the same time.

“Is everyone here. I really don’t want to have to tell this story more then once.” Jonas said. There was a general murmur and he processed to explain how he had heard about the flying ship that were approaching the city. The responses were all over the place. Some were curious, some were scarred. A few neutral. Thaldan found himself as one of the curious. This was something to be excited about. A new force seeking the throne. Who could they be. What stories they have, what story would be told about this event.

As was normal Thaldan found himself picturing many things in his head and so came back late to the conversation. Lukas, the head of the group was speaking. “We will get everything packed and ready to depart if we need to. I don’t want to be outside the city if an attack occurs.”

“But I want to see what happens.” Thaldan said.

“What do you plan to present yourself at the palace to help.” Hanna said with a hint of sarcasm.

Thaldan looked at the beautiful young woman who had been like a sister to him and tilted his head. “Yes. I am.”

There was a moment of silence. “Good.” Lukas said. “Then you can bring those stories back.” The man looked at him seriously “And I expect you to come back.”

So it was that Thaldan found himself presenting himself at the palace. He was dressed in his nicest none performing cloths. Simple colors but well kept even if not expensive. After saying it he had questioned the wisdom of the choice but decided he wanted this story. He wasn’t sure how much help he could provide in a fight, but he was here to collect the story and to share what happened on this particular trial. “Morning.” He said smiling “I was hoping to be there when this meeting took place. I share stories and wanted to personally witness this one, as well as offering any help I can with these strangers.”

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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

It was beginning to feel like they were spending too long in the Empire but in truth they hadn't been there much longer than they'd been in Scalvoris before moving. The band had differing opinions every time they talked about moving on. Helena had begun to immerse herself in the culture and history of the Empire so she wanted a little bit longer to find out more. Elia didn't like being far from her boat so often and she wanted to return somewhere less... land-bound. Balon wanted to stay until he'd finished learning the songs of the Empire. Ulric didn't like the idea that they might become an agent of propaganda but he knew better than to try and tell a bard not to learn new songs. Every time they took a vote on where to go, there was a tie. Two to two- and oddly they weren't always the same two.

Ulric and Helena were sitting at a table in a tavern only a short distance from the inn that the band was staying at. She'd just met few citizens who had been born and raised in the empire and they were more than happy to tell her about their home. They were hoping to convince her to stay. She just wanted to learn. She preferred to learn things from people rather than books. Ulric preferred books but listening to Helena's experiences and trying to dig up accurate information from people were not the same.

Helena and Ulric were going over one of the laws she'd heard about that interested her. Apparently, if you felt like you were innocent you could challenge your accuser to a trial by combat. Ulric had a feeling that such things only applied to citizens of the Empire but Helena was unsure. She hadn't exactly focused the conversation on the application of laws- mostly on the culture. The Eternal Empire was different than where she'd been raised. It was different than where Ulric had been raised. The difference was he wasn't as fascinated by it. The world of the living was strange from time to time. Little passions, human passions, were harder to remember and feel again. He admired the culture's focus on honor and courage because he had held those values close to his own heart, but when he died it changed things.

Sometimes honor was a bad whetstone. It dulled you instead of sharpening.

The breaks seemed to drag a little as the conversation about imperial culture and customs dragged on. If not for Helena's presence, Ulric probably would have ended the discussion earlier. They were both fortunate that he hadn't.

A man dressed in simple clothing came lumbering into the tavern and made his way on unsteady feet towards the bar so he could order a drink. He'd been loud enough upon entry that it drew the attention of almost everyone there, including Ulric and Helena. He spoke fast and his words were hard to hear over the rest of the tavern. Some of the words were Atvian and others were in Common which didn't help. Ulric thought he heard something about 'large ships.'

"What's he talking about?" Ulric asked Helena in a low voice. She tilted her head slightly to the side and spoke towards Ulric while watching the man at the bar.

"I... don't know. Boats?" Helena admit.

"Boats? Here?" Ulric rose and moved over to the bar to order another drink. Helena followed behind him like a shadow. The living dead man did his best not to interject but he listened while he waited for the bartender to notice him. While eavesdropping he and Helena both got the answer they wanted. It was a boat, it was a ship. A flying ship. The two lingered at the bar a little longer to pick up what they could before paying their tab and departing. Apparently the Empire had everything under control. There was no reason to get involved and yet when they turned into an alleyway just outside the tavern;

"We should see if we can help." The suggestion came from Helena's innate urge to have answers. Ulric recognized it by now but he preferred security to answers. If he got involved in another debacle, who knew how long before he'd have to hide from another Immortal?

"We should mind our own and move on." Ulric decided. Helena crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"When I tell Elia and Balon, who's side do you think they'll take?" She asked.

"That's unfair." Ulric said, "Elia can't ignore a good ship and Balon will do anything for motivation."

Helena smirked and continued on without responding. When they reached the inn, Balon and Elia had already heard about the coming ships. As predicted, they both wanted to know more. There was a brief debate and a few decisions were made. Elia would stay with Balon incase things turned out for the worst. Ulric would go with Helena to the Imperial Palace and offer aid in the 'first contact'. When they arrived at the Imperial Palace, it was clear they were not the first to make that decision.
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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

Lorogh had wanted to accompany his arcane mentor for his visit to the palace. It would have been a great honor to attend Raskalarn for whatever parlay occurs between the pilots of the flying ships and the Eternal Empire. However, duty came before curiosity or self-=indulgence, and so Lorogh cheerfully attended his duties as a gunner corporal at the ramparts of the Imperial Palace. Or at least one of the ballistae that were there. Were any untoward threats to come from the ships, or attack them unduly, Lorogh would be at his station, ready to answer the situation whatever came of it.

Inside, Lorogh was amazed, astounded, and above all excited. He'd never heard of flying ships before. It was such a grand opportunity to learn from a potentially technologically advanced culture, although he was sure their weapons were no where near as advanced as the Empire's. It was still obvious that there was much to learn from either party, ,if Saoirie willing their meeting was a peaceful one. Lorogh was almost afraid he'd have to shoot one of the marvelous ships down. His focus and intention was much more toward the defense of the ships, from the potential attack from a third party. So perhaps he had a slightly different outlook than many of the gunners on the ramparts.

Lag slapped him on the shoulder, and shoved a bowl of stew into his hands. "Lunchtime, Sir! I'll man the gun with Chelsea while you eat."

Lorogh looked up at the towering ithecal, and grinned, "Are you joking? I wouldn't miss a second of that sight, of those magnificent flying ships?"

"The ones we've been ordered to shoot down if they so much as sneeze a shred of metal at us?" Sap, the Qiora private intoned seriously. "I hope your heart is in your duty to the Empire, Corporal."

Lorogh tossed a frown at him, "Your rank insubordination notwithstanding." Then he grinned, "I know you're as excited as me, Private Sap. But do not speak to an officer thus unless I give you leave."

This said, they all got back to work, while Lorogh enjoyed the beef stew that Lag brought. Once he finished, he returned to his gunner squad, and started given directions. "Tighten up the turret a bit, so we might make quick adjustments, and shoot at anything coming in from the side, if indeed a threat presents itself to those ships."

Sap gave him a look but said nothing.

"Permission to speak, Private."

"Why are we set to protect these ships? Aren't they the invading party?"

Lorogh smiled at him and puffed his armored chest out. "I have strict orders not to engage unless they engage. Until then I presume they are guests of the Empire. Besides, we don't have laws against travelers in our lands, from foreign places. As far as I know. For all we know this is just how they move about the world."

This said, Lorogh tinkered with the ballistae, making sure they wouldn't go off on a hair trigger, or a small tremor. "Make sure not to load just yet, I'll handle that part if we come to it... But yes, be wary still. They may yet be a threat."

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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

The Eternal Empire
Flying Ships?
The Players

Victor: Victor wasn't able to find any direct references to flying ships in any historical record and while they did appear in myths, it was always some variation of a story about an Immortal making a ship fly to save it from disaster, frequently an irate Chrien or one of the Mer Leviathans. Most of these were in Common, with a few in Rakahi. The library didn't have any texts in the Ancient Language, sadly. There were more records of flying people, but these all turned out to be about the Avriel and maybe a few Blessed with special powers from their Immortal patron. There were, however, quite a few historical records that spoke of a flying castle, though that was always the old Seeker headquarters of Arcanis.

When he presented himself at the Imperial Palace, his information was taken by a captain who nodded at him. "The Empire appreciates your willingness to assist. We're expecting contact to be made up at the ramparts, so if you'll follow Private Callum here, he'll take you to the staging area. You'll be helping with social analysis." he said, gesturing to a private who saluted the captain, then turned to face Victor. "If you'll follow me, mister Amielle." he said, his tone polite.

Thaldan: Thaldan wound up speaking to a captain who gave him a slightly amused look at his reason for being there, but nodded. "Very well." she said, before pausing in thought for a moment and nodding to herself. "Your name, please?" she asked. Assuming he told her, she handed him a book of empty pages and a pen and inkwell before turning to a nearby private. "Private Cormag, take mister Carorithir to the staging area. He'll be assisting as a notary and scribe, recording the events." she said, before turning back to Thaldan and smiling slightly. "We'll have to make a copy of your records after, but you'll be allowed to keep the original. It should help with sharing the story later." she said. The private nodded at Thaldan. "If you'll follow me, mister Carorithir." he said.

Ulric: When Ulric and Helena arrived and offered to help, they were asked their name by a captain. "Very well. We're assigning people offering general aid to duty as aids or scribes." he said, before he gave Ulric a quick look up and down. "However, for citizens who look like they can fight but don't look like direct soldiers, we're offering positions in a security role. We're not going to have too many active soldiers on the ramparts during initial contact, so as to try and avoid accidentally provoking a confrontation. But we're keeping soldiers and fighters in plainclothes among the aids and scribes in case a fight does break out." she said, her tone cheerful. "Do you want to assist in such a capacity?" he said, his tone cheerful. Once he answered, he turned to a private and told them how they'd be helping. "Private Glenn will show you to the staging area."

Lorogh: As Lorogh's squad manned their ballista, a captain approached them. "You are correct, Corporal Lerake. Until such time as they show hostile intention, these strangers are guests of the Empire and will be treated accordingly. Their means of travel might be new, but that doesn't inherently make them a threat, and The Eternal Empire does not treat something with aggression just because it's new and unusual. Such things may prove to be a boon to the Empire, after all." he said, nodding slightly at Lorogh. The Cadouri themselves had, after all, once been new and unusual to not just The Eternal Empire, but to Idalos as a whole. "On that topic, Corporal Lerake, you are being assigned as part of the delegation meeting with these strangers. Marshal Regis wants a field officer present that is both competent and not outwardly threatening. In addition, as a siege officer, you may be able to identify any such weapons they have, even if they are do not immediately appear as such. Assign one of your squad to temporary command here and then follow me." he said, his tone making it clear that he was giving an order.

The Hyludin

Cynwrig gave a wry look as they approached the massive black city. Of course their escort was taking them to the most ominous looking place in the area. It was at this point that he was very glad that he was a level headed man, as someone more skittish might assume they were being escorted to a prison or place of execution. But observation indicated that this place really was a real city, not some oversized jail, and that did relieve him. Of course, he'd had to calm down the more panicky members of his expedition, but their escort had, surprisingly, actually helped with that. At one point, despite the language barrier, they had delivered a supply of food and water to his Cargo Awyr. He, of course, hadn't been able to tell them that they didn't need it, or that he appreciated the gesture nonetheless. They hadn't been able to tell him if they were doing it out of generosity or to keep his people from ranging out in search of supplies, and it was impossible to tell with these people.

Not to say that they were any better at hiding their curiosity than any other surface dweller he had encountered, but they were disciplined and kept to their focus. Even if some of them, he figured likely lower ranked ones in what he assumed was their military, snuck gawking looks at his people and their ships from the backs of their beasts. Several of his people, annoyed and bored at the lack of ability to go exploring, had noticed these looks and had taken to doing arial acrobatics above the Awyr. In truth, he approved of their initiative, as it did a few things for them. It relieved their boredom, gave them some exercise, and it gave a show for their curious watchers, hopefully showing that they were not there for nefarious purposes.

But as they approached the city, he'd called his people back to the ship. It was time to start getting ready for any meetings they might have. Hopefully, they'd be able to work out a common language or establish some form of communication quickly. That had been a problem for some of the retinues, from what he'd heard. Still as the ship started over the city, he and his people readied themselves for what he hoped to be a good meeting.


Victor, Thaldan, Ulric, Helena, and Lorogh were all lead to a staging area in a supply room just below the ramparts. There were a few scribes, what Lorogh would recognize as members of the Mage Corps Agents in plainclothes, and a very few soldiers in official armor. None of these latter were from the more visually imposing races, such as the Ithecal. They were mostly human, plus one Tunawa that outdid even Lorogh in the department of being non-threatening. That said, Lorogh would recognize from her uniform that the Tunawa was by far the highest ranking of those soldiers, being a major while Lorogh was the only other immediately visible command rank among them.

There was a bit of time for milling around and greetings before the door opened again and admitted two more people. The first through the door was Marshal Caelan Regis of Korlasir, the military governor of the Korlasir region and commander of all military forces in the region. The second, however, outranked even him. Empress Raskalarn, the supreme authority of The Eternal Empire, entered the room and was immediately identifiable. Raskalarn wore no crown or fancy robes, nor any other symbol of rank. The aura of power and command that accompanied her was enough to tell everyone in the room who she was. It wasn't just the way she caried herself or the way she moved, though. Everyone in the room could feel the gathered power of the Immortal of Conquest in her own Dominion, as though even the very air of The Eternal Empire knelt to its Empress.

As was proper, Marshal Regis stepped to the side as Raskalarn took the floor. "First, thank you to all our volunteers. It is always a pleasure to know that both our citizens and our guests are willing to offer aid to the government and the military." she said, her tone showing she sincerely meant that. "Now, as to the matter at hand. The visitors aboard the ships are strangers, a people we have not yet seen here in the empire. There was an attempt at communication when they crossed into our borders, but they do not speak common. Consequently, it will be our job to try and establish communication with these visitors and determine who they are and what their purpose is. From there, I will be able to determine what course of action The Eternal Empire will take in dealing with these strangers." she said, her voice showing that she genuinely hadn't made a decision regarding the visitors yet. It wasn't confusion, however, nor any real indecision. More that it just wasn't yet time to make such a decision.

"For this first contact, Marshal Regis will be heading the direct first contact. I will be nearby, of course, but since it's quite possible for me to accidentally compel obedience in those not familiar with my powers, my presence could spark an engagement if one of them gets even temporarily pulled in by my power and the others take offense to it." she said. None of the Imperials in the room would likely be surprised by this announcement. It had, after all, been the reason Raskalarn had not been directly present at the summit that the empire had recently hosted. Moreover, Raskalarn's ability to command obedience with just her gaze was a common story in the empire, and it would likely be noticeable that Raskalarn took care to never make direct eye contact with anyone in the room as she spoke.

Once she finished, she stepped aside and allowed her Marshal to take the floor. "As the Empress said, I will be taking point. The visitors are due to arrive shortly. I encourage everyone take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the others and make any final preparations you need. If there are special supplies you need, speak up now, and we will make sure they are retrieved. There will not be very many obvious soldiers on the ramparts with us, but we do have several members of our Agents among the aids and scribes to assist should the meeting turn hostile. In addition, if there are any questions, either myself or Empress Raskalarn will answer them now." he said, his tone firm.
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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

Victor’s research was about as fruitful as he had expected. He was more skilled than most in his field, but in spite of that, he was under no illusion that he would be able to solve the riddle all by himself during a few breaks in a library. He was a realist. He had hoped that he would be able to find some sort of lead, and that might actually have happened, so he decided to consider his little trip to the library a success, for the time being.

He dismissed all the records about Avriel and flying Blessed as that was very obviously unrelated to the matter at hand, but he wrote the rest down. The stories about an Immortal making a ship fly to save it from disaster sounded especially promising to him, although it might not really have been a ship. Stories often became twisted over the course of time.

An Immortal or some other kind of higher being might have sent something into the sky though.

He doubted that the flying ships were related to the Seekers and Arcanis, but he summarized what he had found out about Arcanis, nevertheless. Being a mage, he had a bit of a personal interest in it. He would try to learn more about it once the matter at hand had been dealt with.


“Of course, Captain”, he replied and saluted the captain. In Melrath, he had served in the military as a warlock and had, quite possibly, been of a similar rank, but this was not Melrath. This was the Empire, and showing respect would be a good idea and appropriate in any case. He wouldn’t be one of the adventurers that behaved like a bull in a china shop.

“Private”, he said and nodded at Callum before he followed him to the staging area. He didn’t attempt to make small talk as they walked or share his thoughts about the flying ships with him. Private Callum was, quite obviously, not the one he would be working under.


Victor’s eyes lit up when they arrived at the supply room, and he noticed a familiar face there. “Lorogh”, he greeted his initiate with a smile. “It seems as if we’ll be working together on another mission for the Empire. I’ve offered my help as a researcher and mage”, he explained before he turned to look at the people that were in the room with them.

“Victor Amielle”, he politely introduced himself to them, hoping that they’d do the same – and possibly share what their job would be here. They’d be working together for a while, possibly in a team, and thus it would be a good idea for them to know a little about each other.

When the door opened again and admitted two more people, Victor’s entire demeanor changed. There was nothing casual about it now. He recognized the woman immediately even though she wore no crown or fancy robes. She radiated so much power that there was no doubt as to who – and what – she was. He was facing Raskalarn, the Empress of the Eternal Empire.

“Empress Raskalarn”, he spoke and bowed or knelt in a gesture of deepest respect – whatever was more appropriate when dealing with someone of her power and rank. He had stood before an Immortal before – his own patron – but there was something different about her. He had the feeling that the very air would kneel in front of her if it could.

He listened carefully as she explained the matter of hand. It didn’t surprise him that she wouldn’t be directly present when they made first contact with the visitors, not after what he had just felt. He noticed that she didn’t even look any of the people in the room in the eyes.

Including him.

“Empress, Marshal”, he spoke respectfully once the man offered them the opportunity to ask questions and inclined his head before he stated his name – it would be impolite not do so in his opinion. “I conducted some research into this matter before coming here and found myths about an Immortal making a ship fly to save it from disaster, frequently an irate Chrien or one of the Mer Leviathans. Such myths often contain a kernel of truth. Could it be possible that an Immortal or a being of similar or greater power – perhaps a dragon, or one of the Immortals’ parents – is involved, either in the creation of that unknown people or in the current events?” he wanted to know.

It wouldn’t surprise him if this were the case, not after the events of the Ascension and not after Cadouri such as his initiate had shown up in Idalos, but for the time being, he waited for Raskalarn to voice her own thoughts. Being an Immortal herself, she might know more.
word count: 817


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

What's in the Box?

Chelsea arrived from the other end of the Ramparts when she saw Lorogh signalling her to attend to the squad. The very short Stalwart quirked an eyebrow as she arrived.

"What are you doing with your thumb?"

Lorogh was sticking out his thumb, to measure the distance and dimensions as best he could of those airships. He could just about approximate their distance, which made it easier to distinguish its dimensions. All it took was to compare the length of one's thumb to another object of known dimensions, and compare it to the airship.

As he moved his thumb, back to back and weaving it through the air, it occurred to him that he might find a better way to do this. A mechanial rule of thumb! It would certainly help calibrate targets for their siege weapons! But he would jot that down mentally for another time to develop. For now, Chelsea had asked him a question.

"Stalwart Chelsea!" Lorogh said, in a tone that suggested they were not quite at ease. "Attend my post in my stead. I have been given an assignment to greet the travelers in the Palace."

"As for my thumb..." Lorogh smiled, "I'm trying to tell how big those ships are. Answer: Quite amazingly big! A fathom or two at least! It's a trick my uncle taught me when I was spending one of my summers among the beaver-type cadouri in Saoire's Dream."

He shook his head. Chelsea didn't exactly show leadership qualities, no more than Heft did, but Chelsea had great discipline as a soldier, and wasn't likely to be spooked by anything strange.

Lorogh had some help to get out of his armor, but once it was done he donned his black uniform, complete with a rich wool and fur kilt that hung down to his shins. The bronze ankle chains were on his gloved wrists, and his booted feet, while a final corporal bronze chain was wrapped around his waist. He never missed an opportunity to show off his rank, and so he always had a well laundered and immaculate change of uniform to dress up for everyday life. It was rare one would find Lorogh in plain clothes these days.

Heh arrived at the Chamber which Raskalarn and the Marshal were assembled in, along with the rest of the welcoming commitee.

He saw the mage corps agents, and shifted somewhat uncomfortably. He'd gotten it into his head that they were eyeing him, thinking of poaching him from the Siege Corps. It was entirely unfounded, but always at the back of his mind since he became a mage. His eyes lingered particularly long upon the tunawa officer, and only when her eyes met his did he stiffen and turn to attention, trying to hide his intrigued smile at the sight of the smallest of soldiers.

He saw Victor, and for a moment let decorum slip. "Master! Wonderful you could come! Surely together we can get to the bottom of this surprise arrival!" Of course, Lorogh had been given a task to try and figure out their martial capabilities. It was a task he'd take seriously and with due discretion. It didn't feel good to keep it secret even for a second from his mentor, but if need be he would ask his help in that task.

"Empress!" Lorogh said, and his words caught in his throat, not sure how to address the Imperial Monarch. Perhaps she didn't have a specific address or overlong litany of titles to Empress. But just in case he followed Victor's lead, as someone who knew more about etiquette in general.

"Marshal, Sir! Corporal Lorogh of the Siege Corps, reporting for duty." He saluted Marshal Regis, looking up at the tall Ithecal. But he didn't speak until they were given leave to ask anything or give suggestions.

Lorogh had to think about it, but then ventured to speak. "Sir Marshal, When the time comes to welcome them, how should we broach the topic of touring their ships? I would very much like to investigate the technology behind them, how they stay in the air, and any weapons they might have! But I don't want to cause an international incident with an as yet unknown party."

"As for translation, I'm afraid I can be of little use there. But then, Engineering is a universal language, and we might find common ground if there are any fellow gearheads in that there air ship." Lorogh grinned, and brought out a small doohickey he'd been working on in his spare time. It was a relatively simple puzzly box containing a schematic of anothr crossbow design he'd been working on, but might help break the ice a bit.

Once he showed it to them, and possibly gave it over for inspection, he'd fold his arms behind his back, waiting for further instructions or orders.

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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Thaldan watched as the captain he was speaking to gave him an amused look, well the young man had to admit to some it was a silly reason, but he trafficked in stories and he knew there real value and being on site for this story was hugely important to him. He smiled at the captain as he name was asked. “Thaldan Carorithir.” He supplied. He kept smiling as he was handed writing supplies. “Why thank you. I will put this to good use. It will be nice to have something written down.” He didn’t normally have spare coin for such things as this. He turned his attention towards Private Cormag and nodded that he would follow the Private.

The son of Ralaith joined the others in the storage room that they were escorted to. He looked around and saw a few people in uniform and a few other people who appeared to be scribes and to that group he was referred to by the private. It seemed though that for a while they were allowed to have time to themselves. Two people one who was escorted in, Thaldan figured that was a good sign they weren’t part of the army, and one who clearly was part of the army seemed to know each other and chatted for a while. The human introduced himself and paused. “Thaldan Carorithir.” He said extending his hand in greeting to the other. “I am here because I tell stories, and this is going to be a good one.” He also introduced himself to Lorgoth

It was then that the Empress herself walked into the room and Thaldan felt himself momentarily surprised. He mental berated himself at not thinking that one through. Of course she would be at this event. He felt both thrilled, stories with Immortals always did better, and a bit worried as he wasn’t sure if Immortals could actually detect Mortalborns. He figured though that not focusing on what was occurring would draw attention to him. He bowed, awkwardly, to the Empress as did the others. He listened as she spoke and he found it interesting that she wanted to avoid overwhelming the visitors by her presences.

Thaldan began to make some notes about who he saw and what was said. After the first few sentences he began to shorten his notes to something that could be written quicker. Though he wasn’t nearly as quick as the others. It appeared Victor was some sort of researcher and he shared some information about the legends of flying ships. Lorgoth expressed an interest in looking at the technology itself. Which would be fun to know and Thaldan would love to learn about it, but not from a story view point. People didn’t really care in a story how something worked.

Thaldan didn’t really say anything, he just took notes and smiled. Performing had taught him people like smiling.

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Re: [Event] Hyludin's Arrival

"I'm Helena and this is Ulric. We were passing through when we heard what was happening." Helena seemed to do all the talking for both of them and Ulric didn't mind. He wasn't the most social individual. He preferred to keep things within his small group of... associates. It was too soon to call them friends. He was afraid to call them friends. All his old friends either hated him or were dead. Ulric's eyes shifted around the room slowly while Helena made their necessary introductions. He didn't know how they were going to help. He was beginning to think Helena's curiosity was going to get them in trouble.

Fortunately the Imperial host seemed a fitting judge of character. Helena seemed to light up when the roles were offered for a few reasons, some more apparent than others. She was glad she'd get to be part of it and she liked that she and Ulric could approach it from different angles. Helena had her bow and quiver with her, but she wasn't looking for a fight. She gave Ulric a small prod to get his attention before responding to the corporal. "I'm happy to help as an aid. Ulric's better fit for security." Helena gestured slightly to the two swords Ulric wore. Security was what he did for Balon after all. Ulric offered a slight nod to indicate he agreed.

"Happy to help." He didn't sound cheerful when he repeated what Helena had said. Shortly after they were lead to the staging area by Private Glen and it was there that they first saw the others who'd assembled for this strange occurrence. He didn't recognize anyone but that wasn't surprising. He hadn't met many people during his time in the empire. Consequently he kept mostly to himself while Helena went around to socialize. She made sure to introduce herself to everyone, and since Ulric wasn't, she introduced him as well. Even when that meant pointing at him across the room.

They were standing side by side again when Regis and Raskalarn arrived. Ulric instinctively shifted behind Helena. He didn't want to be seen but he resisted the urge to turn invisible or slip into the Beneath. He had a bad record with Immortals. He didn't want to add another possible foe to the list. Helena didn't notice him move because she was captivated by Raskalarn's presence. Admittedly, once he'd moved to somewhere he felt more comfortable, Ulric became captivated as well.

She wasn't like Sintra or Lisirra but the lack of a bug theme probably helped set her apart. Some bowed, some knelt, but Ulric just stood staring at the Immortal Empress. He listened as she spoke about what was coming and once he was able to stop thinking about the Immortal herself, he thought about solutions. None that came to mind were ones he was willing to attempt. The first thought was that if he possessed one of the visitors, they might be able to share the language that they spoke. Unfortunately he'd never possessed anyone who didn't speak common and few people agreed to possession.

When the Empress was done speaking, she turned the floor to the Marshal. The Marshal open the floor to questions and two people were quick to ask what was on their mind. One, Victor was it? Had apparently done some research ahead of time. The other, a small furry thing who had his own presence, seemed to want access to the ships. Ulric did as well but he figured he could just slip through some walls unseen and explore what he wanted, when he wanted. Once Helena was busy helping as an aid, getting away would be easier. Then again, he thought of Raskalarn. She was too close. It was too much of a risk. Better to just do the job.

To that end, Ulric didn't ask any questions. He just watched.

word count: 674
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