[Player Home] The House of Rakvald

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[Player Home] The House of Rakvald


House of Rakvald

A large manor house stands off a cobbled path from a well-to-do neighborhood of Scalvorisown. The place stands in a slight state of disrepair from the outside, in spite of its gradiose stature. The manor house standing at least three stories high, with a corner tower rising above the rest of the structure for a couple floors.

The ground floor has been converted from a family dwelling to a hostel, for in-patient care. A medical facility occupies all the ground floor, which consists of several small private bedrooms for clients and patients. The foyer itself is the lobby and waiting room in one, opening into a large open space that is surrounded by a inner balcony leading up to the living quarters of Rakvald and his closest family and associates.

No less than ten small rooms populate the ground floor, a large marble-tiled bath house, a surgery office, and Rakvald's personal offices adjoin the foyer.

At the second story, there are three average-sized bedrooms flanking the balcony, which are accessible through them. A large kitchen, and a couple of small bathrooms. In addition, a library and study.

The central stairwell, at the back of the house leads down into the basement and large wine-cellar. Beneath that, a huge hidden basement laboratory with hidden access from the Wine Cellar to an external cave that leads out to the beaches on the bay.

The tower at the corner of the house consists of five average-sized rooms that have yet to be tasked to a specific purpose. At the bottom-most of these rooms, a ventilated forge has been installed, complete with a furnace and workshop.

Throughout the exterior, several gargoyles have been propped up and sculpted to fit on the edges of the roof and awnings. A large garden grounds extends a ways outside of the house, with enough room to grow several trees.
Rooms and Cost
12 small rooms = 24 wp
8 average rooms = 32 wp
4 large rooms = 32 wp
3 huge rooms = 48 wp

136 WP in all it will cost Rakvald

word count: 354

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Re: [Player Home] The House of Rakvald

Helping out Pegasus. Approved.
word count: 4
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