• Solo • Ensorcelling 101: The Beginning

10th of Ymiden 723

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A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Ensorcelling 101: The Beginning

Ymiden 10, Arc 723

Tristan was pretty sure that his meeting with Winston counted as learning, but he had decided to attend a class at Saoire’s Dream regardless. He wanted to enhance his skills and add a new dimension to his art: magic. He would never get initiated into domain magic because he didn’t want to mutate and liked himself the way he was just fine; Ensorcelling would allow him to add magical effects to his sculptures and his paintings without mutating though. He really liked that!

So, as soon as he had returned from Sweetwine, he made the trip back to Faldrass (His family stayed somewhere else in the meantime; Ayla would probably just get bored in an Ensorcelling class.). He was dressed in a fine light blue suit that matched the color of his eyes and was very comfortable on top of it. He had also brought a protective apron, goggles, a mask and gloves though. He didn’t know much about Ensorcelling yet. If it was even remotely similar to alchemy, there were bound to be lots of interesting side effects though.

He'd rather avoid those if he could.

When he entered the medium-sized classroom, he noticed that a number of students as were already there. He greeted them and took a seat near the teacher’s desk just as he noticed a most interesting person. A cat cadouri that was dressed in a fancy brown and golden ensemble entered the room and walked straight to the front of the classroom at which point Tristan realized that he was the teacher. Tristan had never been taught by a cadouri before, and especially not by a cat cadouri (Cats were his favourite animals!), so he was looking forward to the experience.

His excitement made way to slight disappointment when the teacher revealed that the class would be a largely theoretical one though. Supposedly that would be the case because Ensorcelling was very dangerous. That made all the protective equipment he had brought superfluous; he removed the goggles from his domain bag and stuck them on his head, much like a headband, regardless though. If he had brought them, he was going to use them, even if it was just as a fashion accessory.

Some of his classmates giggled; he turned around, looked at them, shrugged and flashed them a charming smile before he turned to face the teacher and listened to him once more.
Last edited by Tristan Venora on Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:32 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 410
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Re: Ensorcelling 101

“My name”, the cat cadouri said in a stern tone of voice. “Is, as I told you before, Lucius Vindle, and I’m here to teach you the basics of Ensorcelling, at a theoretical level. Ensorcelling is a highly dangerous craft – as dangerous as domain magic itself – and starting with practical exercises, with real wells, would likely not result in you becoming better ensorcellors, but in you becoming crippled or even …” he continued, paused and cast a meaningful glance at Tristan and his classmates while his bushy tail swished back and forth. “… dying. Even so, some of you will get hurt over the course of your studies if you aren’t careful. Write that down, please”, he told them.

“I want you to remember this for the rest of your lives. Never underestimate the danger!”

Most students took their pens and notebooks (or quills, or other writing supplements) and wrote down Lucius’ warning. Tristan decided to take notes as well even though he had a perfect memory due to Vri’s blessing. Telling Lucius that he had a perfect memory seemed arrogant to him though (and might eventually lead to someone accusing him of cheating), and besides, there was something very pleasant about an actual notebook with his notes in it, a physical object rather than just memories that were somewhere in his head.

“Now then”, Lucius said after they had stopped writing, having come to the conclusion that they had taken his warning to heart. “Can anyone tell me what wells are – apart from the things that we ensorcellors modify? Where do they come from, and what are they made of?”

“Why are wells called wells if they don’t produce water?”
the student next to Tristan, a girl with a head full of red curls, more freckles than he could count and green eyes, whispered and looked at him questioningly. “I’m Philomena, by the way”, she introduced herself. “And I really like your goggles – and your nails! Black and pointed is such a bold choice!”

Tristan introduced himself after thanking her for the compliment, smiling and inclining his head slightly in the process, and continued, “And I don’t really know, but …” He’d wanted to share what little he had learned from Master Lag in Rharne with her – they had talked about Master Lag improving his crossbow, should he be able to procure a well – but was interrupted by Lucius turning his head in their direction and asking them,

“Would you share your answer with the rest of the class, please?”

Apparently, Tristan realized, the teacher didn’t only look like a cat, he also had a cat’s superior hearing!
Last edited by Tristan Venora on Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:30 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 446
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Re: Ensorcelling 101

Philomena and Tristan looked at each other for a moment before they abruptly turned to face their teacher. Philomena blushed while Tristan managed to keep a straight face even though he was nervous. He didn’t know the answer, and what more, he wasn’t sure which question Lucius wanted him to answer –what wells were or why wells were called wells in the first place. Unfortunately, not saying anything wasn’t really an option either!

“Some type of stone that has magical properties?” he finally guessed, managing to sound confident despite everything. “I talked to a blacksmith about adding special effects to my crossbow once, and he mentioned welldust and how it needed to be added to the molten metal. That dust probably used to be stone once upon a time and was ground into dust”, he explained his reasoning. “As for why wells are called wells – maybe because they are a source of power, just like a well is a source of water?” he continued before he fell silent again and waited Lucius’ reaction.

Philomena grinned at him while the rest of the class looked at Lucius expectantly.

“Your answer is essentially correct, albeit incomplete”, Lucius replied before he elaborated, Wells are solid masses of chaotic energy that need to be processed to make them more orderly or stable, and they can be ground into welldust which is a sand-like substance. They can be found in fractures. Fractures are breaches between Emea and Idalos, and you should not explore them, at least not alone and not without considerable preparation”, he informed his students in a serious tone of voice. He didn’t care if they were disappointed now. He didn’t even care if they liked him. It was more important to him that they survived – and became good ensorcellors if they turned out to have what it took.

Tristan wanted to become a good ensorcellor and survive, so he continued to take notes - an listened to everything Lucius said.

“There are different classes of wells”, Lucius continued as he put on a pair of protective gloves and took care of other necessary safety measures. A moment later, he opened a small chest that stood on his desk and removed a glowing stone from it. “This is a Glowstone or Lumite, for example, a Class 1 well, the lowest class of wells. Lumite produces a beam of sunlight. Wells slowly decay, releasing small amounts of ether called Smog in the process. Lumite emits a Smog that smothers illusion and darkness magic, for example. We will not work with it. This is a theoretical class, as I said before, at least for the most part”, he said as he put the well away again. One brief look at a real well was enough in his opinion!

“I will however show you the tools and go through the Ensorcelling process with you as well as explain which other skills you should acquire over the course of your studies of Ensorcelling”, he said. “We will practice cleaning wells and shaping them on simple rocks. That will hopefully make things safer for you when you finally get your hands on real wells. You can stretch your legs a bit while I prepare everything”, he told them, an offer that they eagerly accepted. They had been sitting there for a while!
Last edited by Tristan Venora on Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:41 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 559
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Re: Ensorcelling 101

“So, it seems as if I haven’t brought my protective equipment in vain after all. The googles do look rather nice regardless”, Tristan told Philomena once they were standing in the hallway and grinned.

Philomena raised an eyebrow as she wondered how he had known what to bring.

“I’m an alchemist and a sculptor. My protective equipment is similar”, he explained.

“I’m a tailor, or at least I want to be one. I want to make magical dresses”, Philomena said. “If you had a dress that glows in the dark, you wouldn’t need torches or lamps anymore. I wonder if you can stick Lumite into a piece of silk”, she mused.

“Probably”, Tristan replied. He didn’t tell her that you could make things glow with alchemy as well because he wanted her to remain excited and enthusiastic about Ensorcelling.

“What do you think about a flying dress though?” he continued. “I wonder if there is a well for that …”

They discussed the possibility of flying wells and how you would harvest them if they were in the air and could just fly away from you for a while before Philomena briefly paused and asked,

“Where are you from, by the way?”

“Rynmere. And Rharne, kind of. I moved there with my daughter and the rest of my parents when all those bad things started to happen”,
he explained.

“And your wife?” Philomena wanted to know before she suddenly blushed, having realized that that may not have been a good question to ask, considering that he hadn’t mentioned her and talked about a plague.

She couldn’t help but be a little disappointed that he was likely married though!

“Never had one”, Tristan replied and grinned. He didn’t tell Philomena that Ayla’s mother was dead because he didn’t want to talk about Syroa right now and didn’t know quite how to explain things either. Revealing that his daughter’s mother was an Immortal might endanger her!

“Oh”, Philomena said, her eyes a little wide.

“What about you?” Tristan asked in a charming and friendly tone of voice because his classmate suddenly seemed just a little bit … awkward.

“No wife”, Philomena said. “And no husband either”, she quickly added, blushed again and coughed.

That had been embarrassing!

She fidgeted slightly, wondering if and how she should get to know that interesting man from Rynmere better. Fortunately, she was saved by Lucius opening the classroom door and telling them that they could come back in. It was finally time for …

practice wells!

The story continues here.
word count: 433
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Re: Ensorcelling 101: The Beginning

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Thread: Ensorcelling 101: The Beginning
City/Area: Faldrass Island

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Re: Ensorcelling 101: The Beginning

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Tristan Venora


Glad to see someone use old Lucius Vindle as a teacher here. You played them well, in my opinion.

The teaching style and way he taught very new students about wells and such were very on point for novice learners. It'll likely be a while before hey get to try their hand at real wells, if ever, so safety is a big deal.

Anyway, good writing. I always enjoy your classroom threads, use of npcs and such to interact with is always well done.


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  • Ensorcelling: What a well is
  • Ensorcelling: Abilities of wells
word count: 106

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