The Eternal Empire
Calendar: Cold 723
Vhalar 723
General: It's welcomingly cool after Saun, but it is noted to be a wet Vhalar, especially in the Sacred Forest Region and the Hotlands Border Range. This rain does turn to slush in the Winter Reach, though.
Exceptions: No rain reaches the Northern Hotlands Region, and all the rain evaporates before it touches the ground in the Volcanic Mountain Range.
Event: Missing Wolf
Date: 1st of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Korlasir Region
Description: Karem, the nominal second-in-command to Raskalarn and the Empress's most reliable ally, is nowhere to be found in Korlasir, nor is she seen in the Sacred Forest or any of her usual hunting grounds. Raskalarn neither voices or shows any concerns that something may have happened to her and reassures people that ask that she knows where Raskalarn is. As Karem is also Raskalarn's greatest scout and information gatherer, it quickly becomes apparent that the Great Wolf is back on the prowl, though no one can think of a cause as to why, nor does Raskalarn provide one at the moment.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 1st of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Korlasir Region
Description: Karem, the nominal second-in-command to Raskalarn and the Empress's most reliable ally, is nowhere to be found in Korlasir, nor is she seen in the Sacred Forest or any of her usual hunting grounds. Raskalarn neither voices or shows any concerns that something may have happened to her and reassures people that ask that she knows where Raskalarn is. As Karem is also Raskalarn's greatest scout and information gatherer, it quickly becomes apparent that the Great Wolf is back on the prowl, though no one can think of a cause as to why, nor does Raskalarn provide one at the moment.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: Dead Webspinners
Date: 18th of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Old Dynaash
Description: Several people turn dead through Old Dynaash, and examination of their homes and belongings reveal them to have been Webspinners. A point of interest in these kills, however, is how they died. They all died the same way, via asphyxiation by what appears to be a garrote wire or some similarly thin strand of wire. It is noted, however, that every single victim has a spider bite.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 18th of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Old Dynaash
Description: Several people turn dead through Old Dynaash, and examination of their homes and belongings reveal them to have been Webspinners. A point of interest in these kills, however, is how they died. They all died the same way, via asphyxiation by what appears to be a garrote wire or some similarly thin strand of wire. It is noted, however, that every single victim has a spider bite.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: Concert Night
Date: 29th of Vhalar, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: Music in the Eternal Empire is almost exclusively performed by groups of 3-5 people, and while there aren't too many art festivals in the Eternal Empire, this one will always stand out. Concert Night began as an informal affair started by several of these groups, playing together on the same night every year, both to draw a larger audience than usual, and to get together. The practice quickly spread across the Empire, with everyone using the same night as a show of musical solidarity, and it was eventually made an official holiday by the Empress, serving as a night of music and relaxation.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Date: 29th of Vhalar, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: Music in the Eternal Empire is almost exclusively performed by groups of 3-5 people, and while there aren't too many art festivals in the Eternal Empire, this one will always stand out. Concert Night began as an informal affair started by several of these groups, playing together on the same night every year, both to draw a larger audience than usual, and to get together. The practice quickly spread across the Empire, with everyone using the same night as a show of musical solidarity, and it was eventually made an official holiday by the Empress, serving as a night of music and relaxation.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Event: Maguon Distracted
Date: 43rd of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Sacred Forest
Description: While Maguon rarely directly communes with people, those that do know how to communicate with the tree notice that it seems distracted by something, as if its attention is being pulled away elsewhere. Some suspect that Karem is keeping it informed about things happening abroad in some manner.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 43rd of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Sacred Forest
Description: While Maguon rarely directly communes with people, those that do know how to communicate with the tree notice that it seems distracted by something, as if its attention is being pulled away elsewhere. Some suspect that Karem is keeping it informed about things happening abroad in some manner.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: The Wolf's Hunt
Date: 63rd of Vhalar, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: The only holiday dedicated to Karem rather than Raskalarn, The Wolf's Hunt is, as one might guess from the name, a hunter's holiday and almost exclusively celebrated by hunters. Hunters, especially those in service to Karem herself, know that they survive off the wild, and this is holiday is observed as a recognition between mortal and animal hunters. Any game killed during The Wolf's Hunt is not to be used by mortals except at great need, but rather left for the predators and scavengers of the wild, a free source of food for them. Conversely, those who find themselves hungry will often find food left for them during The Wolf's Hunt, though no mortal has ever admitted to having provided the food.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Date: 63rd of Vhalar, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: The only holiday dedicated to Karem rather than Raskalarn, The Wolf's Hunt is, as one might guess from the name, a hunter's holiday and almost exclusively celebrated by hunters. Hunters, especially those in service to Karem herself, know that they survive off the wild, and this is holiday is observed as a recognition between mortal and animal hunters. Any game killed during The Wolf's Hunt is not to be used by mortals except at great need, but rather left for the predators and scavengers of the wild, a free source of food for them. Conversely, those who find themselves hungry will often find food left for them during The Wolf's Hunt, though no mortal has ever admitted to having provided the food.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Event: Fort Break-In
Date: 84th of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Northern Hotlands
Description: A break-in occurs in the Northern Hotlands Fortress. The fort, taken from Nashaki during the war, had become an Imperial fortress that kept an eye on Nashaki and the rest of the Hotlands, and some suspect that it was Nashaki agents that broke in. The thieves, whoever they were, broke into the map room and tore the place apart, but don't seem to have found what they were looking for.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 84th of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Northern Hotlands
Description: A break-in occurs in the Northern Hotlands Fortress. The fort, taken from Nashaki during the war, had become an Imperial fortress that kept an eye on Nashaki and the rest of the Hotlands, and some suspect that it was Nashaki agents that broke in. The thieves, whoever they were, broke into the map room and tore the place apart, but don't seem to have found what they were looking for.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: Discovered Caverns
Date: 102nd of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Hotlands Border Range
Description: During construction projects in the Hotlands Border Range, workers break through part of the mountain and discover a previously unknown cave system under the mountain. The Marshal of the Region opens them to exploration and invites people to come see the new landmark.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 102nd of Vhalar, 723.
Location: Hotlands Border Range
Description: During construction projects in the Hotlands Border Range, workers break through part of the mountain and discover a previously unknown cave system under the mountain. The Marshal of the Region opens them to exploration and invites people to come see the new landmark.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: Harvest Day
Date: 111th of Vhalar, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: While harvesting all the crops can take a while, especially on larger farms, Harvest Day is generally when the harvest ends and is the day before the food buyers come to pick up their purchases, or make them if they're late on the draw. This final day of the harvest period is always marked by a big gathering around fresh food and drink, especially the latter is this is also around the time most new batches of beer or other liquors are finished and ready for consumption.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Date: 111th of Vhalar, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: While harvesting all the crops can take a while, especially on larger farms, Harvest Day is generally when the harvest ends and is the day before the food buyers come to pick up their purchases, or make them if they're late on the draw. This final day of the harvest period is always marked by a big gathering around fresh food and drink, especially the latter is this is also around the time most new batches of beer or other liquors are finished and ready for consumption.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Zi'da 723
General: Snow starts to fall throughout most of The Eternal Empire, not enough to cause problems but enough for people to enjoy the weather. The Sacred Forest and the Hotlands Border Range get heavier snows than most of the rest of the empire.
Exceptions: The Volcanic Mountain Range and The Northern Hotlands don't really get snow. The former remains, in areas that are protected by the lava shields, to be a comfortable temperatue, but the latter is just plain hot, even in Zi'da.
Event: Opening the Barns
Date: 7th of Zi'da, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: It's hard for the homeless, or those who spend their lives on the road, to survive in Zi'da. As a result, many in the empire open their barns for these poor itinerents to sleep in during Zi'da and Cylus. The act was officially deemed a holiday by the Empress, largely out of appreciation for her people's kindness. Raskalarn also ordered the same thing done with Imperial Army barns, though many in the empire actually prefer the civilian hospitality, citing the official edict of the military hospitality as taking a bit of the homey edge off the tradition.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Date: 7th of Zi'da, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: It's hard for the homeless, or those who spend their lives on the road, to survive in Zi'da. As a result, many in the empire open their barns for these poor itinerents to sleep in during Zi'da and Cylus. The act was officially deemed a holiday by the Empress, largely out of appreciation for her people's kindness. Raskalarn also ordered the same thing done with Imperial Army barns, though many in the empire actually prefer the civilian hospitality, citing the official edict of the military hospitality as taking a bit of the homey edge off the tradition.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Event: Murder In the Barns
Date: 9th of Zi'da, 723.
Location: The Winter Reach
Description: A family is found to have been tortured and murdered in their own barn following the Opening of the Barns holiday. The tracks of the killer have been erased by the seasons snows, but outrage over this betryal of hospitality sweep the region and the Imperial Army is out in force hunting the killer. Some of the more superstitous claim the murders have some connection to Valtharn, following the appearance of her apparition the prior cycle.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 9th of Zi'da, 723.
Location: The Winter Reach
Description: A family is found to have been tortured and murdered in their own barn following the Opening of the Barns holiday. The tracks of the killer have been erased by the seasons snows, but outrage over this betryal of hospitality sweep the region and the Imperial Army is out in force hunting the killer. Some of the more superstitous claim the murders have some connection to Valtharn, following the appearance of her apparition the prior cycle.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: Research Order
Date: 23rd of Zi'da, 723.
Location: Volcanic Mountain Range
Description: Following the discovery of the caverns in the previous season, Empress Raskalarn orders the Imperial Arcane Acadmey to begin research on a new project. Specifically, she has them start research on something she calls a "climate sphere", designed to overland plants to grow underground.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 23rd of Zi'da, 723.
Location: Volcanic Mountain Range
Description: Following the discovery of the caverns in the previous season, Empress Raskalarn orders the Imperial Arcane Acadmey to begin research on a new project. Specifically, she has them start research on something she calls a "climate sphere", designed to overland plants to grow underground.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: Family Night
Date: 40th of Zi'da, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: As Zi'da really gets underway, many trades and jobs, especially those that are done out of doors, experience a slow down or even cessation of activity due to the colder weather. As a result, this unofficial holiday came about as a result of many such trades hitting the slowest part of the year at this time. Families, a large part of Imperial life if only due to their size, take this time to gather together without the need to go to work the following trial hanging over their heads. Especially among young families, there's also something of a joke that this colder weather and slower work is partly the reason for the large of Imperial families, owing to the need to both keep occupied and stay warm. The moniker of Family Night thus has a different meaning to young families.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Date: 40th of Zi'da, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: As Zi'da really gets underway, many trades and jobs, especially those that are done out of doors, experience a slow down or even cessation of activity due to the colder weather. As a result, this unofficial holiday came about as a result of many such trades hitting the slowest part of the year at this time. Families, a large part of Imperial life if only due to their size, take this time to gather together without the need to go to work the following trial hanging over their heads. Especially among young families, there's also something of a joke that this colder weather and slower work is partly the reason for the large of Imperial families, owing to the need to both keep occupied and stay warm. The moniker of Family Night thus has a different meaning to young families.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Event: New Growths
Date: 51st of Zi'da, 723.
Location: The Southern Plains
Description: Following the discovery of the caverns in the Hotlands Border Region, the Marshal of the Region makes a request of The Agricultural Research Center, asking that they determine what underground plants can be successfuly cultivated for use by The Eternal Empire. They accept the task and a new underground area is opened up to conduct such research.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 51st of Zi'da, 723.
Location: The Southern Plains
Description: Following the discovery of the caverns in the Hotlands Border Region, the Marshal of the Region makes a request of The Agricultural Research Center, asking that they determine what underground plants can be successfuly cultivated for use by The Eternal Empire. They accept the task and a new underground area is opened up to conduct such research.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: Dragon Research
Date: 72nd of Zi'da, 723.
Location: Cahryst Region
Description: Owing to the wider understanding that Dragons are now just a part of life in Idalos, The Grand Imperial Library begins research on these mystical new creatures, as very little of them is understood. Any and all who have an interest in such research or information to share are welcomed at the Library.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Date: 72nd of Zi'da, 723.
Location: Cahryst Region
Description: Owing to the wider understanding that Dragons are now just a part of life in Idalos, The Grand Imperial Library begins research on these mystical new creatures, as very little of them is understood. Any and all who have an interest in such research or information to share are welcomed at the Library.
Moderation: Self-Moderated, Claim Below.
Event: The Passing
Date: 91st of Zi'da, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: A holiday timed with the end of the year, The Passing is a privately held celebration, with traditions that vary from family to family. However, The Passing shares a purpose across the empire: celebrating the passing of another year and mourning those who failed to see the year through. As such, The Passing varies heavily from celebratory to melancholic depending on the emotional state of each family and the losses they endured that year.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.
Date: 91st of Zi'da, 723.
Location: All across The Eternal Empire.
Description: A holiday timed with the end of the year, The Passing is a privately held celebration, with traditions that vary from family to family. However, The Passing shares a purpose across the empire: celebrating the passing of another year and mourning those who failed to see the year through. As such, The Passing varies heavily from celebratory to melancholic depending on the emotional state of each family and the losses they endured that year.
Moderation: Non-Moderated.