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61st of Ashan 723

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The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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[Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming

Can I Bother You
For a Sprout or Two?

Ashan's Walk
Event: Ashan’s Walk Festival
Date: 61st of Ashan, 723.
Location: Whole Island
Description: This marks the middle of the season and the people of Scalvoris undertake a pilgrimage of sorts. From a set point in their town / village to the main place of worship, people lay petals on the ground in honour of the Immortal Ashan. All shops and businesses are closed on this trial, so that everyone can experience freedom ~ it is said that the only people who toil on Ashan's Walk are healers and undertakers.
Kisaik was pensive on this Ashan's Walk festival. While he'd been reunited with his special flower, Rabu, and they had enjoyed the reunification well enough, there was still one piece that was missing in their lives. They wanted to have a sprout and had for a long time. Maybe more than one even. But how could such a thing be, when neither of them was female? Their conversations would've caught attention of some of the villagers, Vega included, as the tunawa didn't feel any embarrassment for the discussion of such topics. It was as natural to them as the grass growing from the earth. So eventually everyone in Sweetstone knew that both Kisaik and Rabu were looking for ways to have a sprout.

The first to hear of it of course were the tribe themselves. Ce'nija asked kindly if either of them would be open to surrogacy or some such. But Kisaik wasn't sure it worked like that. A tunawa needed special feelings to open up their flower to another tunawa's pollination. And vice versa. So kind though it was, Kisaik turned her down, and insisted that she find someone among the tribe or outside of it who she fancied. Ce'nija of course blushed amber at that, perhaps she already had someone in mind.

Aida of course had several flowers growing in her hair at this time, and had more than a few of them already pollinated. By whom, nobody really could say. Kisaik looked askance at Alaiwa, wondering, but just winked at him which of course caused him to blush orange-amber to his face.

Kisaik was walking toward the main tent-village of Sweetsong then, and came across Vega. "Hullo Lady Vega! Would you walk to me to the Sweetstone tree? I think it's time I paid homage to Ashan on this Ashan's Walk. I would think the Sweetstone Tree is as close to a chapel as we have at the moment, no? Maybe we should think of setting up shrines here or there. Or we could make the tree itself a shrine? With Ornaments to this Immortal or that spirit. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Kisaik smiled, and if she consented to walk with him, he'd go along toward the path that led up to the silvery tree. As they went, he spread little flower petals along his path, that he'd gathered here or there.

"I was thinking... Rabu and I haven't been able to find a way to make a sprout. But I heard stories... that you helped a couple of cadouri in Faldrass. I was wondering..." Kisaik paused, hoping he wasn't overstepping.

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Re: [Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming

Vega was doing nothing.

It was rare that this was the case. It was beyond rare, in fact - it was so rare as to be almost unheard of. Yet, on this particular trial that was exactly what she was doing. Nothing. Sitting, she was trying out something that her cousin had told her about. Clearing her mind, focusing on the feel of the breeze on her skin as she sat, quietly. Vega was, frankly, bored out of her mind. How did people meditate like this? It was dull, it was boring and it was passive.

"Yeah, bun that, " Vega muttered to herself. She stood up, smoothing down the long green skirt she wore and she glanced around. There, coming towards her was Sir Chip and Vega gave a wide grin and she waved to her friend. As they met, she dropped to her heels and greeted him. "Wotcha Sir Chip, how're doin'?" She looked at him and she listened to what he asked. Nodding her head, Vega patted her shoulder if he wanted to jump up - but if he didn't then there was no pressure.

As they made their way to the Sweetstone Tree, Vega listened to what Sir Chip had to say. She nodded her head at his thoughts and spoke eagerly. "I love the idea of it bein' a place where we leave trinkets an' offerin's, wishes an' whimsies to the Immortals an' the Spirits," she said, honestly. That sounded like an excellent idea to her and Vega was very happy to implement it. Other people might make fusses or ceremonies, marking the moment with pomp and all that went with it, but that wasn't her. "Lets start doin' that then, shall we?" And that would begin the tradition. That evening, as they sat together and ate in the communal area, Vega would mention it to the settlers there and she was sure that this was all it would take as the people here were very much free spirits themselves.

It was the next bit of what Sir Chip said that caused her to stop a moment. "Sir Chip, I'm so sorry, " she said genuinely. "I jus' didn't think of it. I can help you, yes, an' it would be my pleasure an' my honour to do that, honestly." She smiled at him and said, quite honestly, "I think it's the best thing I ever did, havin' kids. " Thinking about it, she played it through in her mind, considering what they'd need to do and so on. "You need to decide which one of you is goin' to grow the sprout," she said. "An' then we need a bit of time, the three of us. I need to..." Vega looked at him and she looked vaguely embarrassed. "It's music, Sir Chip. Every life, it's music. I jus' need to learn what the melody of your baby is, what their soul-song is. Then, I sing it into bein', thanks to the blessin' of Daia. It's all on her, absolutely, it's not me. So, make sure to thank her, but yes, it would be my pleasure."

Looking at her friend she asked, eagerly. "When'dya wanna?"

word count: 539

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming


Kisaik saw Vega, and thought it unusual that she was looking so... pensive and idle. Usually she was a whirlwind of activity about the Settlement, settling this, and solving for that. It was rare that she seemed to get a quiet moment for herself, so in spite of whatever reservations she might have about it, Kisaik was glad she had a moment of quiet to herself. Everyone needed that from time to time.

She seemed receptive to the idea of them setting up the Sweetstone Tree as a place of worship and dedication, and so Kisaik was glad. He'd have to arrange an accord with Agatafral of course, to ensure they didn't steal any of the trinkets left on the tree, but he was confident he'd be able to arrange something with the sniffer drake.

When she apologized and didn't think of Rabu and Kisaik having sprouts, Kisaik shook his head vigorously. "Oh no, me and Rabu have been speaking about it at length. We've always lamented the fact that we aren't able to produce sprouts of our own sap or flowers, and have long looked for a solution. Until I heard about what you can do!"

Kisaik listened carefully to Vega's explaination, that every life created had a music all its own. It was certainly an appealing thought. And he was eager to learn what the music of his own sprout might be.

"I think Rabu would be the one who wants to grow the sprout as it might be too dangerous for me to." Kisaik said, pensive suddenly and scratching his chin hairs. "Would you like to meet him then? Now would be a good time."

So saying, Kisaik didn't deign to jump onto her shoulder, but stretched his legs to three feet each so that he could keep well enough pace with her. Stilted as he was, they approached the Sweetstone Tree where Rabu was admiring the jade and flower beds that surrounded the tree. Kisaik waved vigorously at his best buddy, and called out, "Rabu! Vega agreed! I think?" He looked up somewhat uncertain to Vega, not wanting to speak for her.

"Ohhh!" Rabu said. "How wonderful." Rabu spoke Xanthean, as he couldn't quite master the art of speaking common, and wasn't so good at talking to the other settlers who couldnt' speak Xanthean.

"Hello Lady Vega!" Rabu said, and then squinted, "Have we not met before? I think we may have, briefly!"

Kisaik looked from Vega to Rabu and back again. "Well at any rate, this is one of my bestest friends, Lady Vega. She's quite an impressive hero around these parts. And she's my squire..." Kisaik had a mind to make her more than a squire, a full knight, if she was able to do his family such a great service as give them a sprout.

"Now, what do we do, Lady Vega? Shall we sing a song for our sprout to be?" Kisaik shortened his legs then, growing back to his normal ten inches, and then stood next to Rabu, who was at least twice as tall as him, reaching up to hold his hand.
word count: 534
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Re: [Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming


She nodded when he explained that Rabu would want to grow the sprout. Vega thought that was probably a very good idea, especially since Sir Chip had something of a tendency to be an all-action kind of tunawa. She listened to what he had to say and she was quiet for a moment.

But then, he grew. Vega blinked in surprise and then she gave a wide grin.

"Heepers Jeepers, Sir Chip, when I said we might wanna stretch our legs, I didn't mean literally like." Still, they walked and they chatted and then he offered for her to meet Rabu. Vega nodded, very happy to - although she harboured a slight suspicious that Sir Chip was so in love and so happy that he wouldn't have noticed no matter what she did. She smiled in pleasure at her friend and she nodded when he called out to Rabu that she agreed.

Rabu arrived and spoke in Xanthean. Vega was also fluent in the language of her people, the Sev'ryn, and she returned the greeting to him. "It's well nice to meet you again, Rabu. The pleasure is mine, and please. Call me Vega." Sir Chip introduced her and when he told Rabu that she was his squire, Vega nodded proudly. She was proud of that. It was a sign of trust from Sir Chip and that was important to her.

They talked a little and, as they arrived at the Sweetstone Tree, Vega nodded. "It'll take a full break, so lets sit down together," she said. When they did, she spoke. "So, this will be about a break an' at the end of it, Rabu, there'll be a baby in your stomach. I know Tunawa don't do birth that way, but you will. It'll open an' the baby will be born when it's ready. If you're happy, we'll carry on." she held out her hands. "I need to be touchin' you, so put your hands in mine, if you would?" If they were happy to, she

And then, she closed her eyes and listened. She focused and listened and she heard a song. It was Sir Chip and it was Rabu and it was the life they would create. Vega couldn't explain it in any other way other than that and her voice lifted in the song of their love. It was a soft and gentle song at first, but as the hour progressed, Vega's voice took them on a journey; adventures and quiet times, love and laughter - somehow the song with no words told a story. She knew that it was by Daia's grace that it did so and every sound she made was in gratitude to Daia for what she did here.

As the hour progressed, both Rabu and Kisaik would find themselves more energised, but Vega grew more tired. She didn't show it, of course, but as the light only she saw at first took shape, Rabu's stomach glowed and the final haunting notes of the song stopped. "You'll be pregnan' for 270 days," she said. "An' then, that baby will come out of your stomach an' you'll go back to your usual shape an' size"[/b] Smiling at them both she felt a deep emotional bond to the two of them and she nodded. "An' thank you. For lettin' me be part of this."

word count: 577

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming


"Hmmm..." Rabu scratched his chin as he regarded Vega, trying to remember where he'd seen her before. "Oh, it was during that strange time! The Call! I think I saw you there in one of the Rooms."

Kisaik nodded at Rabu, patting the tunawa's shoulder. "Yes, she was there, remember I told you how she helped guide us through the very dangerous room with flames and Chuckles." Kisaik remembered the incident well, it was where he got many a trinket, as well as the magic acorn that turned into Nitosi Ereke in Saoire's garden now. There was so much that he had to catch up on with Rabu, and he'd not had the opportunity to do that yet. Perhaps... "Perhaps next cycle we should have another story night? Have you heard from Professor Doran lately? Or Mister Arlo?" Kisaik asked Vega gently, knowing that Arlo might be a sore subject for her. "We should certainly consider it, and bring each other up to date on our various events in our lives perhaps, or just tell random stories."

Kisaik nodded, it would be done, he decided, come what may.

But then they were to the serious part of the business of the day. Kisaik's eyes widened when Vega described what would happen to Rabu. "In his belly?! Wow. That's certainly new." He smiled. "Our sprout will be one of a kind, to be sure. I wonder... Does that mean she won't sprout in Ymiden?"

They sat in a circle as bid by Vega, and she sang the song that was gifted to her by Daia, of the life that was to grow in Rabu, that belonged to the child of Rabu and Kisaik. He was very pleased that this was finally happening, and it was all because of the Call. They would finally have a sprout of their own!

"Do you hear that, Rabu? That song of silence must be when we were apart! It sounds very somber indeed." Kisaik squeezed his buddy's hand a little tighter as the baby was growing in a light in Rabu's belly.

The time progressed, and the song went on. It must have made Vega very tired, although Kisaik wasn't quite so perceptive to notice. Still, it stood to reason that such a power would take a lot of energy. They were creating a life, afterall.

When they were done, and Vega thanked them both, Kisaik gasped. "No thank you Lady Vega! But of course you're welcome. You're part of our clan, afterall, and I daresay an honorary tunawa of our tribe. A tree-friend at the very least."

This said, Kisaik summoned Lalia as a blade to his hand. The Sweetwine blade formed in his hand, proportionally much larger than Kisaik himself, but easily weidled nevertheless. He stilted himself again, growing three feet in each leg as he approached Vega.

"Vega, I would grant you knighthood, in the Green Knights for the service you've done to our family." He intoned, very serious. "Will you accept knighthood?"

If she accepted, he would proceed to tap each sholder and her head with the flat of Lalia's blade, and so she would become a full-fledge knight, not just a squire.
Last edited by Kisaik on Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 548
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Re: [Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming


The creation of life in this way was a deeply emotional and intimate moment for Vega. The fact that she was allowed to be present and given the privilege of facilitating two people in love to have a child was amazing to her; the song of each life was like nothing she'd ever experienced and it reminded her of the deeply wonderful reality that was life and living. She sent her own prayer of thanks to Daia - in her own, unique way of course.

"That's right, Sir Chip, she said, about his question "It's always exactly the same amount o'time. I don't know why, it jus' is. Because Daia says so, I guess." She gave a slightly tired grin. "An' I love the idea of another story night. I don't know when Arlo's comin' back," or if he was, she thought, but didn't say. "I can't feel him through our connections no more," and the fact that that worried her was obvious. But still. "He's been gone since the day that Conlan were born," and since the boy in question was nearly 2 now, she'd had time to come to terms with it and get used to it.

"Hopefully, he'll be back an' we can both come. But you can count me in, either way," she said. Vega's life wasn't on hold because Arlo wasn't there - he wouldn't want it to be and even if he did want it to be, he could jog on. So, she could be clear at least.

She smiled at Sir Chip when he said that she was an honourary tunawa. "An' you're as much part of the clan as if silver blood coursed in your veins." But what Sir Chip did next surprised her. She looked at him as he offered her knighthood and her eyes swirled in a cacophony of colours. "Thank you, Sir Chip," she said, her voice slightly hoarse with emotion. "I'd like that a lot. I really appreciate it an' yes, I accept."

The process of becoming a knight was a relatively straightforward one. She knelt down and he tapped her with a sword much more gently than she thought she'd ever been hit. And then, she was a knight. It gave Vega a real sense of pride and she spoke in tones which told of that pride. "I'll do my best to always, always, be the best knight I can be, Sir Chip."

Tiredness swept over her and Vega smiled at the pair. "I'm goin' to go an' have a nap. Rabu, if you've got any questions or stuff as that baby grows, you let me know. Don't hesitate, ok?" And then, she smiled at them both. "Thank you. Both of you, for lettin' me be part of this an' thank you, Sir Chip, for believin' in me." It meant more to her than she could easily explain.

And so, Vega left the newly-pregnant couple to their own devices.

word count: 514

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming

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Notes/Warnings: Vega uses a Daia ability to give rabu a sprout in his belly.

Thread: [Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming
City/Area: Sweetwine Woods

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Collaboration: Yes
 ! Message from: Jackalope
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Re: [Sweetsong] Ashan's Walk: Bob's Blooming


Congratulations! Kisaik's gonna be a daddy! By my math, 270 trials from 62 Ashan is 80ish Vhalar. I'm honestly not concerned about the exact date. Babies come when they're ready. Hopefully the Dooglewogs will leave it alone.

I hadn't realized that Rabu had been NPCized. But I hope that he and Kisaik are happy!

Kisaik shows both his tender side and his nobility and generosity here. A worthy Green Knight indeed.

Enjoy your rewards!
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Singing: Song: The Song of Rabu and Kisaik, Kisaik and Rabu and their sprout
  • Loot:
    • Baby Sprout Loot Drop (Conception)


You requested " Meditation: clearing the mind and being still is a very boring way to meditate" twice. I know that mantras are supposed to be repetitious, but I'm not sure it's as ideal for skill knowledges. So I replaced it with a numbered Meditation knowledge.

Vega shows her gentler, less thumpy side here. While I enjoy a good thumping thread, I also like reading ones like this. A good story about the Mortalborn of Children!

Enjoy your rewards.
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Meditation: clearing the mind and being still is a very boring way to meditate
    • Singing: The Song of Kisaik and Rabu
    • Meditation: #1
word count: 213

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