[Haven] Safe Haven

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Haven] Safe Haven


Snow, Snow, Snow....

"Are you sure? I can take one of the boys?"

Fastia was nervous, and Elisabeth understood why. Knowing that her children were about to be put into an unfamiliar situation would concern any mother. Elisabeth, while not the mother of the settlers, often felt like she was, constantly worrying over their happiness and safety. She shared in her friend's unease but did what she could to reassure her.

"You have your things plus theirs. Besides, with us carrying the boys through the portal, we can attempt to maintain their body temperatures with our own."

Nodding at Delilah and Nia, standing close by and each with a sibling to the ithecal youngling Elisabeth was carrying. Simple wraps had been fashioned to help the women distribute the children's weight in front of them, but Elisabeth saw a unique advantage for her specifically. Should something go wrong, her hands could be freed from weight momentarily. Not that she expected anything to go wrong….

"It also allows you to help deal with anything that might arise on the way." Fastia was almost as good a fighter as Haven's leader and better than the guards. Balthazar was, to her knowledge, the premier unarmed fighter in Idalos, but if push came to shove, a little help was always a good thing. She would focus on protecting the people they were leading, along with the guards. It was a hastily-made plan, just in case, but better to be prepared than not.

The ithecal knew better than to argue with the mage when she had her mind made up, nodding as she adjusted the packs hanging off her shoulder. The guards were armed, as was Elisabeth. Too many times had she been caught off-guard or unaware. The universe was a vast learning institution and had imparted its lessons well.

The people were dressed for the weather the best they could - layers when possible. Everyone was accounted for, and they were waiting for the sign from Balthazar that it was safe to move through the created portal.

In the meantime, she thought it might be best to say a few things about what they were about to experience. Sure, the people were used to weird things happening around Elisabeth and Balthazar, and all had witnessed 'big magic' during the wedding. However, their leader could still understand that some might be uneasy about walking through a glowing, magical doorway to another place.

Turning, she held Qunitus close, giving him a soft smile, tugging the blanket around him tighter as she raised her voice to address the assembled people. "We will be going through Balthazar's portal shortly. There's no need to worry. This method is simply the fastest way to get us to the Grotto so that we can get settled in."

Her attitude was vital in combating any unease, she knew. If they sensed she was worried, they would worry. In this case, it worked out for the best because there was no one she trusted in all of Idalos more than her husband.

The snow had started falling already, but temperatures were quickly falling. A thought flickered through her mind. "Fintan?"

The phoenix appeared, hovering near her, taking in the scene. "This is not usual, Elisabeth."

Blinking, she shook her head, briefly wondering if the diri was commenting upon the assembled people or the weather, but the answer was the same regardless. "No, it's not. Could you check with Ishallr and find out if they happen to know anything about this unusual storm? We are moving the settlers to the Grotto to wait it out."

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared, off on the mission given.

word count: 620
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Balthazar Black
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Re: [Haven] Safe Haven

1 Cylus 723
The air in the grotto had only grown colder as the storm approached. At some point before the first snow fell, Balthazar's spark caught up to the warning that Woe had given them and alertedCalling - The Defier becomes aware of an element's voice and can follow it. A Defier intuitively senses a shift in the wind which heralds a coming storm quicker than almost any other creature. The closest any of them agree on is that the bigger the manifestation, the louder it is. the mage to the coming storm. It didn't matter. He didn't let it distract him from what he'd been doing. He kept to his breathing while he built the bridge between a place he had been and the place he was. It had taken time and focus for him to link the two moments in his memory. He felt it took him more focus than others due to his memory. He knew too many of the details about where he was trying to go but it all ended the same way.

He tore through the space.

A flicker of smoke in the air turned into a wide and stable portal with blue flames lining the outline. On one side, the grotto. On the other, Haven. Robin was still off in the side chambers, setting up as much as he could with the supplies that they had- which was not much. They had left quickly and they had come with the intent to get back to Haven quickly. The supplies that they had would not sustain the settlement but fortunately Elisabeth was on top of that challenge. When the portal opened, Balthazar had a moment to breathe and he took it but he did not drop his focus. He couldn't perform a great many tasks while the portal (bridging a decent distance) remained open but he could help out enough to get the settlers through.

It was strange. This was what he had imagined when he put Haven on the most isolated portion of the island. He had thought he would be able to link them to anything they needed through portals. Blood magic was meant to make the portals last longer than he could maintain them. He was not Saoire. He could not create the gateways that she could... but he could have done something better than what he did. He let himself get caught up in his anger about the trial. Self-reflection was not intrinsic to magic use but Balthazar had lived with his spark long enough that sometimes using the magic helped him remember who he was- or who he felt like he was... then again maybe that was the spark convincing him. Most scholars without magic seemed to lean that way.

For the moment, grand theory could take a back seat to everything else he was doing. The settlement needed him but more importantly, Elisabeth did. The portal opened on his side and, given that his eyes were closed when it happened and he had been expecting it, the opening was not surprising. Robin heard the loud searing noise that accompanied Balthazar breaking space. He came jogging from the chamber he'd been in and shouted out to the settlement on the other side-

"We have enough space!" His voice echoed throughout the chamber Balthazar was in but the message was for Haven. Balthazar didn't move. He kept his focus on holding the portal. Only one voice would break his focus... well four but he was only thinking about one.
word count: 598

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: [Haven] Safe Haven


Snow, Snow, Snow....

“Something’s out there, Elisabeth!” Balder’s voice rose over the chattering of the settler’s voices, prompting her to move through the assembled people and look out the door. Sure enough, it was Balthazar’s portal.

Acting as a vehicle for communication, Robin’s voice came through the opening loud and clear. It was time to move the people through, but even that was a matter of specific logistics.

Understanding the need for expediency, noting the falling snow, Elisabeth gestured for Fastia to join her. “I need you to go through first. I’ll send the first group of settlers after with Lore. If everything proceeds smoothly, I’ll follow the last group through with the guards and the boys.”

Adjusting the toddler in her arms, Elisabeth ensured the sand pack she had wrapped around his back was secure. She smiled reassuringly at the settlers. “Time to go.”

On the other side of the portal, Fastia appeared. An ‘all clear’ was passed through the portal, bringing Lore and the first ground of settlers. They would follow Robin’s direction about where to start setting up, clearing the immediate area so the rest could come through, and ending with Elisabeth – by design. Being the last one through ensured no one was left behind in Haven. The entire process only took moments, owing to the small number of people and their readiness.

First things first. The moment she stepped through the portal, Elisabeth had one thing on her mind – warmth for the Ithecals. Handing Qunitus to his mother, the mage quickly dug out a pineapple-shaped object from inside her bag. Motioning for those with the children to follow her, she quickly assessed the chambers, wanting a place where something producing heat would be most optimal.

The third chamber ended up being the most promising spot, so without further ado, she set the pineapple on the ground, and immediately, the heat began radiating from it, speaking as she did so. "Fastia, I trust you to tell us what we can do to help you and the boys stay warm. You obviously know your race's physiology better than I do, but whatever we can do to help, we will."

With that pressing issue taken care of, it was time for the rest. “Okay, everyone, use these two adjoining larger chambers to set up an area for yourselves. We need to start consolidating all the food that has been brought along. Maris, can you spearhead that? Find a suitable area just outside the main chambers. The chill should extend the life of the things we brought with us.”

Clothing was another concern. “Those of you that have extra warm clothing, let’s get that all stored in one place to help supplement people that might need them – Jolene, I’d like you to handle that. Suitable layers must be worn to keep the heat trapped between your body and the material. Keep moving as well. We will iron out some more specific guidelines shortly.”

Jolene mentioned quickly that she had a few items that might be suitable for Fastia’s sons, saved from when William was young. Fastia looked on in awe as the settlers ensured the boys were clothed – as best they could be due to circumstance. Haven was a village where everyone cared for each other, and the four Ithecals were now part of them.

Everyone was busy with assigned tasks, keeping their minds on those instead of the peculiarly dangerous situation they found themselves in. Again, by design of the settlement leader herself - busy people had less time to worry. Giving them clear guidance was at the top of her list.

While the people went about their work, Elisabeth went to confer with Balthazar and Robin, careful not to interrupt any work the pair might be doing, waiting for them to have a moment for her.

“I’m concerned about keeping people moving. We could be here for a few days, and people need sleep, but I’m unsure about allowing larger periods of sleep. Keeping their body temperatures as close to normal as possible is optimal. We can give people warm sandbags to help, but I think naps for a few hours in the room with the fire might work. We can create a schedule and rotate people through so people get some sleep every eight hours or so?”

Keeping people moving in confined spaces offered something of a challenge. “Several tasks will need to be tended to while we are here, but I’m not sure enough to necessarily keep everyone busy. We might need to brainstorm some ideas for that. I can send some people back to the cave entrance to collect snow for water since we need that fairly soon.”

They needed to discuss a plan for keeping an eye on Haven and its structures, but that could wait until the people were settled.

word count: 822
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Balthazar Black
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Re: [Haven] Safe Haven

1 Cylus 723
Balthazar did not do very much while waiting for the whole of Haven to pass through the portal since he needed to maintain focus, but while Elisabeth organized the groups of people and helped them move into the cave, Balthazar found and conferred with the Black Cats who were in Haven beside the portal. He asked for simple reports about the sand and his things, both of which he'd left to them to protect while he and Robin found the land entrance to the grotto. When he was done with the debrief, he had the Black Cat's join Robin's effort at setting up camp. His forge was safely tucked away to protect it from the snow and workshop had been secured. Sand had been distributed as Elisabeth instructed. A good number of his magical items had been brought through and they were with Simula and Nimbus, either in the saddlebags or attacked. Simula and Nimbus, his two fine friends, were in what had been regarded as the warmest chamber due to Balthazar's specific instructions.

It was not to say he would let a settler die before one of his mounts, but he was not going to let what happened to Tornado happen to Simula and Nimbus.

Robin, for his part, remained within the grotto and helped set up campsExpert Fieldcraft, Potentially Master with Balthazar's Taskmaster Capstone as it is a task Balthazar gave him for each group of people. Robin was better at building a camp than Balthazar but not necessarily a fire. Balthazar could think a fire into existence, Robin rubbed sticks and could do it almost as fast. Well, he didn't just rub sticks together. Thinking as much would have been an insult to flint and steel. Never mind that, Elisabeth would likely have noticed Robin moving around quickly between the chambers to make sure that everything was being set up to the highest of his ability. Faulty shelter would do them no good when the cold really rolled in. When the Black Cats who were in Haven finished speaking with Balthazar and came to help, Robin was able to slow down a little because they were helpful.Boosted by Balthazar's Taskmaster capstone.

Once everyone was through the portal, Balthazar took a last look out at the snow falling over Haven. He took a deep breath and with a small gesture he sealed the portal. He immediately felt his body snap back to him. It wasn't overstepping. Clarity returned to his thoughts as a result of not maintaining the portal. He knew that he would need to reopen the portal routinely so that a small team could go and clear away snow in Haven without having to push through the cold to get there. He also knew he might need to open another portal to the Sentry if the water level began to rise or if they decided it was a better idea. Both would take him about the same time if he wanted to make stable portals. A break, maybe two if he wanted to play it really safe.

With the portal gone, Balthazar turned his attention to helping everyone get settled in. Robin found him quickly.

"We're settled in but the cold is... worse in the grotto than the rest of Faldrass. Snow won't be a problem but the temperature might unless we figure out a way to change it." Robin said, "We have a decent number of skilled hands but Elisabeth is instructing them better than I can. Most of the tents are up and supplies are being... shared. I'm concerned how long sharing will last, but it's working for now."

"Sharing will last as long as Elisabeth needs it to. We will make sure of that." Balthazar said, "As for the cold, I could try to transmute the walls of the cave. It might make them warm like the sand. Might also make them crumble though so we'll figure something else out. We need to tell Elisabeth." Balthazar decided at about the exact time that Elisabeth came looking for them. He gave her a small, side-hug with his always unnaturally hot bodyDefiance mutation when she reached them and then went right back to business. Elisabeth was quick to bring concerns that she had to the two of them. Robin and Balthazar exchanged a glance, thinking the same thing before they spoke.

"Movement will warm them up some, but also make them tired." Robin said, "It might upset people if we try to schedule their sleep. Bad times can bring out the best in people... but also a lot of tension. The sand would help though, I can have the company start distributing what they collected."

"Haven's guards and the Black Cats can make a schedule work for themselves while watching the people to make sure they're healthy enough." Balthazar added, offering the Black Cats' aid with whatever was needed. "If people get sick, I have some abilities which might be able to help. As for water, I think we should keep people as far from the snow as possible to keep them warmer. You and I can create and store it with magic- I did that for a small community after the eruption, but we also have some items. I had the Black Cats pack my glass bottle from the Sweetwine. It's always a least half full of water. Two of my bags can create food each trial as well so we should have rations covered. And-" Balthazar seemed to remember something and he turned to Robin- "Did you bring the little barrel?"

"We did." Robin said.

"We have purple whiskey." Balthazar said, "Not a lasting solution to the cold but... we have it. Anyways, I'll handle a schedule for opening a portal to check on Haven. I'll also send some of the company to explore the caves- if you could spare one of the guards to help they might get it done faster. Once we find water, we can watch to make sure it isn't rising. If it rises I can get a portal ready to take us somewhere else. Robin and I were thinking the Sentry if we really need to move. What else?" He asked both Robin and Elisabeth, his mind having run to the end of his list of tasks ahead of them for the moment.

word count: 1079

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Elisabeth Black
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Re: [Haven] Safe Haven


Snow, Snow, Snow....

Focusing on getting the people settled was her primary concern. Elisabeth hadn’t wanted to move the settlers from Haven, but there had been too many unknowns, limited information, and little time. Wasting the warning they had been given wasn’t an option.

She let Balthazar do his work, and she did hers. Getting the pineapple down had been the priority, giving warmth to those most vulnerable until they could sort out their new environment.

Once that was done and her husband was back with them entirely, no longer sustaining the portal, he greeted her with a gentle embrace, which she returned with a bright smile. Regardless of circumstance, he could always make her smile.

He and Robin had things they wanted to discuss, and with that, Elisabeth listened. They had several good points – some things she hadn’t thought about. Perspective was always a wonderful thing, and while they didn’t have a significant amount of time to make decisions, being able to relax for a moment or two and consider options was something of a luxury.

With a wave of her hand, Elisabeth brought Lore and the guards into the discussion, letting them overhear the topics of the moment while she addressed concerns.

“I can raise the temperature a little. It will buy us some time to make better arrangements and set up heat sources – a blessing from Xiur. It will only last a day but should be enough time for us to see some benefit. “

Without further discussion, Elisabeth closed her eyes. She thought of the Lord of Hope, filling her mind with the hope she carried in her life, connecting to his domain and calling upon Cooling/Warming TrendThe Blessed can impart an actual rise or drop in local temperature, to bring relief and encourage good moods. This can be up to a 15-degree effect in a single building; a 10-degree effect over a city block, or a 5-degree effect over a small village. At "Adored", raise the effect by an additional 5 degrees, and make the new 5-degree area be the size of a large town. At "Exalted", add another 5-degrees, and have the new 5-degree area be the size of an entire city. This effect will remain for an entire trial, but can not be generated again for another three. to raise the temperature in the immediate area and ease things for the settlers.

As she released the ability, a whispered word of gratitude to Xiur found its way into the universe. “Thank you.”

When done, different matters were discussed. Standing beside Balthazar with one arm around his back, she moved on to the next topic. “Alright then. No sleep schedules, but I want people to prioritize movement.”

Nodding at Balthazar’s offer of the Black Cats to help keep an eye on the settlers, Elisabeth continued. “The Cats assistance will be most welcome. I have some items that will ease our way as well. A water decanter and health pack with rations if needed.”

When Balthazar mentioned opening a portal to check on Haven, Elisabeth took out her scrying snowglobe. “No need, love. We will be able to see what is happening there. Then, if needed, we can go and hopefully counter it in time.”

She agreed with the rest of their suggestions, including moving to the Sentry should things become too dangerous in the caverns. Ronan volunteered to help the Cats explore, and everyone else returned to their previous duties.

Glancing tiredly around, Elisabeth was weary, but more work was needed. Robin was right that stressful times often caused strife, and she could do a little something about that.

As they worked, Elisabeth began singing. Her voice wasn’t great, but the song was well-known in Haven. As she sang, she smiled, releasing a Xiur-granted ability Ethelynda's Thanks - With thanks for all she has done, Ethelynda gifts Elisabeth one of her abilities. She thanks Elisabeth for seeking to Inspire those around her and gives her this ability. This may be utilised 3 times a season. that would briefly help morale and settle people so they could work more efficiently together as they faced the reality of their situation.

word count: 708
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Balthazar Black
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Re: [Haven] Safe Haven

1 Cylus 723
Elisabeth didn't wait to discuss whether or not she should use her ability to alter the temperature and Balthazar trusted her judgement so he assumed she could do it more than one time this season. Well... he hoped she could because he had a bad feeling that they still hadn't seen the worst of the snow yet. Elisabeth agreed not to schedule sleep but still insisted on prioritizing movement and no one voiced opposition to that. The people of Haven would find things to do other than sit around and avoid being cold or Elisabeth would find things for them to do it seemed. When he mentioned preparing portals to keep an eye on Haven, Elisabeth produced the snow globe that Saoire had given him and he had given her. It would allow them to watch everything happening in the settlement and it would be easier than opening portals... well, a little. Scrying portals weren't too difficult.

"Could you let me know when the snow starts piling too high on the buildings?" Balthazar asked Elisabeth, "I can repair them if they are damaged but I'd rather they not collapse." He was worried about the weight of the snow piling up in Haven and had a fairly simple magical solution for it. Fire. Melting the snow on the buildings into water and moving the water would be easy to do when it was needed. Elisabeth began to sing and Balthazar could tell she was using another of her blessings. Balthazar did not sing. He continued to work with the Black Cats and Haven's guard to organize and prepare for however long they needed to stay here.

Within a few bits word got back to Balthazar that the guards and Black Cats who went looking had found the grotto's sea entrance and would monitor the water level for any signs of change that they needed to be concerned about. If the water moved closer to the chambers that they were settled into, it would be a fairly clear sign that they needed to move. Whatever came next, they wanted to have a response ready.

word count: 361

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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