• Closed • The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

Rafael goes looking for Faith and meets her new master.

8th of Saun 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Rafael Warrick
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

8th Saun, 716
It was late in the afternoon. The markets had closed, twilight was pending, and the twin suns casted their last golden rays over the rooftops of Andaris. The air had cooled somewhat, and large parts of the city relaxed in the shade.

Dressed in a breezy, cream-colored, silken shirt, Rafael sauntered through Mid-town, his mind wandering as usual. He’d gotten into the habit of traversing the streets during the early mornings and late afternoons, when the warmth was somewhat bearable at least.

Hands stuffed deeply inside his pockets, he searched the streets for a particular shop. Over time, his sword had started to dull and he was in need of a new whetstone. With war creeping ever close to the city, they had gotten quite hard to come by.

On his way to the smithy, Rafael came across a familiar sight. Tucked away between two ornate houses was a grim looking shop. Blood red curtains lined the large windows like malevolent eyes. Unlike the stone houses that surrounded it, the front of Kash’deel Funerary Services was made entirely out of a dark wood. An air of incense seemed to come from within. Caught in the brooding twilight, the building sent a shiver down Rafael’s spine.

His pace slowed. Would Faith still be in there? He could imagine no worse fate than to be surrounded by the dead. Especially since she had no say in her occupation. In some perverted way, she too was dead.

He halted. The undertaker’s shop gazed back at him with cold indifference.

He had to know.

Swallowing, he stepped up to the door, grasped the brass knocker and-

-The door swung open from inside. The vulture that owned the shop had sensed business the moment it had come sauntering into his street.
Rafael was greeted by a glum face. Harsh features, framed by a salt-and-pepper beard. The glumness lasted only for a trill, as long as Jamal needed to realize he had nobility on his doorstep.

“Young Lordling,” he spoke in a sweet voice. “We meet again. How may I be of service?”

“May I come in? I’d prefer to speak privately.”

Smelling business, Jamal opened the door further and graciously motioned for his young visitor to enter.

“Please be seated. Some wine? Water?”

Rafael raised his hand in declination before sitting down on a velvet couch in the corner. “No thanks.”

Jamal, like a proper host, poured himself some blood-red wine from a carafe on the table. Rafael almost missed the clue. Almost.

“Is Faith no longer around?” he inquired innocently.

A flash of annoyance crossed Jamal’s face before he shook his head. “I’ve sold her to master Tristan Venora. Now, shall we get to business?”

Venora? The mere mention of that name made his heart drop. Poor Faith, to be sold to a house as vain and spoiled Venora. Perhaps she would've been better of with the dead than to be surrounded by those pompous heel-lickers. He wished he would have acquired her himself instead. Of course, funds had not been permitting. Besides, he didn't want a slave. If anything, he wanted Faith to be free.

Nobility was such a curse at times. Politeness forced him to remain seated, even though Rafael had gotten to know almost everything he’d been after. It would be easy to resort to lying. To pretend he required Jamal’s service for some deceased, far-away cousin. But instead he remembered the debt that was owed to him. The fifteen gold nels he had paid to keep Faith out of trouble.

“When I returned Faith to you, many trials ago, I mentioned that there had been trouble. As it so happens, the affair with Faith cost me more than a dozen gold nels. Some low-life thugs were after her skin. I had to bribe them to ensure a peaceful ending, and the wellbeing of your property.”

Jamal’s mask of politeness was starting to crack. It was becoming increasingly clear that the undertaker didn’t wish to be reminded of his pitiful slave. “I remember,” the terse answer came.

“I am sure that you would be happy to cover my expenditure-“

Jamal didn’t look at all happy.

“-but I propose a different solution instead. I was rather fond off Faith, for the short while that I’ve known her, and if you could tell me her whereabouts, I will consider your debt repayed.”

A silence as dark and heavy as the night lingered between them. Rafael hoped dearly he hadn’t pushed the stern looking undertaker too far.
“Very well,” Jamal said in a grave tone. “But I would hope that we can speak of Faith no more after this, and that all your…future visits to my shop will pertain to the services we provide here.”

“Agreed,” Rafael replied promptly.


Day had already started turning into night by the time Rafael arrived at the designated address. His stomach was growling, but now that he’d found out Faith’s whereabouts, he simply had to see her. All the way to the Venoran’s home, he’d wondered what sight would greet him. Would he be meeting the same disheveled Faith? On the verge of starvation? Or would she have gotten lucky and found a better master?

He knocked on the door to Tristan Venora’s house and took a polite step back as he awaited an answer.
Last edited by Rafael Warrick on Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:14 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 920
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

It had been a strange few trials, in truth. She and Master were getting used to each other and how they were together. A few trials ago she had finally finished getting the place to the level of clean that she felt was acceptable and she was learning her duties and Master's expectations of her. One of the things that he particularly seemed to enjoy was the fact that she cooked for him, and so she cooked for him as well as she could. She was also learning as much as she could about nobility and noble etiquette, sewing and as many other things as she could in order to be of use to Master. Things were, in fact, a bit of a whirlwind for the young woman, but in an almost entirely good way. She was unused to such kind treatment as Master gave her and she was wracking her brains to try and work out how she could show him her gratitude for his gentle kindness. The fact was, though, she put 100% into everything she did already and always had, so doing more was difficult. She would work out something, though, of that she was determined.

It was coming into evening and so Faith was preparing Master's evening meal. She made sure that his wine glass was always full and that he was comfortable where he was seated, then she moved to check on the food, the smell of which was permeating though the house. Tonight, he would be eating lamb encrusted in a herb and nut crust with fondant potatoes and seasonal vegetables tossed in butter. That was fairly straightforward, but Faith also had decided that she needed to get better at her baking and so she had prepared a dessert. Or, more accurately, she had prepared two desserts because the first one simply was not good enough. So, after his meal Master would be able to eat a lemon and lime pie in a shortcrust pastry which was light and crumbling. It was the pastry which had caused her such problems and the first one she had made had just not been right. Rather than having the wonderful sweet crumb that a good shortcrust pastry should have, it had been far too dry. She had put that mixture aside and would, tomorrow, turn it into some quite pleasant raisin biscuits. In terms of shortcrust, though, the lesson was learnt - she needed to get the butter to flour ratio just right. Faith was turning into a quite good cook, even by her own estimation which was invariably self depreciating, but she was learning a lot about baking and had much more still to learn.

And what she was really discovering was that the difference between cooking and baking was that one was instinct, the other precision. When she was cooking this lamb, the time was a rough guide, but she had to go by touch and feel and instinct to know when it was cooked to perfection. But with baking, it was careful and meticulous measurement and cooking which was key. That was fine with Faith, she was good at attention to detail, but she had to remember the difference between the two and ensure that she was functioning as efficiently as she could. She smiled in response to Master's question though and shook her head.

"No, Master, I have never been to a play. I do not really understand what one is, to be honest." Theatre and art hadn't been high on the list of things that she was taught about in Athart, in truth. "Do you think that I might be allowed to read some of your plays? I could help you with make up, maybe, if you wished it. I am not very good, but I would do my best to learn, if it was your wish" and of course she would do just that. She was just about to tell him that his meal was ready and ask if he would like her to serve it now, so she moved to fill his wine glass for him and then there was a knock on the door. Faith glanced and finished her task, then put the bottle next to Master and moved to open the door.

The young woman who opened the door to Rafael was very different than the one he had seen just a few weeks before. She was wearing a nice black dress with a black corset which accentuated her breasts and hips, fastened tightly around her small waist. Her hair was piled on her head and she wore subtle make up which accentuated her silver eyes. Should he be in any doubt about her status, though, there was a decorative torque which was a beautiful but very obvious slave collar which attached to a pretty leash which separated into two sections, both of which were attached to one of the slave bracelets at her wrists. Should that not be enough, of course, there was the brand new brand of the rose of House Venora on her shoulder. Only two trials old, the wound was still very obvious. But the slave looked at him and dropped a curtsy. When she had met him previously, he had insisted that she did not call him Master, but now she knew what the correct term of address was for him. "Lord Warrick?" she tried her best to not look surprised, but she did, despite her efforts. "Please, come in. Master, Lord Warrick is here to see you" she said, in her usual soft tone.

Once Rafael had come in, Faith would move to bring wine for Master's guest and would wait in the background, watching to see what Master wished her to do.
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Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Tristan Venora
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

It had been a very interesting few trials, as far as Tristan was concerned. Sure, the fact that his house was suddenly so clean had taken some getting used to, and he had been mildly embarrassed when he had found out that Fait had removed the stuff he had hidden under his bed (she hadn’t been supposed to see that!), but the rest had simply been fantastic! When he came home in the evening, he had a beautiful girl waiting for him, ready to serve him a delicious meal.

Before he had bought Faith, he had usually grabbed a quick bite to eat at a tavern or eaten a cold meal at home because he didn’t know how to cook and was too lazy to learn it. He had also drunk copious amount of Venora Red – which he still did quite frequently, to be honest, just not in front of Faith, even though he shouldn’t care about the opinion of his slave.

“That smells fantastic“, he remarked as he stepped through the door and tried to keep his stomach from grumbling – in vain. He tossed the bag with his tools in a corner and walked into the kitchen area where she was preparing his meal. “I like lamb. It has a much richer taste than pork. Pork only tastes good when you practically drown it in spices.“

“So“, he asked because watching her cook was boring in the long run, and he needed to pass the time until she served him dinner somehow. “Have you ever been to a play? My newest one will premiere next season, if all goes well. I might take you with me. Slaves aren’t allowed at the university, but I’m pretty sure that they are allowed at the theatre.“ As he had expected, her answer to his question was "no". He had not expected her to inform him that she didn’t even know what a play was though and looked at her incredulously as a consequence.

“Are you serious?“ he wanted to know.

Of course she was, he answered the question himself. As far as he knew, she had never lied to him. “A play is …“ he began and furrowed his brow. He’d never had to explain what a play was before. Most people in Rynmere were fairly well educated and thus already knew. “A play is like reading a story, only that there are people on a stage, pretending to be the characters in the story and wearing colourful costumes. Plays are entertaining. I can definitely give you some of mine to read. Which one would you like to read? I can offer a religious play or one that contains a lot of sex and violence!“

He smiled brightly because he liked it when people were interested in his plays, even if the people in question were slaves and not being interested might have negative consequences for them. “I haven’t hired a makeup artist for my new play yet, so you could definitely help out“, he continued. He approved of her suggestion. He’d have to pay a normal makeup artist, but Faith would have to do all the work for free, so he’d save money!

He was just about to get some of his scripts from his room when he heard a knock on the door.

“Who is it?“
he asked Faith. He wasn’t expecting any visitors. His relatives were all busy, and most of his friends were working as well, either at the tavern or at the brothel. Maybe Peake Andaris had come to collect taxes or inappropriate naked sculptures of famous people?

He followed his slave to the door as he was very curious. He didn’t recognize the boy that stood outside though. In fact he was pretty sure that he had never met him before, unless he had been drunk at the time and forgotten all about their meeting as a consequence.

“That’s Lord Warrick?“ he asked, somewhat incredulously as Faith spoke. She had told him about the young noble and what he had done for her only the trial before. He had expected him to be taller and more heroic. “Please do come in, Lord Warrick. My slave was just going to serve me dinner. You are free to join us. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?“ he asked, in a very polite tone. If he wanted to, he could play the part of the noble lord to perfection. He just didn’t want to, most of the time. In that case it seemed appropriate though.

“Faith told me what you did for her …“
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

8th Saun - Twilight, 716
Rafael blinked. Was that her? The transformation Faith had undergone was near miraculous. It wasn’t until she spoke that he was certain he’d stumbled across her identical twin. Less than a bit later, his eyes found the collar around her neck, and although it was of good make, he still abhorred everything it stood for. Rafael answered her curtsy with a light bow of his own. Perhaps equal treatment would cure her of her servitude.

“You look…dashing,” he said as he rose from his bow. For a little while his mind battled against his heart, and as always, his mind lost. “Oh, manners be damned,” he muttered before he took a bold step forward and pulled Faith into a tight embrace. By the time he released her, another figure had entered the stage…

The oncoming twilight was a blessing, for it largely obscured the heat rising to his cheeks. He hastily retreated a step and dearly hoped Tristan Venora hadn’t witnessed the display of affection. A noble doting on a lowly slave? Quite the scandal. And Rafael knew Venorans were like vultures when it came to scandal.

Composing himself, Rafael dipped into another bow and greeted Lord Venora with a hint of a smile. “Yes, I’m Lord Warrick. One of the many at least.“ Mischief glinted in his eyes as he shot a glance between Faith and her elegant new master. It sounded like the two had talked about him, why else would Tristan be surprised?

While he accepted Tristan’s invitation, his mind raced, desperately trying to think up an excuse for his unannounced visit. After a few bits had passed, and he still hadn’t managed to think of anything better, he resorted to the most common excuse.

“Politics,” he said in the most confident voice he could muster. It would have to suffice. Tristan's remark about his supposed heroism sent another wave of heat up his cheeks, but he simply shrugged in reply and mumbled something about "common sense".

Tristan’s humble abode was a bit of a surprise. He’d expected more lavish decorations from a member of the house of beauty. But the wonderful scents that wafted through the house more than made up for it. He shot a surprised look at Faith. If he had known she was such a good cook, he’d have pried her from Jamal’s cold grasp a long, long while ago.

“Thank you for inviting me to your table, Lord Venora,” he said politely as he seated himself. “You have a wonderful home…”

In truth, he couldn’t care less about the man’s home. But diverting to small talk would give him some time to invent a reason as to why he’d come knocking on Tristan Venora’s door.

His real reason was standing in the background, awaiting her next command.
Last edited by Rafael Warrick on Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 485
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

"There is a trick to cooking pork well, Master. I will try to make you change your mind about it" she said, with a smile, leaning up to kiss him in greeting, her smile a little shy still. But he explained about the play and said that yes, he was happy for her to help him and she smiled her pleasure. "Thank you, Master" she said, her voice quiet. "I will do my best to make everything as well as is possible"

The knock on the door surprised her, too, and as she moved she glanced at him and shrugged slightly. But there, at the door, was young Lord Warrick.

He bowed to her and Faith did not really know how to react. But when he said that she looked dashing, the young slave could not help but smile slightly. But that smile turned to a very genuine look of surprise when he muttered about manners and wrapped her in a hug. She did not quite know how to react and for just a trill she stood stock still. But then, because she was who she was, she returned the hug and she realised, as she stood there hugging him back that her Master had walked around the corner. Of course he had. It couldn't be more awkward and she stepped back with an apologetic glance at Rafael and then at Tristan. Why was she the one feeling bad, she wondered? She had no reason to and yet she was worried that Master thought she was hugging someone for a different reason than she was and she was worried that Rafael thought she didn't want to hug him. Oh, by Famula, she thought, how did she get into these situations? However, had she known that he was worried about the scandal she would have shot him a grin and told him, mostly clearly, that she would see his five and raise him twenty.

However, Lord Warrick and Master began to speak and so Faith moved to lay the table for him and Lord Warrick. There was plenty of food available and so she made sure that the wine glasses were filled and the two of them were able to sit and eat. Then, she stood to one side and waited, ready to serve them as soon as they sat.
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

“I haven’t met any of the other Lords Warricks yet“, Tristan admitted. The Warricks were one of the noble families that he had had little to no contact with so far. He wasn’t even sure what exactly they did, but he decided that it would be wiser not to let Rafael know just how utterly clueless he was. There was one question he felt the need to ask though, “Whose son are you, if you don’t mind the question? Ned’s or Victor’s? I know that the oldest Baron Warrick only has daughters.” At least he thought that the first in line to inherit the duchy was a woman. Lapis Lazuli or something, apparently the Warricks had a tendency to name their daughters after gemstones.

“Thank you”, he said as the young lord complimented him on his home. “But Faith deserves most of your praise. She is invaluable to me.” He briefly turned towards his slave and smiled at her before he turned back to Rafael once more, wondering why he had felt the need to hug her when he had come in. For some reason Tristan was slightly jealous of the moment of closeness that they had shared, even though he regularly shared Faith’s bed. But then he decided that slaves needed hugs as well sometimes, so it was all good.

At the mention of politics Tristan raised an eyebrow, and when the Warrick proceeded to mumble something about common sense he rolled his eyes and barely kept himself from laughing out loud. Seriously? He had come to him to talk about politics? Alistair was the expert on politics and probably the Venora with the most common sense as well. Tristan was the one who was likely to damage things beyond repair if he tried his hands at politics, but you didn’t tell that to a visitor from another noble house, so he just replied, somewhat vaguely,

“I am not particularly experienced when it comes to politics, Lord Warrick, but I will do my best. Which political issue exactly do you want to talk about?” As he said that, he gestured for Rafael to follow him and take a seat at his table. As he waited for Rafael to speak, he turned to Faith again, “Sit with us. I have the feeling that this might concern you as well. There’s an empty chair so I don’t see why you should be standing.”
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

8th Saun, 716
It didn’t take Tristan Venora very long to prove he was a kinder master to Faith than Jamal had been, although the same could likely be said of any scoundrel. Relieved to note she was well cared for, Rafael turned his attention to the frail looking Venora instead. A silence lingered between them as Rafael chewed carefully on a slice of pork, as well as what he was about to say.

Lowering his cutlery, he sighed in resignation. It was no use to try and come up with some lie, he had neither the skill nor the desire to do so. “You’re a kind host Tristan -you don’t mind if I call you that?- I will be straightforward with you. I didn’t come to discuss politics. I came for her.”

His ashen eyes found Faith again. There was something about the slave girl, something pure, that drew him towards her. For every trill he gazed at her, he wondered more and more about who she was, and more importantly, who she had been before her live in servitude.

After a few trills, he turned his head back towards Tristan and cleared his throat. “I suppose I was concerned for her, like a friend might be.” Could he even consider her a friend? They had only met once really, and yet she had entranced him, and his thoughts had returned to her more often than he dared to admit.

Somewhat flustered by his own admission, Rafael resorted to firing a few curious glances around the nobleman’s home. “Are all of those your creations?” he inquired in a poorly veiled attempt to switch subject.
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

There was a moment of displeasure in master's eyes as he saw her and Lord Warrick hug, but it was gone as quickly as it came and she kept quiet as the two noble born free men spoke. When master complimented her, though, she dropped a curtsy to acknowledge it. When Tristan smiled at her, her silver eyes met his and she smiled back, even as she curtsyed, then lowered her gaze again.

She hadn't expected the invitation to sit with them, but with a soft-spoken "Yes, Master", Faith immediately obeyed and sat, hands folded in her lap and her eyes cast down. She sat, quiet and still and thought that master was probably wrong and that whatever it was that Lord Warrick wished to speak to him about, it was almost certainly something other than her. Why ever would it be, after all? But the two of them ate, drank some wine and she made sure to keep their glasses topped up but other than that, she sat, hands folded together.

'I came for her'

Lord Warrick said it and Faith felt her hands clench together more tightly in her lap. She wondered what was going on here, was he thinking he was going to buy her? Would Master sell her to him? Faith didn't know and, as much as she knew that she should not have any opinions, her head reeled. But she could not let it show on her face, could not and should not behave in any manner except the appropriate one and so, she sat, hands clasped together and she remained silent as they talked about, it struck her in that moment, all of Master's possessions in the room which Lord Warrick was interested in. The sculptures, the artwork and the slave.

As long as she remembered that she was as disposable, sellable and as much property as the other two, then she would be able to deal with whatever the outcome of this situation, so the young slave sat and waited.
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

“Of course not”, Tristan replied as Rafael asked him if he minded that he called him by his first name. “Everybody else in my family is always being addressed as 'Lord' or 'Lady'. I quite like being different. You have to allow me to call you 'Rafael' though.” He smiled brightly, but the smile immediately disappeared again as the boy revealed that he had come for her, for his slave. Did Rafael mean what he thought he meant? He frowned.

“Faith’s not for sale”, he informed him curtly. “Unless you are willing to give me a hundred thousand nels and a castle for her?” he asked. If Rafael offered him such riches, he thought, he would be tempted – but only for a moment. He couldn’t imagine actually selling her. He didn’t think he would ever like another slave as much as he liked her. He would definitely not share his bed with anybody else. Besides, if he sold her, who would cook for him?

He cast a glance at Faith. “Do you agree that you are worth at least that much? Not that I’m actually going to sell you, but still …” He didn’t finish the sentence, but broke off and turned back to Rafael again who had started to talk about friendship and such.

Did the Warrick want to buy her because she was his friend? That seemed rather weird to him. “You don’t have to be concerned”, he let him know. “As you can see she’s fine.”

“As to whether these are all my creations”,
he replied, wondering if Rafael was actually interested in his art or if it was just a poorly veiled attempt to the change the topic. He decided on the former because he considered himself to be an incredibly talented artist.

“Of course they are. Do you want to buy anything? There’s a painting that Daliane Andaris and I made together that is still available. He’s going to star in my next play, so he’ll probably be famous very soon and the painting’s value will increase a lot.”

Actually he had not made the painting with Daliane, but with Daliane’s pig. It had escaped its owner, run into the room where Tristan had been painting at the time – and straight across the canvas that had been lying on the floor. The painting in question essentially consisted of pig footprints on a canvas. As far as Tristan was concerned that was not an issue though.

“Or do you want a sculpture? I made a sculpture of Lord Peake Andaris. It’s not for sale, I’m afraid, because it’s my masterpiece, but it might give you an idea as to what kind of style I prefer. Just let me know what you want. Everything you can see in this house apart from Peake is for sale.”
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The Curse of Freedom (Faith, Tristan)

8th Saun, 716
Rafael let out an audible sigh of relief. Etiquette had never been his strong suite, and he was glad he could simply call Tristan by his name. “You’re allowed,” he replied, “I suppose I like being a bit different too,” he added with the smallest of shrugs. But his shoulders stifled at the mention of Faith and his perceived intention to buy her. “Oh no, that’s- that’s not at all what I meant. Well, I mean, if I had a castle I might but-“ he shot a few nervous glances between Faith and Tristan before he managed to collect himself. “What I meant was that I was curious how she was fairing, and I am happy to see that she seems to be doing well, that’s all. I have no other intentions.”

Didn’t he? The moment the words rolled of his tongue, he knew that he hadn’t quite spoken the truth. There was something about Faith that he cared about. Perhaps it was because she had seemed so broken to him earlier, or perhaps it was because of how naïve he’d found her to be that time she’d thrown herself at his feet. Maybe it was all of those things. Maybe it was because she, like Lord Venora, and like himself, was different…

Out of politeness, he feigned interest in the artworks that Tristan pointed out. The painting was peculiar to say the least and Rafael cocked his head, thinking for a moment that perhaps the thing was hanging upside down. “It’s very…modern,” he murmured. Not that he knew anything about art, though enough to understand that Tristan’s abomination would never sell unless his claims about Daliane’s fame turned out to be true.

The sculpture interested him much more. “Peake Andaris?” he sat up and chuckled. “You made him a sculpture?” He whistled through his teeth. “Quite daring, I would never risk that if I were you…if you got even the tiniest detail wrong, I imagine he would drag out your guts with a hook…and that’s the best case scenario. Most of the squires I know are terrified of him. With good reason I hear. He has this habit to confuse the message with the messenger, and squire very often have to deliver messages…”

He paused a moment to finish his drink and contemplate all that Tristan had said. “So I take it you’re a playwright then? If you ever need a noble prince...” he joked, glad to have steered the conversation away from Faith.
word count: 435
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