● Have you roleplayed before? If so, where? If you have, how long have you been roleplaying for? Roleplayed a lot of places, a lot of formats. Started out roleplaying on vaporware mmorpg roleplay forums, then moved on to proper play by post games like Aelyria and others. I played the mud scene for a small bit. I still play the Aelyria, but wanted something to do when I want to cut loose with a different style of rpg and have some extra time.
● Do you have any nicknames you go by? Is there a name you prefer people to call you? Eh, I like to keep my identity somewhat on the down low. You can find out if you're determined enough, but I guess Ror will do for now.
● What are some of your most favorite characters you've made? They can be from MMORPGs, Video Games, etc. I'll give some details. I've played everything from an evil drow mage (blasphemy I know. They're all supposed to be goody rangers, right?) to vampire priest, to an amazon warrior woman.
● Is there anything you're excited about when it comes to the Standing Trials RP? Anything that you're concerned with? Just a different style of play by post than I'm used to. I usually opt for the kitchen sink fantasies. I like that this one is focused on human-like races for the most part. I'm a little concerned that the item and wealth management might be more micromanagement based, but that's a design choice that I'm at peace with. Aelyria was that way until a few years ago anyways.
● Do you consider yourself skilled in something (Art for example), if so, what is it? Do you have a favorite hobby besides RPing? Nah, most of the things I enjoy I'm not very good at (video games, reading, and I guess I have no other hobbies. Bit of a homebody.).
● What is something unique about you? I'm mediocre at best, at EVERYTHING. J/K I don't care.
● How did you find us? Googled Gossamer Mizahar Reviews and found a forum war that mentioned this site. So here I am. I was surprised and yet not to find that others had problems with her. Won't get into too much detail about it, except to say that people who pick others up and put them down almost as quickly are disconcerting. I don't have strong feelings on the matter, just know it's best to avoid those types.
Eh sorry if that was too heavy. Hope to have fun here soon.
I've found you. Ruh roh.
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- Rorom
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I've found you. Ruh roh.
Ruh roh indeed! Welcome to Standing Trials, Rorom!
I'm super pleased you discovered us, albeit through a somewhat unconventional method.
It sounds like you're bringing a wide variety of roleplay experience with you to our forum, which is awesome to see. I look forward to checking out your character once you're settled in!
Please don't hesitate to hop on Chat to say hello, and to reach out to myself or any of the other ST staff if you have any questions.
Have you decided what race you'd like to play, and/or what city you'd like to start in?
I'm super pleased you discovered us, albeit through a somewhat unconventional method.

Please don't hesitate to hop on Chat to say hello, and to reach out to myself or any of the other ST staff if you have any questions.
Have you decided what race you'd like to play, and/or what city you'd like to start in?
word count: 105
"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
Office | Rharne | Rharne Lore | Lightning Knights | Thunder Priestesses | Merchants Guild
Office | Rharne | Rharne Lore | Lightning Knights | Thunder Priestesses | Merchants Guild
- Incubus
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I've found you. Ruh roh.
omgggg welcome! 
I was actually involved in that Miz review flame war. 8) Lmao. It was too good to resist. But that was waaay back, before ST was that much of a thing.
Good to see you here, though, my friend. I am very excited to get to know you and of course to RP with you!

I was actually involved in that Miz review flame war. 8) Lmao. It was too good to resist. But that was waaay back, before ST was that much of a thing.
Good to see you here, though, my friend. I am very excited to get to know you and of course to RP with you!
word count: 57
- Rorom
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I've found you. Ruh roh.
Thanks for the welcomes! I'm going to be playing a Biqaj something or other. Probably starting out with a boat, sounds like a cool way to start out. I'm not sure about the city, I still have a lot of work and reading to do before I can even get into this. For instance, I still need to get my head around the advanced formatting you folk are so fond of

word count: 73
- Incubus
- Prophet of Old
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I've found you. Ruh roh.
word count: 6
- Jade
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I've found you. Ruh roh.
Welcome to the site, Ror! It's a pleasure to meet you 
A Biqaj (Pronounced Ba - K - High cause it doesn't sound the way it's spelled and everyone asks lol) is definitely a great choice of race. Though all the races are wonderful, I love the Biqaj because of their charming and care free nature. As Incubus mentioned, Ne'haer is actively recruiting citizens
It's also a home city for the Biqaj. So if you're interested in joining us there, definitely let us know!
There's also a lot of info on the site and unfortunately, we expect you to get confused. If you are, like Rumour said, don't be afraid to let us know. We love helping new members and setting them up for success when it comes to their time on this forum. We're here to make your RP enjoyable and ST a welcome place for you to hang out at.
Happy writing!

A Biqaj (Pronounced Ba - K - High cause it doesn't sound the way it's spelled and everyone asks lol) is definitely a great choice of race. Though all the races are wonderful, I love the Biqaj because of their charming and care free nature. As Incubus mentioned, Ne'haer is actively recruiting citizens

There's also a lot of info on the site and unfortunately, we expect you to get confused. If you are, like Rumour said, don't be afraid to let us know. We love helping new members and setting them up for success when it comes to their time on this forum. We're here to make your RP enjoyable and ST a welcome place for you to hang out at.
Happy writing!
word count: 161
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
- Inali
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I've found you. Ruh roh.
Oh my! I did this exact same thing a few weeks ago! I posted pretty much the same answer in my Welcome Wagon thread.Rorom wrote:● How did you find us? Googled Gossamer Mizahar Reviews and found a forum war that mentioned this site. So here I am. I was surprised and yet not to find that others had problems with her. Won't get into too much detail about it, except to say that people who pick others up and put them down almost as quickly are disconcerting. I don't have strong feelings on the matter, just know it's best to avoid those types.
Anyways, welcome to ST. It's fantastic here and we're more than happy to help you out and be a drama free zone. (Unless it's IC drama, that is!)
word count: 138
- Linika
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I've found you. Ruh roh.
I could not be more delighted to find someone willing to make the historically accurate evil drow mage, rather than just another "off-the-assembly-line" Drizzt copy.
Kudos to you!! I never played a drow for that very reason, you were either "copying Drizzt" or you "weren't playing Drizzt"!
And I wish I could have gotten in on that Miz exchange, but alas, I was booted long ago.
Kudos to you!! I never played a drow for that very reason, you were either "copying Drizzt" or you "weren't playing Drizzt"!
And I wish I could have gotten in on that Miz exchange, but alas, I was booted long ago.
word count: 70
- Poison -
"Shelf Life'...What an ironically contradictory concept."
- Linika Amarinthine -
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I've found you. Ruh roh.
Welcome to Standing Trials. Biqaj are tops, good choice.
word count: 9
A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.
- Rorom
- Approved Character
- Posts: 484
- Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:54 pm
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 5
I've found you. Ruh roh.
Thanks again for the welcomes! As you might've seen I have my *cough* WIP character sheet up. I look forward to filling it out and learning this formatting malarkey. I always wanted to play a mizaharesque rpg without the subtle mind games (It has it's merits, I'll admit). Now I can!
word count: 54